United States presidential election, 2012

Alright, I know some people will tell me that it’s way too early to be thinking/talking about this, but I have to admit that it’s indeed crossed my mind as we draw closer to Inauguration Day, and the first term of Barack Obama.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Sta … tion,_2012

Potential candidates have been named already, both for Republican and Democratic (although, as of the creating of this thread, Barack Obama is the only Democratic candidate listed at the moment).

Talk about the upcoming election, or if any candidates catch your eye, tell us who’d you like seeing running for the position in 2012.

I actually like the idea of Newt Gingrich possibly running in the coming election, although I don’t like the idea of Sarah Palin or Jeb Bush.

Well, You know where I stand:


If I have to pick from one of the main parties: Mike Huckabee, but otherwise Chuck Baldwin who was on the ballot this past election under the Constitution Party.

I personally think that, if Obama runs again, he’ll win. It only depends on how well he does on his first term. :wink:

And I know a lot of people don’t like Hillary Clinton … but I’d choose her over Palin any day.

I don’t want to see Palin running, period. The woman scares me. A country run by her … it could only be chaotic. :laughing:

See the flash animations made of if she were to become president.

I know they’re just flash animations, but …

You’ll never be the same again. :open_mouth:

Didn’t the last election drag on long enough? :wink: I don’t know who I’d pick and at the moment, I don’t care. I wanna see how Obama does first. I’ll worry about who’s running when 2012 gets here. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a guy named Newt possibly running? I didn’t realise how much of an effect Pixar has on the world of politics in America. :laughing:

Anyway, yes, it’s too early. Poor Barack, the guy’s only just got in office and people are already talking about who’s going to be next! :laughing:

Sarah Palin: 2012 all the way for me.

I’ll be rooting for Mike Huckabee in 2012 if he runs (I still have his bumper sticker on my car XD). Next in line would be Sarah Palin. But after that, I’m really not sure…

If Obama plans on winning in '12, it’ll all depend on what went on in the first four years of his presidency.

If I were American I’d be a Democrat (even though no matter which government is in power, they need to represent the people and be held accountable for their actions) so I’d have to say I’d vote for Obama. But because I can’t vote in the US elections, he’d have to settle with my telepathic support over the Pacific.

Um, 'kay. :wink:

At the moment, I don’t see much to vote for in 2012…America will be useless.
We need a savior…someone to save us from the epidemic that is crouching nearby, waiting to strike…oh. I know who we need…The Anti-Christ…he would be perfect!

I’m going to be voting in 2012…It’s Palin or someone else that comes up…I’d personally love to see Glenn Beck run for President…now he would make a big fuss about politics! :laughing:

For me, Palin…Huckabee is still to much of a preacher to lead a nation…he would need to learn to live with some issues he has. Then he would be perfect…
Other than that…not much…all of the politics of America are gone…

I should care about this, I really should. It will be my first time voting for a president. But I don’t care, because I’m still bitter about missing voting for this one by one stupid month.

Regardless, I’ll vote Democratic, as will my state’s electoral college.

I think that unless Obama really screws up, he’ll be reelected since he’s “historical.” So, we won’t be free of crazed Obamaists until 2016. By then, I’ll be old enough to vote! :stuck_out_tongue:

True this: after Obama’s term is over, the Dems will be crying their little pants off. After the second year or so, they will be saying, “where was Sarah when we needed her…?!”

But I’m going to stay out of this one as far as this. Last time I read one of these political threads, I cried for ten minutes straight… and I’m not even lying. :cry:

God knows what He’s doing. It’ll be Sarah Palin: 2012 for me… (oh yeah, JesusFreak… GO US! :smiley: )

Glenn Beck: Yes! Love that guy. :smiley:

Wow, I never realized this place is full of Palin supporters … :open_mouth:

Do I smell apocalypse? :laughing:

But seriously, I don’t care much for politics. People will always deny that they never voted for whoever is president at the time whenever there’s a screw-up, when several years before they were chanting the person’s name. :stuck_out_tongue: Hypocrites, I say!

I am actually surprised that politics is such a big thing to people of a younger age range…I don’t care for politics at all, nor does anyone I know aside from one friend who wants to study it at university, and that’s pretty much it. We’re all getting to the age where we can vote for the first time, but none of us are planning to. Is politics that big a thing in people’s lives in America that even young people are interested? :laughing:

Either way, 2012 is a long way away. Things can change in that sort of time, so I guess it’s difficult to say exactly what’s going to happen the next time there’s an election.

LOL, FONY, my mom would hate you (Eh, maybe not hate you. She’s used to being around Democrats all the time.) She LOVES Palin. My sister gave her a biography of her called Sarah for Christmas and I think that was her favorite present, even though it was probably the cheapest. XD. She chose square glasses for Mii to look like Palin.

Personally, I WOULD like Sarah to have more experience on certain points before she runs. I do like that she thinks like an average American; she wasn’t one of those people who were raised by politicians, went through high school and college a politician, and only thinks like a politician.

I don’t know why it matters so much to people - Iraq aside, the president doesn’t seem to do much that we notice. And whatever the president wants to be done, it has to be approved by the congress anyways. So … basically, the president is a puppet! A pretty (or not-so-pretty) face that a bunch of ugly old guys talk through. :laughing:

I just really highly doubt that Sarah Palin, of all people, would be elected. She’s a woman, for one, and there are a lot of sexists out there who will not vote for her simply for that. Also, a lot of bad things about that woman have been revealed about her since the election … things I can’t remember, but I’ve heard things. ^^;

Also, I know the country is mostly Christian, but it’s anti-Christian as well. And even if a Republican did run again, any sort of required religious activities would not be allowed because it would deny the freedom of religion. As for the Republicans basing their beliefs off the bible … banning of gay rights? abortion? Do they really think that will make this country happy? If anything, it would make it much more violent than it already is.

In my personal opinion, if you are running a country that contains such a diversity of citizens and religions, then you must run that country without taking your own personal beliefs into mind. Do what is good for the country, not what you think your God will think is good.

That is all.

FONY: Most people I know who are against abortion are against it because it kills innocent babies, not for God.

And gay rights, yeah, it’s not right for them to try and make it illegal. My sisters told me and interesting point, actually. They said that Jews were trying to be different from everyone else so that is when they made up rules like the men always have to wear those round things (I’m sorry if I’m offensive I just don’t remember what they’re called!) and anti-homosexuality.

Rac_Rules: I understand, but no one knows exactly when life starts. And as for person pregnant knowing the consequences and should live with it … if one can’t afford the child, is too young to have the child, can die giving birth, or if the child is born with abnormalities … then they should be allowed to abort.

I mean … people act as if the mother won’t feel guilty about it. Some people are heartless, I know, but … I’d think that the mother would always wonder what it would’ve been like to have the baby … so people should just leave other people to their own decisions.

And for those who are against abortion - are they willing to adopt all these children? Probably not. So it would be stupid to bring a bunch of children into the world who may never get homes, who may wind up in foster care for their entire lives, messed up in the heads because they never had a proper childhood and stable environment.

All because abortion would be illegal?

I’m sorry. But that’s just wrong.

I’m only against abortion when it’s late-term - if you know you’re pregnant, and wait that long to decide you don’t want it, then it’s best to just give birth to it and put it up for adoption.

Otherwise … freedom of choice is best.

And as for gay rights - it’s not only the individual Jewish people who are against it.