This may be a little out there, but something tells me that the whole deal with Cars 2 is a practical joke. What I mean is that Pixar would never make a film like the one they said was going to be Cars 2. We should know better; Pixar wouldn’t make the film only about Mater and his one-liners, or racing in exotic locations, Pixar is hiding something. Here is my 3-part theory:
1: Everything we know about Cars 2 so far is either a clever little fib, or a smaller detail than it appears. For all we know the finished product could include all the things previously mentioned, like how it’s just the same movie as the original but in different places, or how it’s just an hour and a half long version of Mater’s Tall Tales, but I don’t think so. Sure Mater might still have a more joke-heavy role, but there is obviously a stronger aspect of the movie that Pixar is keeping a secret. That’s also why I think the trailer has been pulled for a longer release date.
2: What could be different about Cars 2? Well, everything. A more epic story, stronger character development, a more romance-heavy theme, life-or-death situations. It could be everything. I keep having dreams about how Cars 2 might turn out. Something tells me there’s going to be lots of explosions, but that’s just me. As I’ve said before, Pixar would never make the movie they’ve convinced us they’re making.
3: Pixar is waiting to release the trailer to make us surprised. Either the trailer would be exactly like we’d expect (pop-culture jokes, tour of some of the World races, and lots of Mater) and we’d have to wait until the movie comes out to be fully surprised by how different it is; or the trailer would be different and would give suspicious fans hope and devoted fans more anticipation. Only time can tell, and I know this may be confusing and that this entire idea of mine could be totally bogus…but something tells me that we don’t know nothin’ 'bout Cars 2…That Cars 2 is a very different movie than we might think, but in a good way.
-And for all you guys out there who are complaining that Pixar is ruining their name by making this film, and that the idea is stupid and bound to suck, bla, bla, bla…Just give it a rest! It’s Pixar! I know I’ve felt unsure about some of their films before, and they all turned out amazing. No matter how bad the trailer for Cars 2 might be, there’s no doubt that the movie will be incredible. “So why don’t you just- shut off!” (-TBLT) To say it in a more nice fashion, just wait a little longer, I think you’ll be surprised by how good the finished product might be.