Does anyone really care anymore?
At least Megan Fox isn’t in it anymore.
I’m interested.
Eh… hopefully without Fox’s character will actually be a focused storyline this time around.
I don’t really care anymore
Sequils Sequils Sequils.
Thats all there is in movies
Im not going to see it, at least fox isin’t in it anymore
But i don’t want many sequils now it’s just…just…just… BORING!
Bwahahahahaha! Hahahaha. That’s a good one.
Michael Bay would have to be booted to get any decent story.
Hated the first one, hate the movie series.
Wake me up when they make a Beast Wars movie please.
I couldn’t care less (sorry Transformers fans)
Pixarinho* Ditto.
WHY??? I liked the first one, but come on, now…
I’m wondering how they’ll hanndle Sam and her character’s relationship in the third film if this indeed true. From what I heard the producer hasn’t even posted this info on his blog or whatever. Big news like this you’d think he’d post it, don’t get me wrong I don’t like her character in the film. I find her attitude behind set just horrible. But we need to get official word from the producer himself first before jummping the gun.
If I’m entirely honest, I didn’t even like the first one, so to hear that there’s going to be a Transformers 3 doesn’t completely enthral me…But I guess the series has made a lot of money so far, and that seems to be the only reason to make movies nowadays.
I know her acting isn’t great but come on.
I really do think the story will be able to progress much more without her. She was great in the first film, but the second was just… and she didn’t help it much.
Why is Michael Bay still at the wheel of this franchise? Granted, he makes spectacular action sequences (actually, he directs them… real credit should go to the stunt choreographers and digital artists)… but I think after two mediocre films, it’s time to hand the reins to someone else.
Somebody get Neill Blomkamp on board, already! And fire all the scriptwriters and get some fresh film-school graduates/independent film writers! And get a new cinematographer who doesn’t go all ‘shakey-cam’ on us (I usually could stand the Bourne films, but I was trying to avoid passing out during TF2). And more focus on the 'bots and less on the humans.
The first and second film suffered too much from ‘treasure hunting’ in the middle with great opening and closing action sequences. And ‘US-military’ propaganda. I think it’s time the series goes somewhere else besides Earth (Cybertron?), or a new plot beyond ‘saving the world from yet another Decepticon invasion’.
Because the first one made $319 million and second made $402 million. (plus DVD and merchandising).
There is only one reason in the world that I’m seeing this movie. And that’s because of this picture right here:
They’re shooting in front of the building where my mom works
I know no one has posted on this thread for ages but I’m still going to post anyway.
I’m not really surprised they are making a Transformers 3. I don’t think Paramount/Universal really care what people think of the films just how much the film sells and Transformers always makes a lot of money so it was obvious they were going to make a third one.
I pretty much have to see this because of my twin sister being a massive fan. If you ask me Michael Bay kinda ruined Transformers, the TV series is much better than the films. It had some good characters- something the movie really does lack. Maybe the third film will be better though. I heard Shockwave’s in the third film he’s a good character, so from what I’ve heard about the film it sounds better than Revenge of the Fallen which was one of the worst films I have ever seen.
I hope the Dinobots are in the third film that would be great! x
Meh, he has never done anything great.
What I don’t understand is Spielberg involvement. Oh, wait, I just did: we produces those box office monsters so that he can finance great films with the grossed money. That’s clever.
Michael Bay may not be the best filmmaker, but I still admire him because you can tell if you’re watching a Michael Bay film just by watching a minute of one of his movies. He has a style that’s all his own and undoubtedly many people are going to hate it.
That being said, he really needs to tone down the unfunny “humor” that plagued Transformers 2. There’s nothing funny about humping for no reason.