The Worst Movies Ever!

Curious thing is that it did relatively well at Rotten Tomatoes. Remember it’s a documentary, not a work of fiction, so it may work even if the kid is unbearable.

I find it really weird how it got an okay score on Rotten Tomatoes, but was completely slanted by users on IMDb. Maybe it’s those who aren’t critics.

Yeah, users aren’t reliable. They just go for the easy thing: love/hate. Look at this boards in the last few weeks 8D

Honestly, don’t hate me, but I don’t hate him. He is over rated, but solely as an artist, I find him strangely tolerable. I really think people over react with the hate.

Most kinds of hate are overreactions, I agree with you :smiley: I don’t really know this kid, so I can really tell.

Timeline was the worst movie I ever saw.

Of course not. I mean, I don’t hate him has a person. I just hate the fact that he’s managed to become so popular with his mediocre singing.

And the fact that, in 17 years, he hasn’t exactly done much to warrant a film :unamused:

Plenty of times you say you’ve “hated” J Katz. That’s the same sort of thing.

^ Yeah, but I also understand what IV tries to say. We do it constantly, but it’s always sort of irrational, “hating” so much something we don’t know. It’s just human behavior, I suppose.

I hate Jeffrey Katzenberg for what he did in animation. I personally believe I’m justified in that, but you don’t have to agree. I just don’t see what JB ever did other than sing some cheesy songs. He didn’t turn on the company that nurtured him, or wreck modern animation, or make a bunch of terrible sequels/spin-0offs/spoofs. I don’t see why everyone hates JB. He’s popular, and that’s his only fault. :confused:

Spy Kids: Game Over and any terrible movie that exploits the magic of 3D for a crappy gimmick. :imp: I had to take the red/blue glasses off because they hurt my eyes after a while. Also, I’d love to nominate Dreamworks’ Antz. It’s just a copy of bug’s life, just from the grasshoppers’ perception of the ants. :angry:

Ah, I remember seeing that in cinemas when it came out. I actually enjoyed it, but the 3D glasses were very uncomfortable.

Apparently, people say Sharkboy & Lavagirl is even worse…

I think 3D should be banned unless the film studio can prove that it can be done properly. When it’s done well, it does the film wonders-I saw TRON: Legacy a while back and I’m sure the 3D pratically saved the otherwise flimsy film, it was that well done. But then you have the nonsense that was Sharkboy and Lavagirl and it makes you want to burst into tears.
(And Geoff, S&L was bloody awful 8D )

^ Yeah, but the Sharkboy and Lavagirls 3D was done before the current Real 3D technique, using another, far inferior method.

We don’t see that kind of thing these days, thankfully.

What about Antz? I didn’t mean to start a fight, just a friendly discussion…

…to me, Antz just sounds like a copy of Bug’s Life from the grasshoppers’ point of view of the ants: as a dictatorship, and Flik is now transformed into Z, an annoying main character who, upon watching the movie, had me rooting for the bad guy to shut Z up. He just WOULD NOT stop talking… :angry: 8D

Well, while to me (not everybody has this opinion) Antz is far inferior to A Bug’s Life, it remains one of the best Dreamworks efforts.

It’s true that Z wouldn’t shut up, but that’s because the whole film was a parody of Woody Allen’s movies, and he even voiced the character. In that respect, it was a clever reference, but most of it’s target audience wouldn’t get it anyway.

Oh, and the character design was lame. The best thing about the movie was a wonderful water effect in the end.

Anyway, I doubt it deserves an spot on an “worst movies” list.

Well then…since you put it that way… :slight_smile:


But don’t get me wrong, the movie bores me. I don’t want to watch it again for a looong time.

It bugs me for–well, they had a good idea but it ended up ripping off Bug’s Life. Bonus points if you saw ABL first and concluded Antz was ABL from their view. Seriously, would ants think their situation was a dictatorship, or a mutualistic situation?