Toy Story 3

[url=]Toy Story 3 rumored to be in


Do you guys think it will be released in 3-D?


Wow, this is really interesting…It makes sense, I guess, a

way to draw people in to 3D with a classic sequel. A great way for Pixar to try out this new tech…

So Pixar has finally moved to 3-D, huh? Well, I’ll be watching it. Considering of course that it’s in


Bill – Well, it’s

rumoured anyway…

And there are two competing technoligies here: RealD and

IMAX3D. With Meet the Robinsons Disney used the RealD protocol, so I’m hedgin’ my

bets on that one…

So unfortunately, you’ll probably not see it in IMAX. :cry:


placing my money on it being presented in Disney Digital 3-D then.

[quote="JV IS TIZ!!!

[url=]Toy Story 3 rumored to be in


Do you guys think it will be released in 3-D?

It is 3D enough. I don’t

think they should go overboard with it.

JV - Thanks for the

information! :smiley:

Interesting indeed, although I’m with The Star Swordsman on

this for two reasons:

1. It is, as stated, “3D enough”…and does

not necessarily need to be overloaded with special effects to bring the point across. I don’t care how flashy

the thing looks…as long as the story is solid.

2. 3-D features (such as

those where you have to wear those goofy glasses…) always seem to hurt my eyes to the point where I get a

head-ache. Also, the 3-D effects aren’t that spectacular throughout the entire film – they’re just "so

so". As a matter of fact, I hardly even notice it at times…

So yeah, there you have it.

I think the 3D part makes it too realistic.

[b]TSS and

Mitch[/b] – As far as I know, this is a new 3D tech. You don’t wear those Red and Blue glasses

anymore, rather, its these special high-tech ones. They completely “remastered” the quality: These give

an amazing amount of depth and less of this “Pop out” stuff. I could be wrong, but these are far


I understand Gasduude. But my

point is, you are “3Ding the 3D.” I just feel like it isn’t going to work. Especially for a full

length movie.

Gasduude - Oh really? So it’s a new kind of technology? Well, in that case…I

might just give it a shot. Thanks for the information. :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m a bit skeptical

with this whole 3-D thing too. I mean, it’s fun and all once in awhile to see (like that Muppets thing in Disney

World) but I dont need it in 3-D to enjoy it more.

To be honest, I’ve always viewed the whole 3D thing as a gimmick added to

films that probably wouldn’t do very well, but need something to make them attract a larger audience. I don’t

think TS3 will need 3D to give it more publicity, but giving it the whole 3D thing means that they’re risking

making the entire film seem just that bit more gimmicky.

TSS – Oh, I see your point now: What your saying is you don’t like Computer

Animation being in 3D, right?

Mitch – Hey, no problem. I’m tying to find a

Popular Science article on the subject…it had a ton of cool info.

Wow. I have no idea why but I had a dream about Toy Story 3 not too long ago. At least I think

it was. But then, it couldnt have been real. So it must’ve been a dream. Anyway, it didnt last long but it had

Buzz like, hiding or something, then looking through a window for a minute, and then going back to his hiding

place. It seemed like he was about to stage a rescue mission or something. And that was it. Weird.

I hate when you have dreams like that. Freaky. :open_mouth:

FYI in Indonesia, there is a very lot of pirated movie, and suprisingly there is Toy story 3 in Indonesian market since 1 year ago, but I don’t buy that pirated movie, so I don’t know what kind of movie is that… but really in Indonesian market there is movie called Toy story 3 since 1 year ago…

Tikus - Unless someone at Pixar is doing an inside job (not likely), then it’s a fake/bootleg. Just out of curiosity’s sake I’d love to know what’s actually on that “Toy Story 3” DVD.

As log as the regular voice cast (excempt for those who passed away) replay their roles in the third movie, i glandly see it. I really don’t know if i wanted to see this if they had different voices (buzz and Woody)

It might be presented in both 3D and non-3D. My hometown doesn’t have a 3D-view theater, so I think I’m safe. :unamused:

And I don’t think there’s a near possibility of anyone else doing Woody and Buzz. Lee’s smarter than that. :wink: