Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Are the DS Hamm Banks being sold exclusively in the USA?

Has anyone seen them in other countries?

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this before, or if anyone has noticed, but do any of you guys ever look at some of the reviews on sites like ToysRUS about the TSC stuff? It makes me laugh, but also makes me somewhat frustrated at the sheer lack of accountability some of these parents have for their actions. They write reviews saying they purchased Buzz for their 3 year old, and when he dropped it it broke, and it was the manufacturer’s fault for designing the toy cheaply, or they gave their 4 year old Jessie and when they tried to wash her in the swimming pool, she stopped working, and it’s the company’s fault for not making the toy better. It just makes me laugh that all of these people blame the company when in reality it’s just their poor decision to buy a $50 collectible toy for their young child without taking into account the fact that little kids usually aren’t gentle with their toys, so they will break more often than not, hence why Thinkway made the cheaper versions of the characters available at the same time. Just my mini rant at 2 AM in the morning, but I’d be glad to hear anyone else’s thoughts on this as well.

I really try not to, I get temped to get into a heated debate with those kind of people when its not even worth my time.

There are also some idiotic reviews on Amazon and when I read them I just think to myself, “who would get so worked up over a toy?”

Yeah, I know what you mean. It just is disappointing, because the people that have nothing but negatives to say about these toys are the ones who get heard, because they complain to everyone, so it starts a bad rap for them, and I would hate for someone to not be able to enjoy this line just because they got a bad taste about it from someone else’s poorly-informed review.

Hey Guys Im new here to pixar planet i discovered this forum a week ago and read all the way from pg.1 till 350 so no need to catch me up i know evrything thats been going on my current collection is Bucket-O-Soldiers And Buzz Thats it for now hop to get more soon…[/b]

let’s make fun with a poll,will be the TSC Zurg come like this?

or this

I’d say the second on because it is the one from the movie, but we still don’t know if we’ll get a Zurg :frowning:
Where’d you get that first picture I’ve never seen it before :question:

if im correct the first pic is from the buzz lightyear ride at disney plz correct me if im wrong i would also like to know. :smiley:

I i guess im a little to late to start this thread it seems like its died down but i guess ill just stay and wait for any info on wave 3 i would like to see…
Stinky Pete
and Mrs.P
I think those are the moset obvious choices trixie because she is from the same line as rex.Mrs.P because all they gotta do is change mr.p’s parts and swap out the voice box.stinky pete to complete the round up and zurg cause he would sell like hot cakes because ppl just love him :exclamation:

They’re very similar, but if Pixar is using their data, we’re definately getting the one from the second picture. Hey, silicagel, since you found my post about Zurg’s box, could you also bring up that picture I posted from the Toy Story 2 video game?

And YouAreAToy!!! is correct.

yeah i kinda thought that zurg was from the buzz ride i used to ride the buzz ride like 3 times in a row when i was a kid :smiley: well anyway back on topic does anyone know where i can get a tsc rex for a reasonable price and not online i never order online to many issues with it… :unamused:

The thing is, we only see the bottom of the box in the movie, so there’s no obligation to use the “correct” box. only a very nich group of fans like us would know any better. /Besides that, the original one looks very plain, almost unfinished, presumably they didn’t try very hard since it wouldn’t shot up on screen from any decent angle. The one shown in the ride has a much more polished and marketable look to it. I believe they would use a shape more like that one. Possibly using the Zurg logo form the original. But there’s no way they would want to tint the window red, obscuring the figure. They’d want the window to be both big and un colored to let people see what their buying. The final design would also be altered with the usual TSC fair, telling us about the features, and slapping on the ugly white TSC logo.

I agree for most of that, but I don’t see how the TS2 model was unfinished. I mean, the front it almost identical, and the only the sides are also very similar as well, displaying the different features on the side. The only difference is the barcode. I still like the movie-used one more because it resembles Buzz’s box more in shape.

Now, does anyone know what the text is on the Disney Zurg box?

i totally agree with kyle i mean they couldnt use the movie box cause there wasnt one in the first place it was basically just a prop in the movie if they were to try and replicate the box in the movie the most they could do is replicate the text and shape of the bottom of the box which is pointless they are better off starting from scratch and sorry for the lack of periods after each sentence i just like to type what i gotta say straight trough without stopping.

I’d like to see the one from the movie, only more jazzed up like the one from the ride. I like the movie one because its similar in shape to Buzz’s box - assuming we get one.

Also, what about the possibility of lower priced TSC items, like the Bucket O soldiers or Aliens. I’d love a TSC Rocky or Robot without electronics…

As for Rex at a reasonable price, I’m not too sure. I personally only ever saw him at the Disney store in SoCal, and that’s where I got him from. I never saw him at any Toys R Us’s or Wal Marts, etc. If you wanted to get a good deal, I’m afraid your only avenue would be online. Look on Amazon or DisneyStore online if you want a more trusted online vendor source.

But I would be cautious of ordering Rex online, he’s one where a good portion of the toy is exposed outside of the box even when he is fully packaged.

Rex may be the most exposed of the toys, but Ive never heard of any quality control problems with him. okay, maybe the one guy who posted in this thread saying something was wrong with the mic, but that was the only one.

well then i guess ill cross my fingers and hope for the best when ordering my rex from amazon and i think someone should start a new topic about zurgs box i think its taking over this thread :laughing: .

Its fine, its TSC speculation, which is perfectly on topic here.

i get that first zurg box picture from another TSC forum out there…but i’m forget what forum is it…
and Dinoco…is that your pic? so you are coheteboy in another TSC forum?haha
but sorry…i didnt open the toy story video game forum…