Top 25 LEAST Favourite Pixar Characters

Oh, I’m sure many people do. They are only fictional characetrs though so my dislike for them doesn’t go outside the movie.

Nemo is a good character, and obviously, like you said, his actor was great. I just personally don’t like Nemo at all. Marlin is the only character I found sympathetic in the entire movie. Well, the turtle Crush was cool and Dory was hilarious.

A little off topic, but I can’t think of any voice actor from any Pixar film that has done a bad job tbh.

I wasn’t all that impressed with Patton Oswalt. Some of his line readings felt extremely awkward.

Dude, I seriously felt the same way. I mean, maybe that’s the reason I didn’t like his character.

Couldn’t be farther apart on Wall-E though, apparently. Still waiting for an explanation on that :stuck_out_tongue:

I know what you mean. I liked his performance, but some of his delivery was puh-retty bad. 8D

I quite liked Patton, but I like his comedy so I’m biased. Yeah, he sure isn’t an actor, but I still think he made something of his character :slight_smile:

25 is a LOT. I don’t have that many.

But I dislike Tony Rydinger.

Well Tony Rydinger doesn’t add very much to the story.

Well, I don’t dislike any major Pixar character. But Rydinger is the kind of person I don’t like, and I hated how they used him in the film.

I really don’t hate any Pixar character, even though there are some that I love to hate, but that’s something entirely different.

How anyone could actively hate on fictional characters is beyond me. /probably hypocrite

  1. Mater
  2. Mia and Tia (Just annoying)
  3. Lizzie
  4. Franchesco Bournelli (not only was he annoying, he was fairly pointless)
  5. Atta
  6. Syndrome (I might not hate him as much if it weren’t for his endless sympathizers)
  7. Violet
    8 ) Dash
  8. Al (I didn’t even like him that much as a villain)
    That’s all I can really think of right now.


How anyone could actively hate on fictional characters is beyond me. /probably hypocrite[/quote:1ydkz8n3]

I agree to some extent…look at my sig… :-\

To me, hating a character is just like hating a person. They act like people, so you can love them, like them, mildly dislike them, hate them.

I don’t necessarily hate any Pixar characters but if I had to pick some I didn’t like, this is who I would pick.

  1. Seagulls from Finding Nemo
  2. Russell
  3. Chick Hicks
  4. Al
  5. Dory
  6. Syndrome
  7. Atta
    8 ) Monster who yells “2319!”
  8. Violet
  9. Jessie
  1. Jessie (She was incredibly annoying in Toy Story 2. She was fine in TS3, but still.)
  2. Charles Muntz’s dogs, besides Dug
  3. Charles Muntz (not very strong reason for being a villain)
  4. Mrs. Potato Head (not too bad, just kinda annoying)
  5. Big Baby (I agree with Chuckles, not such a bad character, and I can feel bad for him, but why does Lee love him so much? He’s creepy…)

I think BB creepiness was a stroke of genius.

I thought Big Baby was cute when I frst saw him, but when I saw the creepy side, that was totally unexpected. it freaked me out and it made me jump out of my seat.

[quote="xCarsLuverx":zf9c3nem]I agree to some extent…look at my sig… :-\[/quote:zf9c3nem]

Really? That’s really funny, seeing as how you always say y6ou hate Meter and Holley. :?

[b:zf9c3nem]RacRules[/b:zf9c3nem]: That’s a great list right there! [b:zf9c3nem]Ballboi[/b:zf9c3nem]'s is also very interesting. I mostly agree with both of you. 8D