Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Dam… So i try to buy Mr.Pricklepants from Amazon.UK with a Pre-paid credit Visa giftcard… And it did not work :cry: (I live in Canada) But its said there was something wrong… I guess Pre-paid credit Visa giftcard don’t work when your dealing with exchanging to ₤ from $? Like i dont get why it didn’t work, any one has any ideas… I’m bad with buy stuff online. -_-

I think Amazon UK is only shipping to the UK now because my uncle tried ordering me a Mr. PP for Christmas using his paypal and it did not want to ship to the US it cost a lot more but he ended up buying me him from Firebox… Sucks if Amazon UK would have shipped here I could have had all 3 now I only have one until I can afford the other 2.

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you all get some new TSC! 8D 8D 8D ~

hehe I now have all the collection from thinkway, have a merry christmas too!!

Merry Christmas Everyone! Cant wait to see what everyone gets :wink:

Merry Christmas to all, I wish you guys a very merry holiday! I finalty got a mr prickle pants and a lotso huggin bear for my collection. The falling with style track set was also under the tree this morning, plus i finished my bo peep lamp and sheep! Merry Christmas to ally and I hope you have a great day! :slight_smile:

i got Mr Pricklepants :smiley: i now have all wave 3, and i have enough money to buy Lotso, Buzz & Jessie. Then i just need RC, Rex, Aliens & Mr PotatoHead. :smiley:

Merry Christmas everybody! I wanted to tell you all that last night I received the TSC Dolly and Buttercup from England, courtesy of denzel2364 who was willing to trade them to me for a TSC Potato Head and Disney Store Luxo Ball. To anybody who may want to trade with him in the future, he’s 100% reliable.

I also just got Rex for Christmas from my parents, making my collection of TSC figures 100% complete! :smiley:

Edit: Does anybody know where the battery slot for Rex is? He sounds kind of quiet and I want to see if a battery change will fix that.

Hey guys!!! Check out what I woke up to this Christmas Morning!:


I got Air Tenis, Captn Jack Sparrow doll and… TSC Bullseye!!!

He’s absoulutely beautiful, and huge!!! He’s so huggable! I love his sounds, though it’s funny he vibrates! LOL.

Wish you all had a very happy christmas too!

His battery slot is inside of his body, just remove his tail and you should see it. I only know this because my cousin has one. I unfortunately do not have one :frowning: where did you get him from if you don’t mind me asking! I wish you a merry Christmas and I hope you enjoyed your gifts! :slight_smile:

My parents got him from a seller on eBay for some ridiculous price like $180… but it counted as a lot of Christmas gifts :laughing:

Edit: Thanks, just changed his batteries. He is a bit louder, but he still seems quiet to me. Oh well, it’s a minor complaint I can live with :stuck_out_tongue:

I got Mr pricklepants for christmas (even though i knew i was).i might buy dolly if the price goes down a bit.

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great holiday :smiley: I thought I should just show you guys my collection with the new updates :slight_smile:

I hope to get Totoro and TSC Dolly soon :smiley:

It makes me feel good seeing so many troikas in collections now :smiley:

Man oh man I want a set BAD!!

Still have a few left…

…and Roly Poly Clown is my planning stage

These toys are amazing! I’m envious. :laughing:

to anyone that has bought dolly, mr. pricklepants and buttercup from can you plz PM me i would love to ask you a few quetions it would mean the world to me thanks a bunch (= hope everyone had a good holiday (=

What Zurg is that?