Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 in 3-D hits theaters June 18, 2010!

Nice use of the news submission form, [b:2ye9ckom]JV[/b:2ye9ckom]. :-\


Toy Story 1 + 2 will be in theaters again??! That’s great! :smiley:

I really hope Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3-D will be a worldwide release, but if they are going to all that effort it probably will be. This is such great news - to see the first two movies at the theatre has been a wish of mine as I didn’t see Toy Story back then and was too closed minded to appreciate Pixar’s work (I thought they were Disney). Heheh.

Imagine how the stars will look at beginning of Toy Story 2! It will bring both movies to an audience who weren’t able to see it the first time 'round, as well as refresh the audience’s mind for the final movie. I can’t wait - 2010 seems like a long time from now, though…

I hope that the 3-Dness of Toy Story 3 won’t distract from the story, but knowing Pixar I’m sure it won’t. I can already imagine other studios (not naming any names) using the new technology as a gimmick to cover up the lack of attention to their story… :wink:

Toy Story in 3D? That’s pretty awesome! I’d love to see it in the cinema, and I can imagine the 3D effects working really well, as long as, as Rachel said, it doesn’t become a bit too overpowering. But hey, it’ll probably engulf the audience into the story more than ever! :laughing:

I just made a new topic about the 3-D, but just deleted it after seeing someone already posted about it here.

At any rate, here’s what the LA Times had to say about it (though it seems like a company press release to me):


Walt Disney Co., the world’s biggest producer of animated films, will release a 3-D version of “Toy Story 3” from its Pixar studio.

The third installment will open in theatres in 2010, and 3-D versions of the prior two “Toy Story” films will begin playing next year, Burbank-based Disney said Thursday.

“Toy Story 3” will be the first 3-D film from Pixar, which was purchased for $8.06 billion in 2006.

miafka - Do you think you will be called up to work on the Toy Story 3 score, or is it too early to know?

Oh, it’s way too early. But I can tell you I remember working on the original Toy Story back in… was it 1995? Nobody had heard of Pixar back then, and all of a sudden there was this fantastic CGI up on the screen at a time when nothing like it had been seen before. I remember watching the screen a lot while recording, seeing scenes in different stages of completion, and thinking “wow, this is neat!” The other memory I have of it is of Randy Newman. In a nutshell, the guy is like a Catskills standup comic. He’ll get up there, tell the orchestra jokes one after another, and then say something like “oh, I suppose we’ve got to record SOMETHING or we’ll get in trouble.” The guy is hilarious. One joke I’ll never forget was him saying “Oh yeah? Well I remember little Johnny [Williams] BEFORE he moved to the 310!” (the 310 being the telephone area code that covers Beverly Hills, the West Side, and other nice neighborhoods of LA).

But to answer your question, nope, have no idea. The way the studio orchestra scene works, it’s not like there’s a “Pixar Orchestra” (the way, say, there was the Fox Orchestra in the 1930s and 1940s). It’d be nice of course, but that time is long gone. As far as recording for Toy Story 3… that’s still way off in the distance. If it’s set for a summer 2010 (I believe) release, music wouldn’t normally even start being recorded until maybe fall of 2009, and the bulk wouldn’t be recorded until the spring of 2010. For instance, on Wall-E currently, we did one initial day last summer, then there were two days last October – but the rest (the bulk of it) won’t be recorded until this spring (a few months before the film comes out).

My only comment: Pixar has been very good at making story the strong point and avoiding gimicks. I don’t mind Toy Story 3 being in 3-D… I just hope they don’t make the 3-D dictate the story. But so far they’ve hit the mark each time, so I have faith.

miafka - Yeah, I thought it would have been a bit early, but by then sounds of things it seems as if you have been in the orchestra for every Pixar film (is that right?), so fingers crossed you will called up for more. :wink:

Randy Newman sounds awesome! That story makes me respect him even more. It’s good to know that he is such a cool guy and is personable with the orchestra he works with. You must have been part of a group of people, outside of Pixar, who first saw Toy Story and the new technology before anyone else did, so that must be a neat feeling.

Do you know if Disney has their own orcehstra (or did when they were making their hit movies), or if Dreamworks has one? I’d love to hear that Pixar had its own orchestra in the future, too - I’m not sure how that would work with you, though: whether or not you would legally be able to work on outside projects, or you could only work with the for a small time each year and only with Pixar. Anyway…

Oh, and after you have completed work on the film, do you get any Pixar goody bags, or perks or anything? And, check back in here when you have done a bit more recording for WALL●E - I, and others, would love to know how the process is going. :mrgreen:

Thanks, miafka!

Will 3-D make a difference? Sorry, I haven’t seen many 3-D movies before… actually I’ve never seen one.

Oh, I guess I wasn’t too clear… when I said “that’s still way off in the distance,” I didn’t mean the formation of a Pixar Orchestra, I meant simply the scoring for Toy Story 3. (I’ve just gone back and edited it to make it clearer). The studios don’t have their own orchestras anymore – that time is long since gone (you’re talking the 1940s), so no… Disney, Dreamworks… none of them have their own orchestras.

I haven’t worked on every Pixar film. I guess you could say “A bunch, not all.” In fact I wonder if ANY studio musician has managed to work on all of them. If so, I’d be very surprised because of the way the studio orchestra scene is set up (I could try to explain it to you, but all it would do is make your head explode…)

Goodies? Sometimes. For “Ratatouille” we were given movie posters and special black baseball caps just for the orchestra with the nice “Ratatouille” logo on the front, and “I’m with Le Rat Band” embroidered on the back…

Oh, ok. Well, I hope you get called up to do future projects. I’m also very eager to know who will be composing the music for UP - I think Michael Giacchino would be a good choice since he has already scored The Incredibles which is an adventure film, but Randy Newman would work well on that genre too, but I think he may be a bit too busy with TS3. Anyway, that discussion is for another thread. :wink:

Oh, and if you want to explain how the orchestra works on that thread, I’d like to read it.

i hope toy story 3 is released in dual format, as i would prefer it as normal 3d. What does everyone think, will it be released in normal too?

I would think so. Back when Meet The Robinsons was playing, anybody could watch it anywhere while selected theaters showed the 3-D version. Unfortunately, it might be a long drive for many people…like myself. :frowning:

Welcome to Pixar Planet, mrpotatohead25!


thanks PixarVixen, and i was reading about toy story 3 on wikipedia, and it said that slinky dog will be voiced by lou romano(linguini in ratatouille), do you think this is just made up?

thanks PixarVixen, and i was reading about toy story 3 on wikipedia, and it said that slinky dog will be voiced by lou romano(linguini in ratatouille), do you think this is just made up?

Don’t trust Wikipedia for upcoming Pixar stuff. You absolutely can NOT trust Wikipedia for anything like that. They said WALL•E was going to be voiced by a celebrity (I think they said Ben Stiller or something but I can’t quite remember), and then they said no one was going to talk, and then they said that the official title of WALL•E was WALL-E, and all three of those statements have been proven false so far.

If Slinky is in the movie, he’ll most likely have very few lines, like Red in Cars, who was voiced by the late Joe Ranft.

I remember watching Atlantis (Jim Varney’s last movie; he died during the production) the other day, and I found out on the audio commentary that he did all the lines but one - apparently, during the line towards the end about “bacon grease”, Disney hired a Varney sound-alike (I think his name was Steve Barr). and if you didn’t know it was another guy, you couldn’t tell the differences in voices. Hopefully Disney will tip Pixar off on this guy.

Well, you can SOUND exactly like someone else, but can you ACT exactly like someone else? :unamused:

ok cool, thanks, just wanted to find out because i dont think lou romano will be able to do the voice of slinky dog anything like jim varney…