Toy Story 3

Gasduude - I agree. It’s too early for any visual/video information concerning the

film, and we’ll probably only get something after Ratatouille has been out for a

while, like The Star Swordsman said. Perhaps there will be a sneak peak/teaser for

it on the Ratatouille dvd?

Hey! Yeah! :smiley:
Good thinking!

Another problematic dilemma concerning [i]Toy

Story 3[/i] is the apparent “disappearance” of two, wonderful characters: Slinky and Wheezy.

If they are included in the film, who will do their voices? Even if a couple of adequate substitutes are found,

it won’t be the same…

Gasduude - Well, thank you. :smiley:

They can always say Squeakers and Slinky went down to

Andy’s little sister , and they still ocasionally visit . Or they can be in the background . Or , which I hope

they won’t do since it would be too sad , they could say they went , to above , which I think to them would be

the trashcan. :cry:

That’s too sad though . :cry:

But they are going to

return all of the minnor toys in TS3 right? Are they gonna include the classic Green Army men, Robot, and



sorry, maybe it’s me, but why ask a question like this? Who’s to know what characters will be featured in

Toy Story 3, especially since it’s sooo far away? We can

hope to see certain characters in a sequel, but you can’t really

discuss something that nobody has a clue about.

If the topic was a sequel to

The Incredibles, I wouldn’t ask, “Will Tony be in it?” You can’t really

answer that. Instead of asking, I’d say something like, “I hope Tony is in the sequel because…”.

Know what I mean?


PV: Yes, although it is so

distant, it wouldn’t hurt to think about it since a lot of rumors are going around. :wink:

I think they would have to include

the minor toys( including squekers and slinky). Without them, Andy’s room wouldn’t have the same depth.

Yeah i’d like the

other minor toys that were in it to come back, although i’m not sure how that will work if they end up having to

use different voices for Slinky or Wheezy…

[url=] Lee Unkrich to direct Toy Story 3 set

for 2009![/url]


I saw news of this sequel in progress on Wikipedia.[/size]

Guys, you really can’t trust wikipedia. I would need evidence from a more reliable

source in order for me to truely believe that a TS3 is in works.

Um, if you look

closely, it references a article as it’s source. That article here: … id=13&cs=1

Toy Story without John Lasseter

directing? Weird. Oh well, we’ve just swapped the Ace of Spades for the Ace of Hearts (i.e. no real change in

quality). I like Lee Unkrich, he seems to have done a good job in his co-directorships, so I’m sure he’ll bring

TS3 home safely.

Woah, metaphor city!

I also

like Lee Unkrich – he seems like a nice, fun fellow to be around. I was actually kind of waiting for him to

direct a feature since Monsters Inc., so this will give him an opportunity to show

off his skills as a producer/director. I wonder how he’ll fair at the helm?

Thanks for the information,

JV! :smiley:

You’re welcome Mitch! :smiley:

Check this


This is better than Wikipedia.

Chris Sanders left Disney?!



Bill - Ironic how that is the exact same website link that

JV supplied. :stuck_out_tongue: (snigger)

PixarVixen -

Off-Topic: I second that. I don’t think many people (if anybody) are

pleased with this news; I know I sure ain’t. The only good thing that comes out of this is that

American Dog will be in 2-D and not 3-D, which are the types of films that I would

rather see Disney cranking out. Still…

Yeeees? :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh wait…Was that

off-topic part directed at me?


Interesting. I’m sure Lee Unkrich will do a great job.

And Michael Arndt as

the screenwriter? As in the same Michael Arndt who wrote the screenplay for the brilliant [i]Little

Miss Sunshine[/i], and was just nominated for an Oscar as a result of it? I’m definitely in!