Toy Story 3

No, but in a CGI movie, you never see a person act. You only hear the voice, so it really doesn’t matter.

Actually, acting is more than just moving. But the Pixar animators do that part of the acting. The voice actors give the animators the inspiration. :wink:

By the way, welcome to Pixar Planet, Bacon! :smiley:

Yep, if you’re tone of voice and the way you present your lines is bad, then your total performance is ruined.

As posted about on the blog, could this be the TS3 plot as reported by the WSJ, and rumored for quite some time?

Source: WSJ Article [Via Upcoming Pixar]

That does sound reasonable, bawpcwpn. It was mentioned in Toy Story 2, and it would be an interesting test to see exactly how the characters react to being abandoned. So yeah, I don’t see why it couldn’t be a feasible storyline. Whether it actually is the storyline, well, I guess we’ll have to wait until we’re a bit closer to the release of Toy Story 3.

It seems like a bit of a retelling of Jessie’s backstory…

I always thought that they would have something happen in Toy Story 3 about [spoil]Andy growing up, then at the end of the movie (not the beginning), the toys are given to a child care centre to be played with forever and ever.[/spoil] Maybe they changed it.

Well, whatever Pixar do it will be great, so I’m not that worried. The first two were classics and I’m sure the third one will be, too.

What Rachel said sounds right, I think since this is supposed to be the last Toy Story, Andy should leave at the end leaving the toys to be played with forever. I’m sure that’d be a great way to close the trilogy.

I still think it’s kind of a sad premise. I guess I was hoping that Andy would be different, maybe [spoil] like he still has Buzz & Woody at least (maybe not ‘plays’ with them, but still has them) or passes them to his kids, but then Hamm & Potato & all them probably wouldnt be there so they’d be separated, which isnt too cheery either[/spoil] And I wonder what being left by Emily and later Andy would do to Jessie’s psyche. I guess I’ll have to wait and find out!

Also wondering why they weren’t [spoil]given to Molly (or maybe Molly would be in high school,[/spoil] eh?) :unamused:

With my Mac now, it’s hard to read spoilers thankfully- have to drag them out of their hiding place. xD

I’m looking forward to Toy Story because I have a feeling they wouldn’t do it unless they know they could pull it off. Also, my dad, out of nowhere, asked me if they were making a third - this is a surprise coming from him since he usually disregards anything that’s a cartoon, besides South Park (because it says bad words and he is easily amused by just that.)

And of course, my brother looks forward to it because Toy Story is seriously his all-time favorite film - he was obsessed with it at the age of 3 and still loves it to this day.

Toy Story one and two were awesome , they were and are my favourite pixar films , along with Ratatouille , but I can see Pixar makeing TS3 but if it doesn’t come out well as the other 2 I just might be heart broken :frowning:

Does anyone have any thoughts as to who or what might be the villain in TS3?

I think there’s always the possibility of TS3 not having a villain at all, or at least, no main real protagonist. On the other hand, they might go down the same sort of route that they did in TS2 and have a villain with clear motives, but it’s always difficult to tell which they’ll opt for. I guess it’s just a case of having to wait and see.

I think, if they should carry on with this, can make the villain a gang of rejected toys?

I hadnt thought about it really. I mean, in most of these movies, there is more conflict than just the one against the “villain” if there even is one.

I agree. Toy Story seems to deal more with the struggles of being a toy - how they relate to each other, deal with the knowledge that they can’t last forever, etc. - rather than with any sort of evil mastermind.

But they do seem to have characters around who cause problems for them. Sid in the first movie, Al and the Prospector in the second.

The third will likely approach the opposing forces in the same way.

Don;t know if this has been discussed before, but that’d be AWESOME if they added toys of other movies’ Pixar characters like Flick, Mike, Wall-E etc…

That sounds cool, rejected toys, I they might be since Buzz is recalled he will meet other toys toys that were once loved, i read it on wikipedia, check it out, dude.

Did you know that Wikipedia is notorious for false Pixar rumours? :imp:

I thought the whole Buzz being recalled storyline was rejected? Maybe I’m wrong…