Unearthing Pixar Planet

I became curious after JV said this:

How did everybody locate Pixar Planet? Did you use a search engine or find a link to us on another website? Or did you hear about us on Radio Pixar or from a friend/family member?


I heard

about it from the Upcoming Pixar blog:


I was reading that blog

religiously near the beginning of the year when the buzz on Cars was really heating up. Hehe.

Same here Aggie! :smiley:

I helped make it :wink:

I’m sure that’s not what you meant, though :stuck_out_tongue:

The site

was made while I was off at camp during the summer, and when I got back I had an e-mail from BandGeek727 telling

me that Dash and Co. had made a new Pixar site, and to come on over. :slight_smile: So I did.

After Luxo forums had been down

for awhile, Dash let me know that they had put together a new forum/site for Pixar via a deviantNote on my dA


Well, here is my story. I was in shock

after the old boards went down. I waited for a long time for it to rebuild. That was when, a couple months later,

I found this. PixarPlanet. The members names sounded familiar, so I decided to join. I wish forn nothing but

success and long life for PixarPlanet.

Well let’s see - If I remember correctly another Pixar

site shutdown that I was 2nd in command on because the owner just up and disappeared on me one day after a year

and a half of dedication. So I said “Well we HAVE to have a Pixar site” so I went and collected my 3

partners in crime TL, KE, and vim then I went and got Mell whom vim had introduced me to ('cause she’s a killer

web designer) and we sat down and decided to do it. After about 5 hours of brainstorming we finally decided on

the name Pixar Planet which I then registered.

And that’s how I found Pixar

Planet. =P

[b]Great story Dash.

:smiley: [/b]

Don’t you feel so proud?

“Found,” “founded”… Same

difference. :wink:

Also known as the Pixar Planet history. That I wrote. :stuck_out_tongue:

Darn you Dash - now I

can’t say how I found Pixar Planet… or helped found it… whatever - except really I wasn’t in on the

deciding. I had just moved, and our internet company took their sweet time transferring our DSL service to the

new house. Dash had to always be calling me to let me know what was going down.

Upcoming Pixar for me herre.


I searched for it on Yahoo. Not

for Pixar Planet per se, but a Pixar-dedicated message board. [i]Et


Scarily enough, I don’t actually remember…It’s a possibility someone else on

Boggs’ Board mentioned this place and posted a link, so I followed it, and hey presto. :smiley:

lizardgirl: “Scarily”… Haha.


What happened to me? Well…

I got really bored one day (which, coincidentally, happens every

day), so I decided to just browse around the internet for anything that had to deal with

Ratatouille. Luckily enough, I found a few websites with information on the subject,

and Upcoming Pixar was one of them. I began to like the style of the site, and

started browsing around the place, reading the news, visiting websites, and so on.

Well, it just so

happened that, in the month of September, Upcoming Pixar posted an advertisement for

some show called “Radio Pixar”. Interested, I decided to look up the website that created this

seemingly interesting show. I took a look around, liked what I saw and, after a few more visits, decided to join.

A month and a half later, and I am now proud to be a member of this wonderful site. :smiley:

[b]Another great story Mitch of how someone found this site. :smiley:


Well basically I had just posted my Doc Hudson drawing on

Deviantart and for the heck of it I started searching for other Doc Hudson and Cars art on DA and I clicked on

somebody’s and found the link for this place in their profile. So here I am! Crazy how that happened though, cuz

I hardly ever go searching for art on DA. So what made me search it that day? who knows, but I’m glad i


JV IS TIZ!!!: Ohh…stop making me blush. :wink: Heheh –

thanks! :smiley:

lennonluvr9: Wow – that’s interesting. Yes, I’m glad you found

this place. :smiley:

I heard of it

off of…Pixar Vixen. lmao