Too bland. Mountain Dew FTW!!!
Violet Parr: I know Texting has become the new in thing. I guess because people can send quick messages while doing something important. it’s also a great way to talk with your friends when your bored and/or in an environment that requires silence and attention, like school (not that I ever got in trouble in school texting… much)
If you want a refreshing ‘coke’ product, taste RC.
Ah yes, I am also a little bit of a fan of Royal Crown. Way better than Coke and Pepsi.
I’m a coke and pepsi fan, but I love cola in general.
I can’t believe someone said Star Wars! I love Star Wars! I don’t get why people love soccer so much. I used to play it and it was fun but it is such a phenom.
Well, to be fair, I don’t understand the Star Wars appeal either.
But I agree on soccer. It gets taken so seriously in England, especially during the World and European cups.
To me Star Wars isn’t bad but it’s hardly perfection incarnate. Granted I think when someone my age (I only actually saw the originals in my 20s beyond a time I saw the last original in sickish fever at 15) sees it something can be lost when you didn’t grow UP with it. It doesn’t really ‘wow’ me and of course the memes from it are everywhere sort of ruining the experience.
Also… the acting isn’t always great to me. It’s no Casablanca. Also I have to admit I just didn’t… care when Obi-wan died. I didn’t feel I knew him well enough to gather an emotional reaction to it. Even though it was actually something I didn’t know would happen in fact. (I know, living under a rock). But I just never connected to Obi-Wan much.
Star Wars I think is above average. And it helped Sci Fi get a good kick start- I mean Sci Fi obviously existed. Doctor Who even then had been around for a LONG time but I don’t think anyone out of Britain probably knew much about it. Many Sci-Fi shows and movies (or simply their popularity or contining existence) owe it probably to Star Wars. My mother loves Star Trek and while I never got into it she loves it- and like Doctor Who it might be a part of the reason as a franchise it’s STILL AROUND. Even though it already existed of course and probably was popular then (maybe, I don’t know)- Star Wars probably helped bring more fans in its own way. Films are advertised more and more well known then TV shows internationally speaking, especially probably back then. I appreciate its history in a genre I have come to enjoy in other versions and how it’s probably affected them. It’s a classical archetype of the heroes journey and while there are definitly holes, overall it works more than it doesn’t.
But I can’t say I am head over heels in love with it myself.
I love Star Wars. I get that some people don’t, but I don’t know why.
I like Star Wars! I’m not a mega-fan or anything but I think it’s a great series and I enjoy it. It’s aged well too, IMO.
One thing that’s always annoyed me about Star Wars fanatics is when they become incensed over a new version that has a scene that’s been edited.
^ I personally hate it when they edit movies, regardless of what movie it is. That ruins it.
I agree!! fist-bump
^ I personally hate it when they edit movies, regardless of what movie it is. That ruins it.quote]
But my thing is, why get so upset about another version of a movie you’ve seen countless times? Ignore the version with the edits you don’t like and stick with the version (or versions) you love.
It’s probably been said, but Twilight.
I don’t get why people love sweet potatoes so much! They are awful!
Twilight kind of fascinates me in a morbid sort of way. It has horrible implications about relationships and love as well as the male/female dynamic in romantic heterosexual relationships. Without meaning to. (We are really supposed to see it as romantic and right.) Its main characters are either dull, horrible or both. The main character is supposed to be ‘mature’ but is in fact an utter brat. The first book has next to no plot, instead dedicating a large portion of its word space to describing how handsome the main male lead is. In purple prose. Using clunky phrases and exposition and even words in the wrong context. These are all MAJOR no-nos in writing. Blindness to some characters faults and horrible actions happen (even in best sellers) because of authorial bias but Twilight takes it to rather insane heights.
And yet this… thing… somehow became a best seller. It is -insanely- popular. I mean Harry Potter is hardly perfect in my view, but how the heck did something like that begin to rival the heights of HP when HP had a whole world and many various characters to get to know? They’re not really comparable. Harry Potter at least had plot. It had holes and some problems definitely despite its status in modern world. But it had plot. Twilight didn’t have a plot to punch holes in it in the first place.
The only books I’ve read which are worse have to be “Marked.” by the P.C and Kirsten Cast- and bits and pieces of Gloria Tesch’s self published book.
It baffles and frustrates a lot of people Twilight, especially writers.
Granted Meyer may be completely clueless as to how wildly off the mark she is in terms of her writing intent versus valid interpretations and criticisms- but she continually went after publishers until she was accepted after who knows how many rejections- that took some guts and work. Shame she didn’t channel it into improving her craft. And she spent a lot of time getting it known even afterwards I believe. And I guess it had some of those guilty pleasure things a large number of women/girls seemed to get into. (I mean yeah you do get those horrible books written by both men and women which never make it big on their own but collectively probably don’t do half badly in sales).
Honestly though some actual ‘fans’ of the series don’t get it -they freely admit it is like junk food for the brain. And for some they say back when they were younger, you did sometimes think or feel like Bella (an insecure person who thought she was more mature than everyone else… regardless of the actual reality) and probably wanted an Edward, someone entirely devoted to you. Even though when you get older you recognised those all being the signs of an abuser if all Edward did DID actually happen in real life to you. It’s really just a harlequin romance ‘appropriate’ for young teenagers which got coverage and publicity in the end. PWP as they say in fanfic… without the first P.
I don’t get the appeal myself at all though. I pretty much read the first book and wasn’t sure how I managed to get through it.
Unusually the third movie wasn’t half bad, but then my expectations were lower than Satan’s sewage system when I went in I suppose. But hey, at least there was some action I guess and they weren’t stating at each other all the time.
Plus the Vampire counsel (Volturi) is an interesting idea I suppose.
If a more capable author had it anyway.
COMPLETELY agree. Nasty!
Are you guys nuts? Sweet Potatoes are AWESOME! Especially if they come in those thin french fry forms, yummy!
But my favorite kind of fries of all time was the sesame fries that one of the restaurants at St. Helens used to serve. They would be batched with a fence-like form, and they were oh so delectable!
Dude, I love sweet potatoes! I’m not sure if it’s something that the world is overhyping about, but I love the sweet potatoes.
They seem like a new trend or something. All of a sudden, a bunch of places have them. They even had fries of them at my school.
My friend gave me a couple, and I didn’t know what they were. After I tasted it, I was like AAHHHHHH!