What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

Hopefully you can^^.

I am now going on the other forum.

I’m going to make some popcorn and watch Clue :slight_smile:

Making some graphics and stuffs.

I watched it (and the bnus features) and definitely recommend it, especially to Who fans! They’re definitely in my top 5 favorite bands.

Watched a couple documentries this morning.

My sister asked me for my next logo to be a very classic comic book one.

I’ve been stayinh up a lot lately snd as a result waking up late. I should go to bed early tonight or set my alarm clock.

I hope it’s Batman. 8D

I’ve made like six Batman ones. That terrain is pretty much covered 8D

Aw. Those must be ones I missed.

I watched a version of Queen Live At The Bowl without overdubs or alterations in any way.

Watching The Other Guys.

Listening to John Powell soundtrack suites.

I’m a bit annoyed right now. Had a row with some friends at college. I try to make things right later on but they’re not even answering my calls. Pathetic.

I’m so happy!! I just ordered this:

disneystore.com/disney-store … allpartial

It probably seems insane to toss out a good old Ben Franklin for a doll, but I love collecting dolls, and I will be so happy to display this one!! She’s so precious. <3

Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that. I have had times like that, and sometimes it gets better.

When I read this post I was like “Ben Franklin doll, SWEET!”. Then I realized oh, misread! But a wedding Punz doll is even more amazing!

I’m having Pizza for dinner.

I’m going to a pizza place for dinner, but I’ll order spaghetti.

Working on the drawing blah blah blah.

I drew so far Phileas, TSS, and myself. Though I’m not done with those 3 yet. Still got to draw 7 more people.

I’m trying to teach myself how to write better using my non dominant hand :slight_smile: