Twilight is coping Harry Potter!
Man, when I saw the title of this thread, I was all, “Yay! A thread for me!” XD
I don’t really care much for the plot of it. I don’t think it’s copying Harry Potter, but then again, I’ve never really gotten into Harry either, so my opinion may not be the best in the world.
Have you actually read it? It’s nothing like Harry Potter.
Not saying that it’s good of course, there were several times whilst reading it that I had to actually reread the last sentence just to check that I’d read it right…
Harry Potter may have it’s flaws but compared to Twilight it’s a masterpiece…
Now you might argue that I’m not the target audience but to be honest I can often appreciate a good romantic plot over the usual ‘save the world’ stuff. Unfortuately for Twilight Ms. Meyer can apparently not right romance to save her life.
Also vampires used to be cool, I realise this isn’t completely Twilights fault, but it certaintly take a lot of credit for ruining them…
Guys, what’s up with the hating?
I’ve read all 4 books, and they weren’t that bad (I’m a very open-minded guy)…
But even though I thought the movie sucked (big-time), I don’t really approve of this behavior. Hating topics usually only upset people, and makes them feel like they don’t belong here (because hey! everybody hates it anyway, right!?). How would you feel if you enjoy being on a forum and all of a sudden, a member would post a Pixar hate-thread, and everyone would join in?
“Freedom of speech” yeah right, be a bit more social please… Bashing threads, seriously, how old are you people?
Leave it be, it’s like watching TV shows you don’t like… YOU DON’T HAVE TO WATCH IT! Let people eat their heart out over their fandoms, let them be happy. I don’t see why it’s cool to burst their bubbles…
Well, that was my 2cts… Good night.
Note from Phileas: Please keep language family-friendly. Thank you.
I see this you are a big fan of thi series. But attitudes like these is what sparks the hate, its another, “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE” chris crocker thing. Its pretty immature to get over sensitive about a silly book. That statement can go both ways to the haters and the lovers. Czarine, I am in no way saying you are immature but the people who read that book and get so p-o’d when I say its a stupid book go nuts! XT
“Dont judge a book by its cover” yeah right! I truly believe you CAN judge how a book or movie before you see it, because that is exercising free will. If we all lived by the dont judge a book by its cover standard, opinions would be dead.
Im not telling anyone here to not read that book, by all means do what you please, but dont go around selling your, “Leave twilight alone” or “death to twilight” campaign. Please guys, even tho its a garbage book (My opinion) We dont need to preach it.
Note from Phileas: Please keep language family-friendly. Thank you.
I apologise if I offend any ‘Twilight haters’, but I’ll have to agree with Czarine. As much as I share the same contempt some of you have for what is essentially a breezy chick flick based on a series of tween novels of the same nature (and yes, I agree HP is probably way better than Twilight, although I haven’t read the books to form a valid opinion), I think it’s not good sportsmanship to diss those who are fans of it. What I mean is, yes, you are entitled to your opinion and free to speak your mind (“I think Stephanie Meyer should have spent more time on developing Ed and Bella’s relationship, yada yada werewolves are awesome, yada yada”), but to intentionally form hate groups and make fun of those who love the series just comes off immature.
Yes, fan groups that support overrated movies are annoying, but hate groups that defame the same thing maliciously are even worse. Make love, not war, man! (Gosh, I sound like a politically-correct hippie)
Look at it this way: Like Czarine said, what if someone came on here and said “Pixar sucks, Dreamworks comes up with way funnier movies. Pixar butt-kickers unite!” or something along those lines? Granted, some of us wouldn’t feel too bad, but others would be deeply offended. Feel free to criticize a film or a book, but don’t go all hatin’ on it. There are only two things worth dissing in this world: Nazis and taxes.
A reminder to all thread participants to please keep this thread civilised. While this may not be a Twilight appreciation forum or something of the sort, and one has the right to express one’s views, please note that any uncivil or potentially hurtful statements or similar will result in disiplinary action. On another note, please refrain from using crude language or profanity - we are naturally a child-friendly forum after all. Please read the rules and note that this thread will be closely monitored, anything bad will result in disiplinary action.
Thanks guys!
I hate it, but I do agree a bit that this thread may start fights.
Buuuut, you all are free to join me on Look for me! I have the same username there as here.
Am I the only one who lulz’d at this because of the creeping suspicion this was added because of the, er, colorful language often used on TwilightSucks?
@DirtyBirdy: If you would’ve seriously read my post, you’d see that I am, in fact, NOT a big fan of the series. I said I didn’t like the movie at all, but the books weren’t as bad as much of the ‘haters’ claim they are. A lot of things in the series disturbed me, but I amused myself reading them. Like I said, I’m a very open-minded guy.
And attitudes that spark the hate? It’s the hate that causes such attitudes in the first place. People in certain fandoms can really act stupid and silly, I am aware of this, but pointing at them and making fun of them publicly and starting sites such as Twilight sucks is, in my opinion, equally stupid (stupid being an understatement here…) and a complete waste of time.
And by the way, if you think you can judge stuff you don’t know about, then imo, your opinion IS invalid, even though you have the right to express it. Opinions should be based on knowledge and experience, and not on prejudices.
Also, Phileas, I apologise for going a wee bit too far on the language in my last post. It won’t happen again.
Thank you,
Czarine - Hey! That’s fine! I used to accidentally slip a few too when I was new here, so don’t worry about it, just please watch out next time, that’s all. Thanks!
Sorry if i offended you, but I believe that you can, let me reword this, not judge but state your opinion about something before you read/watch it. I dont want to start any contempt between us, but thats how I feel. : )
And Phileas; Sorry about the language, I thought I was ok to say that. I shoulda known better. Sorry
I have all of the books. But so far I’ve only read the first two. I thought the first one was pretty good. And the second book was good in the beginning, but during the middle of the book, I was so bored. I ended up putting the book down for two months. I picked it back up and finish it and found myself glued to it towards the end. I think the movie is awful. I didn’t even finish it. I’m glad I rented the movie off iTunes, instead of buying it like I originally planned on doing. I think the actors playing Bella and Edward have chemisty together, but I don’t like them playing the roles when their apart. I wonder what makes people go crazy over these books and movies the way they do.
Hmmm…I’m not gonna go out and say I hate Twilight. There are things I dont understand about it (like the whole sparkle thing) but I cant say I hate it like I’ve hated other similar things. What I do hate is being bombarded by it everywhere I go, from the media, to seeing it in every store, to people talking about it constantly. Although I suppose if I was a Twilight fan I’d love that.
Both franchises (HP and T) suck.
Just to clarify, Twilight Sucks is not a site where we sit and whine about Twilight fans (And those who do, we usually don’t take kindly to them). We do go seriously in depth with our discussion with WHY Twilight is bad. We talk about the seriousness of the abusive relationships (One of the reasons some of our members hate it is because they have experienced things like abuse and pedophilia, thus felt horrible when this book glorified them as true love), the horrible writing, the complete lack of research, and the bad influence it has on teens and literature.
Then don’t prejudice against us Twilight Sucks users. By the way you are talking, its kinda clear you haven’t looked at the website that much. For example:
-45% of the site is not about Twilight. We talk about other things.
-Some of our members are actually TWILIGHT FANS, sane ones. The reason they go there is because Twilight sites rarely let anyone actually critique the story at all (For example, has it in their rules that any negative topics will be deleted) so they are greatly restricted from seriously discussing the series.
-Again, we go very in depth about the serious wrongs in Twilight. We’re not a bunch of emo teenagers slumped in front of our computers all day going “LOL ya Twilite totaly sux LOLOLOL!” Most of the people there are very intelligent, funny, and just plain entertaining.
-Users that DO do the above are not taken kindly. We make sure everyone has evidence for any “Fangirl Encounters” they have, and if you are caught lying, its the Bulls*** section and banhammer for you. Users have been banned for being complete As, as they do in Pixar Planet.
Amen! XD Twilight does stink!!! And I don’t see why people make such a big woopdy-do about it. I mean it’s not like Pixar, who totally animates their movies and uses their talent to start from scratch and create a masterpiece. But Twilight… it’s just not all that great! I think The Lord of the Rings had better quality, acting, beauty, creativity, and special effects. Plus, the guys were more handsome in TLOTR than they are in Twilight. LOL!
~personal opinion
I wasn’t judging Twilight Sucks users in general, I was talking about DirtyBirdy specifically Because he said he didn’t even read it and still has his opinion all ready.
And yes, I guess the title is misleading. sounds more like a bashing site rather than a site that provides constructive criticism, hence my confusion. I’m sorry.
Still, even though I really dislike the movie, it wouldn’t be the right place for me to hang out at. Because, seriously, if I don’t like stuff, I don’t bother to spend a lot of time on it, I just let it be.
Thanks for the update though, and again: sorry for misjudging
I hate Edward Cullen more than anything. I don’t get why a lot of girls love him so much. Have you seen pictures of him? He looks like some sort of drunk-emo-drug addict to me!! Creeps me out!!
Would you have to join the Church of Satan to say its bad? (not linking Twilight to satanism) Im simply saying, I dont have time for twilight, and I say I dont like twilight because 1. I dont 2. I’ve heard it from Twilight readers itself that it sucks.
You’re right tho czarine, Im wrong to say it sucks but I can say I dislike it and I dont need to read/watch it to ascertain that opinon
I do really hate Twilight. No really, I do. >.>
The thing that irks me is the way the fangirls call Edward and Bella’s ‘romance’ true love. I, for one, thinks this isn’t true love. Why? Because Edward is a stalker, and abusive (not to mention he eats deer, I love deer, stupid so-called vegetarian…) and all those fans seem to find that romantic. Geez…
Rabid Twilight fans should learn from Up. Because there’s nothing abusive at all in Carl and Ellie’s relationship
also I’m on Twilightsucks too, as Vianerd, lol