What type of pet do you have?

My parent’s were never big on pet’s so we never got much. Mt parent’s say they will never get another dog after are current one. They may get another cat after are current one because my mom loves cats.

Those look like very nice pets Minty Fresh. I’m sorry that one of them had to be put down. :frowning:

Minty Fresh, your pets are so cute! Especially your dog. I think chubby dogs are so cute.

Here are my babies. <3

[spoiler]Amber, the youngest, who is very playful but will cuddle in your lap for hours.

Sierra, who’s about 6-7 years old and tries to ignore you but will be very cuddly when you come home from a long day’s work or you’re sleeping in the middle of the night. 8D She also does this funny thing when she meows (but it sounds like a chirp) at you when you’re on the phone.

And Miss Booger Cakes, my precious little fuzzball. You can’t tell here but she looks HUGE because of her fluffy fur. She’s a Maine Coon, I believe, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was part Siberian Forest Cat or something.

And here’s my dog, Inuki.

All your cats look the same. I thought they were the same one at first.

Ha, you’d probably be able to tell them apart if you saw them. Amber is, well, amber colored and lighter than the others, and Miss Booger Cakes is SUPER fluffy, which makes her look enormous. She basically looks like this.

I saw that the cats were different colors.

I like the cats, and I really like the dog (I’m a bit biased towards dogs).

My dog Inuki looked like a black coyote when we first rescued her because she was terribly thin and mangy. Now she’s plumped out and is quite big but in a natural way; she doesn’t have much fat. I like her huge, fluffy tail most and her ears, because they can go down to straight up in an instant, and they’re so big! She’s a black Australian Shepherd mix.

Has anyone ever seen pictures of your parent’s pets back when they were younger?

I have^^, My parents Dog.

Seen pet’s of both my parent’s. Don’t remember the names except for my moms cat Putot or something.

Yes, my dad has a picture of his ol’ cat Tuffy.

I have a labrador dog.

I miss my maltese puppy.

Here is a picture of the last time I saw him.

“Okay, maybe if I sit here and look cute, maybe they’ll give me food”

He’s lost? How long?

No, I’m in college. He lives at home. I haven’t seen him in a few weeks.

Here is a picture of Charlie. I don’t have one of Yowie:

Oh, guess you couldn’t take him with you then.

Your doog looks very cute TSS, and I’m good friends with Charlie, as you know PixarTeo.

Yep I do now. And I love TSS dog. He is so CUTE! <3

He is really cute… and kind of fat too.