Toy Story 3

Which new movie? The new Toy Story, or Ratatouille? Cuz they just

make a guest appearance in TS3, I’m gonna be very dissapointed…

They can’t just make a brief appearence in TS3. They are

the guys who represent the TS franchise. Maybe Ratatouille.

Mike Wazowski- It seemed

like the way all these recent announcements have made it sound like Announcer Guy voice "Tim Allen and Tom

Hanks make an appearence in TS3, now set for 2010" . Maybe this is what your talking about.

On the

other hand, maybe a easter egg for Ratatouille?

And he won last night ! No need to worry about the screenplay for [i]Toy

Story 3[/i] : it’ll be great :smiley:

Mike Wazowski- Yeah that wouldnt make sense to me for them to just make an appearance in TS3.

Buzz & Woody are the main characters after all. I assume that could only mean Ratatouille. Although

announcements can be misleading and misinterpreted…

Here’s the TS3



Looks about right. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Thanks! :slight_smile:

As for a Woody/Buzz cameo in the next

two films, it could happen. After all, Buzz was seen in a toy chest at the dentist in [i]Finding


Hey, thanks JV!


Oceanic[/b]- That’s true, but that was a easter egg. It almost sounds from these reports like they

are going to make an actual apperance. You could be right, but I don’t know…

Thanks for the poster link. I’ve seen that poster before, as well as another one where the logo

is set against the cloud wallpaper of Andy’s bedroom.

Gasduude- Hmm, but I’m not sure if Pixar would compromise the reality of their

worlds, so to speak, by mixing two films together, even if it is only for a few seconds or something. If Woody

and Buzz make an actual, acknoledged appearence, then it would, of course, put smiles on lots of people’s faces,

but would also confuse the story and make too many questions arise.

Lizardgirl-No, no way! I just meant that’s what these reports

sounded like. I personaly doubt Pixar would do anything of the kind. I mean, a

little easter egg maybe, but no, not an actual appearence

Gasduude- yeah, these kinds of reports can be really unreliable,

can’t they? It’s annoying. :unamused:

Lizardgirl- Yes, they are! :confused: :angry:

Jim Hill says (near the bottom of the page) that Toy

Story 3 might come out "May

2010": … raighten-o


Oooh! Interesting! :smiley:

May, huh? A little early for Pixar’s new schedule…but

probalby because (after making two Toy Story’s) they’ve got all the props, characters etc.




But anyway, I was

expecting this to be released in 2008! Then 2009! But now I have forlornly settled on 2010…

JV - Interesting. I read this some time ago…but forgot

about it until you brang it up just now. Cool. I can wait until 2010 – it’s not too far away. As long as they

make the story acceptable…I’ll be content. :wink:

JV: Jim Hill said “might”. I don’t like

“might” when it comes to movies. This still classifys it as a strong rumor.

rachel - Haha – amen. Raise 'em on the good stuff! However, there are a few good

CG films that are not Pixar-related, such as Robots and

Ice Age. Happy Feet was great as well, although some of

you aren’t that crazy about that particular film…so perhaps not. (snigger) :wink:

But back on


Mitch - I just

had to add the older “classic” Disney films as well. (e.g. Snow White,

Cinderella etc.)