Toy Story 3

A113 you are true. People have access in editing the pages and they keep on adding false rumors. If there is one thing A113 thought me, that is not to believe wikipedia, unless there is a valid source.

I think Toy Story 3 will definitely have other toys from Pixar films in Andy’s room. The trouble would be choosing from which Pixar film…

Which is Wikipedia’s own policy, anyway. But please stop bringing this up, A113!

Azz: applause

Ooooh! I’m way to hyped for a movie that’s still over 700 days away. :cry:

I’ve already watched both movies at least twice this week, going on 4 times including the commentaries.

Even though most of what I’ve ready probably isn’t true, at least it gives me ideas to think of until it gets closer to coming out.

I have a lot of faith in Pixar for Toy Story 3. The first two were great and after all the positive feedback from hits like Cars, Ratatouille, and soon to be Wall•e, Toy Story 3 will be nothing short of spectacular.

Besides, think about the way all of Pixar’s movies have evolved from one another. Wall•e looks to be one of the most visually stunning so far.

But anyway, I just hope we get some good solid news about the movie soon. I really wonder what the plot will be like this time around…

Well kowing how Pixar usually keeps things very secret we won’t be knowing too much about the plot till the movie would actually be realeased.
Trailers won’t say a lot too, bacause usually they make trailers that don’t match the movie’s story.

I was looking on IMDB and the synopsis for TS3 was Andy going to college and the Toys get sent to a day care. True or not? Not sure. But IMDB is a more trusted source.


Oh boy, Andy in college now? Wow, they do grow up really fast.

And welcome to Pixar Planet Mikey!

Thanks! I wish I found this site earlier. I’ve been a die hard fan of Pixar since the first Toy Story.

Well you certainly came to the right place, a place filled with Pixar lovers from all around the world.

I cant wait until Toy Story 3 comes out! It’s going to be so awesome!

I’m SO glad that there’s going to be a Toy Story 3! I’m a big fan of these movies & I was happy to hear that there’s going to be another one! :smiley:

As long as it’s PIXAR making the sequel, I’m happy. The whole Circle 7 unit that was created to churn out the sequels just irritated me.

That idea that Buzz needed to be recalled and sent back to the factory idea just didn’t work in my mind.

Still, to me, Toy Story 2 has one of the best endings. Just that little exchange between Buzz and Woody. I always likened it to a Father and his best friend watching the father’s son play in the backyard the way they talk:

Buzz: You worried?
Woody: About Andy? Naw, it’ll be fun while it lasts.
Buzz: I’m proud of you, cowboy.

Just the way it ended there, I could always be content if that was the end.

Of course, Disney’s marketing division is going to be excited because they know they can always market sequels better than ‘new ideas.’ I say this with an eyebrow up and eyes focused on the marketing campaign for films like ‘Ratatouille.’ At least Wall-E had some really great ‘teaser’ trailers and vids.

Are All the Characters the same or are some going to be removed :question: :question:

i mean people like hamm, slinky, Mr. Potato Head…man if they left
the movie wouldn’t be the same

Ironically, it has been confirmed that two of the three characters that you named are coming back and being played by their original actors (Don Rickles and John Ratzenberger), Slinky’s actor (Jim Varney) is, unfortunately dead, but they could get a replacement.

Even if all of the original actors were changed and the movie wasn’t made by Pixar, you’d have to tie me up to keep me from seeing the film.

Out of all of Pixar’s upcoming films, it seems as though TS3 is the one that will make a whole heap of money. Everyone knows the characters, and there will be a large group of people who all fondly remember the original Toy Story from their childhoods, so there’s already a guaranteed fanbase. Because of that, I don’t think they’re going to majorly change any of the characters. There will probably be a few new characters, but the success of both Toy Story and Toy Story 2 was mainly because of the likeable, well-rounded and interesting characters.

Most of my friends aren’t like die hard Pixar fans and didn’t really want to go see Wall-e but the fact that it’s Toy Story and they’ve seen the other two makes them want to see this one. I’m sure Toy Story 3 (whether it’s good or bad) is going to be topping the box office globally just because it is 'Toy Story; if ya get me eek. (Sort of like the whole Harry Potter scenario)

I do think that Toy Story 3 will be very good.
There are many people I know like other members on the forum who have friends who aren’t people who really follow Pixar but are looking forward to the release of Toy Story 3.
And having watching both of them from very young, I am looking forward to a third one. It also feels like you are going back to a well known movie that you like instead of new films appearing which are good (shut up David) I basically just like Toy Story. :laughing:
But the newer films are better.
But all the Pixar films are amazing as each other :laughing:


The pixar name brings quality standard and excellence in animation and storyline. I would highly disagree if any pixar film was found (subpar). The only problem would be in a multi-sequal that required little bits of storyline brought together by the pixar company. Until a muklti-sequal appears (TS3) that problem will not be brought up.