All I can say is that as bad as Twilight is, I’d rather watch this than Fast Five…
Well, I didn’t see Fast Five, so I don’t have an opinion on this matter. But at least it received very positive reviews, unlike Twilight.
I’ve seen both Twilight and Fast Five. I’d defintely watch Fast Five again.
I could see Fast Five, seeing that I’ve watched the first three in the series and enjoyed all of them. But after Fast and Furious, i lost touch because they just kept wearing down on it.
edward cullen scares me.
i will say, though, breaking dawn is one of the most unintentionally funny books i’ve ever read. EVER. the movie (which i will be sure to watch for free online) is going to be freaking hilarious. and as much as i’d kinda like to see it crash and burn, even if it gets horrible reviews there’ll be plenty of people paying to see it ~for the lulz~.
aka they’re closet twihards.
For sure Fast Five Over Twilight any day!
Well this is what the thread is for and i am proud to be one!Are you a fan or something?
I wouldn’t hate it if Bella had more personality and stopped worrying so much about Edwart. Heck, she drags the name Bella down just like Edward does. Alice would have made a better main character, in my Point of View anyway…also, she’s as whiny as a three-year-old and expects to be carried around all the time, waited on hand and foot.
lolz Edwart. That made me laugh. But anyways, you just perfectly described an average teenager!
Not all teenagers are like Bella. They don’t whine endlessly throughout the book.
I just think Bella is Clingy Edward is a stalker who watches women sleep…Jacob is just in the movie so fan girls have something to look at and distract them from how dumb the movie is.And like other people have said vampires do not sparkle!The list goes on but those are a few reasons i hate the series.
the book should have been about rosalie or leah. they were the only two characters i actually liked. jacob was awesome up until he became a pedo in the fourth book.
that being said, i’m not sure how i feel about the whole, “vampires /don’t/ sparkle!” thing. they don’t exist, lol. don’t get me wrong, i love bram stoker’s dracula and the first time i read about edward sparkling i had to look the page over like ten times to make sure i was reading it right, but…you know.
smeyer’s editor is a genius btw. clearly they saw the countless grammatical errors but knew the book would sell like a billion copies anyway so they just didn’t bother.
Another thing that annoys me is how Werewolf’s are just big sized versions of Wolves. Also, If i was a vampire who sparkled, I would definitely make sure i didn’t go out in the sunlight! Either you go out in the sunlight to die, or you go out in the sunlight to DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT!
I thought somethingguy was a fan…But i guess he called me a twilight hater randomly sorry at first i was thinking you were defending the series since you were a fan.
And her vampires never die. Isn’t kinda the whole purpose of vampiring to stab them with a stake or something and then it dies?
Well i will say i have aunts and cousins who love the series so i have seen the movies and i do not remember any of them getting stabbed with a steak.I recall the only way to kill them is snap the neck then rip them apart limb by limb and toss all the parts into a fire…They have done it a couple times already.
That’s just an elaborate way to get rid of them. Ripping their limbs apart would take a lot of guts, since you have to secretly rip their limbs apart and set up the firewood.
Yea I just calls em as i sees em
Wow. Really, Steph is just a kick in the pants for writers everywhere…
Actually, you know your username, right? And you remember how woody tells buzz he’s a toy under the truck in the gas station? I was modifying that quote to say it as a joke in relation to your username and that quote. Like i did when it was your birthday, “YOU…ARE…A…BIRTHDAY…BOY!”