What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

K9Girl: Hooray! You got a dA account! If you need any help with anything, ask me. I could give a few pointers on how to do your page. :wink:

Haha! I’ll remember that. :slight_smile:

I think we’ll go crazy.

Ooh K9Girl, what’s your dA username? Add me, thedriveintheatre (Look for Rango).

School has started again, New standards, New backpacks, New shoes. But no-one has changed. All the others are still stuck-up and Prissy. :-\

Heeelo Geoff! It’s nice to hear from you!

K9Girl: What is your dA? I ahven’t posted in a while, very outdated. But I have been drawing so I’ll add more stuff, you reminded me actually!

It’s Superbowl day! I am not big into football, but living in the Bay Area, I am rooting for the San Francisco 49ers to win!

I watched Crazy, Stupid Love.

TDIT; Did you manage to do the thing? Sorry if I am annoying by asking all the time.

I just made a deviantART too. My username is MaraX8.

PixarTeo: Awesome-o, I added you to my dA watch list.

So I heard back from one of the Universities I applied too! I’ve been accepted to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

I already have a pre-existing dA account (link in sig).
Id follow people but the only profile I see here is PixarTeo’s 8D

My username is GracefullyClumpy. I’ll see how many of you I can find and add you. :mrgreen:

Nope, been real busy lately. Sorry! :blush: I should be the one apologising, I’ll inform you as soon as I set up my account, okay dokay?

In the meantime, I’ll get on dA and Watch you. And K9Girl too! Howzat? :wink:

Thinking of what to put in the FYC thread for my submission. Oh, haven’t you heard? You only got two more days to get your best works in! So put your *ss into gear! :slight_smile:

Watching you all on dA now. :smiley:

I have a deviantART account too.

It’s not popular AT ALL, despite having 238 logos from all kinds of things.

All because of us everybody is sharing their pages! Woot!

TDIT: Okay I look forward.

Got two test this week. I also got to draw to small self potriots. I did however got alot of work done over the weekend including a Powerpoint on Mongolia(Still have one more thing to do), extra credit on political ideology, 3 drawings of a soda cans, 2 maps of countrys and some definions words for geography. Long story short I’m pooped.

PIXARFAN91!! I haven’t seen for a very long time. :smiley:

SoA: Maybe you should flaunt it in your sig like I do? Have I Watched you yet? :question:

Hey PixarTeo and K9Girl, I couldn’t find you on dA. Is it because you are new members and it takes some time for the website to show you on public diaplay?

Thinking of how to plan my Chinese New Year weekend. Might go to Chinatown or Sentosa to see the decorations and see Die Hard 5 with a work colleague.

Oh, I don’t mean popularity here in the forums, but in devianART itself. I actually suppose the few visits I get come from Pixar Planet.

Sick. Missed out on going to Chemistry class yesterday, lovely :frowning: Now I’m left to re-read this module again (this module that I barely understood a word of) and do half of the next one.