Toy Story 3

Only 405 more days to go! :smiley:

I’m thinking about getting in line. :wink:

New character:

According to MTV Movie Blog, there will be a new MAJOR character in TS3, and here he/she is:

No clue as to name or role yet.

Read … u-find-it/

and then this … red-in-up/

Yay! :smiley: Finally getting TS3 news in, It’s about time! :smiley:

Hmm, I really recognise that toy from somewhere…Interesting. Thanks for the update, Manning!

I heard its a care bear.


Estonian release date is July 30th. :slight_smile:


According to Wikipedia, they were going to do a short movie about when they go to Andy’s grandmom’s house and on the way they meet new toys forgoten by their owners- and it was going to be a direct-to-dvd release.

I don’t know why they scrapped that!

That sounds terrible. Worse than a Dreamworks movie.

Besides Pixar doesn’t do direct-to-video! :open_mouth:

Ive seen that bear in TS2 were the toys are flicking through tv channels looking for Woody, and in monsters inc i think Boo gives him to Sully!

toy story 2 was supposed to be one. not sure if that was the plot or not, but they were doing a direct to video sequel, until it started looking so good they decided to make it a theatrical release.

I’m watching TS2 right now and it’s there when they first see the Al’s Toy Barn commercial. It’s the third toy after Al lays the fake egg.

Wow! Could the sequel could of been planned?

No, this is akin to making Al of Al’s Toy barn into a character. you cant say they planned the second because he was references to in the first. All this is, is they saw a hint of something they could turn into a character, and ran with it in a sequel.

Does this look familiar?


Uh huh.

Think i’ve just seen Lotso in TS1 at the staff meeting at the beginning on top of the shelf.

Think it’s him, at 4:29?

Yes I do. Maybe while working on Toy Story 3, they remembered that bear, and decided “Hey,lets make him the villain!”

Also,folks,the daycare plot is a rumor, but Andy is going to college.

You know, I wonder if they’ll stay true to the animation and keep Toy Story looking the same as the earlier two movies. Pixar’s movies have changed dramatically in appearance since then and each movie looks better than the last. So I’m probably guessing they’ll opt with the same rendering used for WALL•E and Up. Just a thought, though.