Toy Story 3

You know, I wonder if they’ll stay true to the animation and keep Toy Story looking the same as the earlier two movies. Pixar’s movies have changed dramatically in appearance since then and each movie looks better than the last. So I’m probably guessing they’ll opt with the same rendering used for WALL•E and Up. Just a thought, though.

Im sure they’ll use the latest tech they have at thier disposal, but its not like you’ll be aware of it unless your looking for it, or even know What to look for.

Really you only need to look at the toy story 3 trailer and double feature trailer to see what new things their bringing to the table.

What Ive noticed so far is that lighting wise, we have more dynamic shaders, and Ambiant occlusion. The characters look more like they belong in the envirnment now. Colors have more “pop”

Animation wise we have less obvious intersecting.
Facial expression controls are more flexible, characters have more of a stretchy quality to them in general.

And Im sure in the actual movie you’ll seee more simulation based animation. things like cloth and hair have become much easier to manage, so you’ll probably end up seeing an older molly with long wavy hair that moves as she does. you got a bit of that with andy’s mom in toy story 2, but I think they had to do do it manually, so it wasnt quite as natual looking.

The main difference you should see is in the humans in the level of AL (which in my opinion is the best one they’ve done to date, even more so than in the Incredibles).

Remember its never about the software, its how they plan to use it, and I think they’ll make sure to make it look like its in the same universe as the previous 2 movies. They’ll do everything they can to “plus” it but they know where to draw the line to keep the art consistent.

heh I just noticed the shot weve seen of that pink bear is from UP

honstly i dont like that the villian is a stupid bear, it has no weapons,no blades, NOTHING! ,Buzz could easily kick his ass.

They should put a better villian, like another buzz, you know, another buzz as a villian would be great.

Zurg as the main villian would be so cool, he is really strong

But who knows , maybe lotso its just a minion,or he has an army of toys or something lik that

um,lord zedd

The Toy Story movies are G, and why would they but WEAPONS in a G movie,and besides,there TOYS.Why would toys hold REAL weapons?Pixar Planet is the wrong forum for you,go to IMDB,I think you belong there,and besides,swearing is against the rules,even mild language.So,I think you should go on IMDB,you belong there,not here.

Sorry if i was too strong but i never said REAL weapons you know
For example:
zurg has that big weapon that fires balls
the prospector has something like a sword
randall is invisible
charlez has a sword
sindrome has a laser

And after all this great villians we have… A BEAR!!?

What can a bear do
let see…

it isnt strong
maybe it isnt fast

A new model of buzz would be a better villian, buzz can fight, and can hurt the people eyes with his lazer

the toy doesnt need a real weapon, just something to hit his enemy or an abillity that allows him to intimidate his enemy

so, you said this isnt the place for me? alright ,ill go away, but let me remind you that a forum where someone can t have a different opinion isnt a forum

Maybe the bear uses superior knowledge to defeat his enemies. Maybe… He lookes pretty new, so he probably isn’t too much wiser than any other toy. But Zurg was new too, and he was a tough villian. Augh! Forget I even said anything.

He still would need a strong toy to execute his plans

Ohh my god your stupid.

Thats YOUR opinion my friend, im just saying what I think

Why did charlez was a menace to carl and russell, bcause he have weapons and an army of dogs

You don’t need weapons or an army to be a villain. you only need a motive, and capable of being manipulative. Stinky Pete is the perfect example. yes he had a pick axe that he used a couple times, but that isn’t what made him a villain, it was his motives, his determination to prevent woody from making the right decision, by making the wrong one seem like the right one.

Yes, thats right, but remember when buzz was going to save woody? the prospector was strong enough to punch buzz and throw him away

the villian dont need a weapon, it just need an hability to prevent the good guys for winning.

if lotso is manipulative,when they discover him buzz would throw him of a clif and itsdone XDDDDDDDDDD

Dont get me wrong people I LOVE toy story, but i dont think lotso would be a decent villian,i would like another toy or a human,like sid maybe he wants revenge.

However ill have to watch the movie before saying anithing bad, pixar has never let me down

and “annarborjack” the " ohh my god you are stupid" is totally out of place!

Lotso looks larger than Pete though. and the whole intimidating cuddly teddy bear thing sounds just like something Pixar would do, its unexpected.

Heck, I used to have a bear as a kid that could retract his claws and teeth to go from cute and unassuming to evil and vicious in about 30 seconds, which I thought was brilliant at the time. hehheh

But keep in mind when Lee was asked about weather or not Lotso was the villain, he said “ehh…I don’t really see it that way but…” (then he starts to dodge the question)

That to me implies that he IS manipulative, but doesn’t mean they’ll all be out to fight him outside of in a verbal sense.

Ham has also been said to be a villain of sorts in the third movie (according to ratzenberger), so I think Ham and Lotso have similar motives. I’m guessing there will be others as well that aren’t out for blood, but simply disagree with woody, buzz etc.

I never see when they interview lee, so theres not gonna be villian in this movie?ham helping lotso? what the…

Still this would be a great movie

if theres no villian is okay, but toy story needs accion scenes like in the other 2 films

So theres not gonna be action in this movie?

not sure how you’d get to that conclusion…of course there will be action, that much is just a given.

There are some things that every movie is guaranteed to have, one being at least one or two chase scenes. so it doesnt even have be an actual fight between characters.

And Im only speculating about the Lotso working with Ham thing, so don’t take my word for it. They could both have their own motives for all we know.

Well,the double feature is less then a month away,and a longer trailer will be released for Toy Story 3 with ACTUAL footage from the film. So,yeah! I hope it’s a 2:30 trailer,and not be like the Alice In Wonderland trailer if you know what I mean.

Yeah , i hope the second trailer would be great, but toy story 3 will have 2 or 3 trailers? i hope it haves 3 like wall e, up got only 2 trailers :angry:

Up had more than 2 trailers, even though they all kinda recycled a lot of the same footage.

I expect the same deal with Toy 3.

An orphanage? I don’t think that kind of setting would work so well because most of the Disney movie Meet The Robinsons took place in an orphanage.

John Lassiter was presented some sort of special award in Venice today, by George Lucas, and he called up 4 other Pixar guys onstage to share the award with him, apparently the 4 will get minatures of the Lion. Here’s on of the links: … n+Lasseter

Now another link said that certain sections of the upcoming TS3 film were shown at this 66th International Film gathering in Venice.

But check out this picture of dear Mr. Stanton, it’s a goodie: … ew+Stanton

At the Wonder thingee last February in L.A., Stanton called TS3 “very good”, to the admiring crowd of geekoids.