Toy Story 3

Yeah, that’s

true. Zurg was the “Darth Vader” figure, so he doesn’t count as a villian anymore.


careless kids, huh? I don’t like the sound of that. But hasn’t that been done before, with Sid? I’m not sure

if Pixar would want to carry that same theme again, but you never know.

I was thinking along the lines of

an animal or a really evil toy (Zurg doesn’t count, as you said). We’ll see…we’ll see. Or, should I say,

hopefully…we’ll see. :wink:

I wonder if we will encounter Sid/Scud again. THis time,

he is all grown up and well. . . I don’t know. Just a theory.

I don’t think there will be any villain character in TS3. Most Pixar movies have had

villain characters in them, but I’m getting the sense from the rumored storyline that TS3 truly won’t. It’ll

be a situation-driven plot, more like Finding Nemo than their other films. There could be some bad character,

something akin to Darla in FN, but if so, it will be a fairly minor, peripheral character, again like Darla


Of course, I could be entirely wrong, but that’s just what I see happening.

DElf -

Interesting speculation – I think you may be right. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a break from the villains

every once in a while, although…they do tend to strengthen the story at times. But yes – [i]Toy

Story 3[/i] is, from the sound of it, mainly “situation-driven”, like you said.

I think Toy Story 3 needs a villian. It wouldn’t feel the same to me if they didn’t

include one, just because all previous Pixar movies have had a villian in some form.

All that we need is a conflict. Not nessecarally a bad guy. All the story needs

is a problem and a solution. It could be man vs. man, man vs. nature, or man vs. self.

I dunno- the

thought of an orphanage seems interesting, but I suppose a villain would be cooler …

The Star Swordsman - Interesting. I like how you demonstrated

your point by using a “man vs. etc.” example. Perhaps there will be another conflict between Woody and

Buzz again? From what the hear, the story centers around one of the two (or both), so they will obviously go

through some type of barrier in one way or another.

FONY - An orphanage? I

never thought of that. Sounds like it would be kind of a “spooky” setting for the film, if done in a

certain way. Interesting idea, though…

Woody vs Buzz? Sad to say, they already did that. That traces way back to TS1. I doubt they

will repeat.

The Star Swordsman - Mmm –

yeah, that’s true. Something of the sort was also played out in Toy Story 2, when

Woody refused to return (with Buzz) to Andy’s room. It wasn’t really a conflict, though; more like a

disgruntled discussion.

They will argue

again, that is for sure. BUt a conflict as a plot between them, I don’t know. Too redundant.

Mitch- Shoot. I meant

preschool. Man I need sleep. Dunno why I thought orphanage. I was probably thinking of something with my

Thinking about it, being in an orphanage would just mean a kid would either play with one of the toys

and leave and not come back for them, or take the toy and grow up and it’s Andy all over again. =p


by KE
Deleted double post

Wikipedia presents

interesting speculation. Although the thought of Andy abandoning his toys and them being in kind of a sad place

(orphanage) seems like a sad premise to me. I was hoping Andy would at least keep a few or maybe pass them to his

own kids (depending how old Andy would be, if they do decide to make him grown up)

The Star Swordsman - Yeah, you’re right. It is a

little too redundant, as it has been done at least twice before. A third instance would be an overload. But,

knowing Pixar, they’ll think of something…

FONY - Eh – don’t worry

about it. Heh – “Andy all over again”. That would be something…original. (snigger) Come to think of

it, it would be Emily all over again, as well: one of the toys gets “adopted” and cared for before

being thrown on the street at one point in time.

lennonluvr9 - I would also

like to see a slightly older (or adult) version of Andy in the third film, just to show how much time has really

passed between the second film and its successor. Although, will they be able to capture their child audience if

they animate Andy in a grown-up form? Some kids will probably not be able to relate to him anymore if he has

matured into a teen or an adult. On the other hand, they would be able to capture

their teen/adult audience more…

I dunno. We’ll see. :slight_smile:

To be honest, to make TS3 worth it, the

storyline will have to go on a completely different tangent. It seems that most of the storylines in TS1 and 2

were all based on what it’s like to be a toy, and what might happen to you if you were a toy, so it looks as

though they’ve used up those ideas already.

lizardgirl - So, in other words, are you saying that

Pixar may have to resort to switching over to the humans’ aspect – Toy Story from

a person’s point of view? For example: the plot of the movie focuses on Andy or some other kid than on Woody,

Buzz, and the other toys. You know what? If they did that, it just might work. If they could do it

The Incredibles, they could certainly do it with [i]Toy

Story[/i]. :wink:

They always introduce new characters in sequels. I

wonder what they will introduce in TS3?

It would probably be as bad as George of the Jungle 2, or Inpector Gadget 2, and

so on…Movies without the original producers, or actors, are never going to be as good…Pixar has their own

unique touch, and someone else handling their creations would be CATASTROPHIC!!! But yeah, I’m guessing that

they might have some sort of hint about TS3 at Ratatouille. At least, i hope so.


I doubt it. Pixar’s next movie

after Ratatouille is wall-e. So TS3 is at leas two more

years away. We just got a glimpse of Wall-E and that is One and a Half years into the future.

I guess after a few

months have passed after the release of Ratatouille, We might get a hint of the next, next Pixar film. Maybe,

just maybe, it could be a hint to a TS3.