Toy Story 3

I couldn’t seem to

find a thread for any news regarding a possible Toy Story 3?

Well, the thing is, TS3 is still an unknown for now. We don’t even know if it is in


Otherwise, welcome to Pixar planet.

Word on the street

is that Pixar is going to do this film eventually, but we’ll just have to wait and see unitl then.


yes – welcome to Pixar Planet! I absolutely love your

screen name. :wink:

[b]Welcome to Pixar Planet Ratzenberger No Onion!! :smiley:


TS3 is still sort of a rumour, but a definite

possibility. As Mitch said, we’ll have to wait and see for more information to come out about it.


welcome to PixarPlanet! That screen name just rocks. :laughing:

First off, thanks for the warm welcome. I’ve been a fan of the Pixar since Toy Story, and my fanaticism

continues to grow, as I’ve become a proud papa. :smiley: I’m looking forward to reading the thoughts of others in

this ever-growing fandom.

I read something over the course of the whole "Toy Story 3 sans

Pixar" thing. Ratz, disgusted with Disney’s MO, protested, all be it a minor

one to some, refusing to voice Hamm or any character in the Pixarless sequel.

Ratzenberger No Onion - You

are most welcome, Mr. Ratz. Mind if I call you that? :wink:

All of here obviously have a looming fondness for

Pixar Animation Studios, its artists, films, and the company in general; henceforth, you are definitely in the

right place. Please feel free to browse the forum boards at your leisure, for we all share the same (or…most of

the same) interests here.

I hope you enjoy your stay with us. :slight_smile:

As for the whole

Toy Story 3/Ratzenberger thing: He did that, huh? I don’t blame him. I’d much

rather prefer that Toy Story 3 be in Pixar’s hands, if it will even be made at all.

Although, from the sound of it, the film might hit the theaters in the near future…if all goes well.

Well, we still don’t know if

Pixar is or is not going to be a part of the production. One thing is for sure though. If Pixar is involved,

their good luck charm wil be there as well. Even Mr. Ratzenberger said so himself.

ahem News

flash folks… Pixar runs Disney for all intensive purposes now. Pixar’s films will NEVER be sequeled without

Pixar at the helm.

Therefore, Ratzenburger has no reason to

protest, as TS3 would essentially be a Pixar film anyway.

Now, so far, we don’t 100%

know if they are working on a TS3 right now. However, it usually takes about four years to make a film for Pixar.

Maybe they have started it already, but don’t want to say anything to the outside world.

Dash wrote…

ahem News

flash folks… Pixar runs Disney for all intensive purposes now. Pixar’s films will NEVER be sequeled without

Pixar at the helm.

i am aware of this
i was referring to a ‘protest’ PRIOR to

Disney acquiring Pixar…

i was simply stating that in this day and age someone still knows

something of loyalty

Wow, i

didnt know they’d even consider doing Toy Story 3 without Pixar. If this is true, I’m glad John stuck to his

guns didnt want to do it without them.

Honestly, one will have to consider what

would a TS3 be without Pixar.

The Star Swordsman - I agree with your statement completely…

One of

my…“resources” happened to see some storyboards for the film when it was under Disney’s supervision,

and “he” said that is looked kind of so-so. Thank goodness for Pixar… :stuck_out_tongue:

Has there been any rumors been going around about a possible TS3 story plot?

Here you go, [b]The Star


[url=]Toy Story 3 on


Not that Wikipedia is always accurate, but it’s worth a look.

It makes me wonder who is going to be/play the villain if there is gonna be a release?

I dunno, but I hope Zurg comes back. He was great… :wink:

Zurg was a good guy. And now, he is catching up with his

“son”. I doubt it. I think it might be careless kids who don’t care for their toys.