What are you eating right now?

Mmm! That sounds so good right about now!

chocolate icecream :shake:

I just had myself some Ramen Soup.

Just finished, like, fifteen Twizzlers, and i’m about to start a Crunch bar…

I’m going to eat dinner soon. I’m so hungry, I can’t stop thinking about food right now.

I’m eating onions, because they always help to cure a sore throat. :wink:

The Star Swordsman - I’m pretty hungry myself. I swear, I could eat the moon and I’d still be starving. (snigger)

– Mitch

I guess my parents are cooking roast beef right now. I can’t wait!

Mitch: Mmm that sounds good right about now, a nice cold chunk of…is it mozarella or Monterey Jack?

A113 - Heheh. Oh no, I was just eating a plain ol’ slice of pure onion. It stings going down the throat, but it’s an excellent antidote for coughs/colds. :smiley:

Dinner, on the other hand, consisted of a steaming bowl of pasta and a dainty cup of tea. Quite delicious.

– Mitch

Ooh, might give that a try next time.

I had had kobe beef and Italian grape soda for lunch in Vegas.

I just had dinner. Dig this. I had 2 chicken drumsticks, ribs, rice, mashed potatoes with gravy, and potatochips.

Just had McDonalds. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pixar.rocks: :open_mouth: i…want…mc… :cry:

Toast with ham, yummy :slight_smile:

I had leftover mashed potatoes for breakfast today!

‘alternative’ breakfast.

Are those my recipie mashed potatoes?

Nope, we got them from a store that sells chicken. THe mashed potatoes were sides.

OK then.

But I will say that I have tried out your recipe for mashed potatoes a while ago (with a little help from food network.)

Pixar.rocks: I got McDonald’s for lunch today! Hooray! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: