What type of pet do you have?

Im gonna find out your adress and styeal her from you! 8D :smiley:

One day I hope to have three cats named Dinah, Keaton, and Chaplin.

When I move out I don’t know wether to get a dog or cat first.

I like both but prefer Dogs, so I would get a Dog first.

For me, a cat. Defintely. Once I have a place of my own, probably an apartment, I’ll be busy with work. I’d rather have a pet that is easy to take care of. A more high mantience animal like a dog isn’t something I’d get until I was married and have the space.

I think I might get a dog. They are harder to take care of, but they can keep you in better shape by taking them on walks.

Get both!
We just got a dog and shes really good around cats (sadly not as good with dogs(she only has one friend and the funnything is that dog is sorta vicious too 8D )

My dog was from the shelter so shes around 5-6 but she so cute. Shes a Shih Tzu. We think

and shes really good shes chewing on a raw hide right now! 8D We gave it to her like a month ago and shes not done it yet. Oh well heres a pic of her.

Its not very good and her eyes are creepy cause i forgot to turn the flash off :cry:

Who’s the random person?

I thionk thats my mom but she b=doesnt have light jeans so it could be my aunt

or my mom wearing my aunts clothes

The dog looks very cute.

Thank you!

Anyone else hate those commercials about those abused animals.

Why? I hate that they make me sad, but they’re probably doing a good cause. :slight_smile:

That’s what I hat, the saddness. How much people give them money?

yeah I hate the one where the guy gets a ticket to far away land and then as he gets more boxes he gets sadder and sadder then he leaves and the cats in a shelter.
I cried the first time i saw that

Its not cat’s fault.

I have a dog
a Chihuahua and she’s 13 and a half years old.

I also have 2 guinea pigs that are both approximately a year and a half old. I used to have 3 but one suddenly became really ill and had to be put down last week. ;_;

You going to post any pictures of your pets?

Your dog is pretty old. My old dog Milo was 14 when we put him to sleep. He was a half lab/rhodesian ridgeback. Are old cat Minnie was about 18 and she was a tabby.

Okay here are some pics:



The black and white guinea pig(Black Star) is the one that just passed away a few days ago. :frowning: It was pretty unexpected, she wasn’t very old. Apparently she had kidney diseased that was caused by genetic factors. Nothing could be done, she went downhill really fast and had to be put down. :frowning:

The multi-coloured guinea pig with red eyes is Anemeone and the white one is Blanca(Blanca is my favourite because of how she interacts with me). Here is a video I posted on YouTube of Blanca:


Also my Chihuahua’s name is Sandy.

All my pets are girls(I have had male pets before but don’t currently have any males).

I like them. I like chihuahua’s eyes. I have only had a dog and cat and fish. I wanted a hamster when I was little but never got won.

Yeah Chihuahuas do have really crazy eyes
my sister took a picture when she visited at Christmas and the dog just looks so hilarious
I don’t have it uploaded right now though so not sure if I will post it.

I think I had 2 hamsters when I was really young but I honestly can’t remember much about them. It was way too long ago.

I’ve had a number of pets over the years though because I’ve also had a cat, gerbils, mice, rats, other guinea pigs(before I had the ones I have now), fish, hermit crabs
and somehow I still feel like I’m forgetting something.