Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

Once again, let us make our position clear - we’re not aiming to impede on your individual freedoms to conduct personal trade, but we are enforcing that Pixar Planet is not the suitable avenue to do so. What you do on eBay or other trading sites is up to you, and we do not wish to get involved with any particular trade in question, but we are enforcing our rules as a practical way of asserting that we are not the suitable avenue for trade, in line with our mission to create a safe and relevant community.

We absolutely did not question the legitimacy of auction sites like eBay, but being passively or actively affiliated with ‘replica’ merchandise (unsanctioned by The Walt Disney Company) is a legal puddle for us which goes against our mission. Whatever the relationship is between Disney, eBay, and replica listings, it does not interest us - our interests is what happens within the Pixar Planet Network. Even with no financial gain, there is still a process of an exchange of goods of monetary value during a trade, a legally grey area for us. We are taking a conservative approach on this as we do not have the legal resources nor will to support any form of trading. We have said this before and I would like to repeat this again on behalf of the Pixar Planet Network.

I’d like to remind everyone about two of our rules here, in addition to the referenced No Trading rule:

I understand the personal grievances of this disputed rule but I’d like to remind you that Pixar Planet is made up of volunteers that are giving up personal time & energy to create a safe, harmonious & friendly community. I remind you to write your messages with civility and with relevance.

This thread is designated for discussion of Toy Story Replicas. We have discussed our aforementioned rule quite enough, and we’d like to push this thread back on-topic.

If you have any further grievances, please do no longer discuss them here. You are welcome to PM any of us staff if you have any more concerns, but we will be enforcing this rule with no exceptions.

On-topic rules do now strictly apply to this thread, and any off-topic remarks, including discussion of the No Trading rule, made within this thread will be subject to standard moderator action.

These will be our final remarks in relation to our No Trading rule.

Thank you.

You’re welcome ! :slight_smile:

And I repeat!

If anyone need help with finding toys/replicas feel free contact me in pm


Great news for UK collectors…

The Emperor Zurg 14" Talking Action Figure has found its way onto

And in a solo pack no less. Get him today for 20% off, making a total price of £24.95 - much better than paying full price and postage from the U.S.

I’ve just ordered mine. :smiley:

Great if you haven’t already paid for one shipped from america. i sadly didn’t want to run the risk of them not being released over here, so i ended up paying for the zurg and buzz pack plus postage and getting caught in cutoms. The total in the end neared £100 wish i had waited now. :frowning:

I feel ya killamonjaro, I almost caved and ordered from the U.S too. I like you believed that it would never find its way overseas. The only reason I held off was because of how much it would have cost me.

I’m glad I waited now. I only checked the Disney Store UK website today because I saw the 20% off promotion, and there he was. I wonder if he’ll appear in the high street UK Disney Stores.

Again I got it from USA and paid ups an extra £25 for customs. Not happy but again I may pick up a spare worth he 20% off code

I have to say I am annoyed that Zurg is in the UK. I asked only last week in 2 stores and the Disney head office and all 3 said that there was NO plans to get him. I wonder what else will be on the way…
I have to say that Zurg is amazing and was long overdue. All I need now is the good Hamm and I will be happy.


Nice collection!

great collection, nice to see mr mike has joined the line up lol

im gutted about zurgs price and now in the UK, i jumped on board the get him quick ship too and like most from uk here also got caught with a duty charge!!!

i could of bought 4 for the price of my one! can see them being sold on ebay now at silly prices!

I know it’s been discussed but forgive a new toy in the playroom but I had to say I got 2 Cosbaby Buzz Lightyears today and I love it.

So OK it’s NOT the Small Fry toy but it will do for me. I may do the leg swap but will probably keep it as is as I find it sooo cute with his little legs he has.


2 more mutant toys almost done! Let me know what you think! Constructive criticism welcome. What do you like and what do you think needs improvement? (Keep in mind they’re not done yet, but almost).


Jingle Joe

Looking great man … Love them so far


Here is a picture of my custom Alien that Sid gave to his dog Scud. I referenced the movie for puncture wounds and mud spots.

Scud’s Alien

great looking alien!!

Great job so far on those customs! I had told myself awhile back that I was only going to collect the main characters due to space and available funds, but every time I see someone on here post pics of their new custom creations, I get a little more jealous. Are you planning to do Legs, Ducky, and Babyface at some point too?

Yes, I am. I’m in the middle of doing all of those you mentioned. I’m just waiting to find certain parts so I can complete them. I want them to look identical to the movie.

Love the alien. Just when I thought there were no more good ideas left. Its so obvious in hindsight.

Anyone have an idea what the Disney Store Hamm goes for these days? I haven’t seen any on ebay, does that mean their super rare and expensive now? Last I checked it was in the 100 dollar range.

It became rare as tsc Rex .