What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

Watching Ratatouille and straightning my hair at 7am… UGGGHH… Ugh about the time… Not Ugh at Ratatouille…

What’s on my mind?


^How come? :frowning:

Might have dinner soon. Hopefully. I’m absurdly hungry today.

It’s hard to find the proper words, so I prefer not to say them publicly.

But thanks for your concern, you’re very sweet :slight_smile:

What would you guys think if I created a thread, displaying some of my Pixar/Non-Pixar signatures? :bulb:

I have a hunch as to what Spirit is referring to.

Bonanna: I don’t see why not!

EJE: :smiley:

I also have a hunch as to what Spirit is referring to

:smiley: I’m loving the positivity here! I kind of have a hunch too, but I’m probably wrong.

Can I add on to the good energy? Wreck-It Ralph is one the best birthday gifts I’ve ever gotten if not the best. Granted, my birthday’s not for a month, but I didn’t want anything else anyway. I love this movie, it gets a 100% A+ from me. Right up there with all Pixar films and my top fave Disney films too for me.

I feel like everyone is in on some kind of secret they don’t want me to know. 8D

That would be great!

Leirin: Claps

Waiting for the school bus come, Its good because I wait across the road from my house and I still have WiFi :smiley:

Just got Wreck-It Ralph on DVD :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: !! Waiting til sister gets home to watch it, it’d feel wrong watching it without her.

I also got her some Sonic comics while we were out and about earlier… and I’m working on a big art project at the moment.

That’s my day so far :wink:

In my Geography class, listening to my teacher Mr. Finch recount stories from when he was in primary school 8D :smiley:

Got a haircut yesterday.

Just wondering, does anyone have an account on Letterboxd.com? I’m a member there and I’m willing to follow anyone here who also have an account there.


^I actually never heard of that site. From what I see, you rate movies? I already have an app like that on my phone, so I’ll think I’ll stick with that!

Fair enough. I do rate movies, yes. You can see alot of the films I’ve watched here:


As you can see, my taste in movies is quite diverse. Perhaps I should have posted about this on the Movies thread.

That’s great! :smiley: I actually also waited for my sister to sit down and watch the movie too. I basically can’t watch that movie or Winnie the Pooh without her, she adores those movies.

Also I read about some of your posts about trouble in school and chemistry and I’m sorry about that. I totally see where you’re coming from though. I don’t actually dislike any school subjects, but my favorites are English and Math. However, I really don’t like my math classes this year. And while the subject of Chemistry interested me, I unfortunately had two teachers that made that class the worst for me last year. The first one seriously just didn’t how to teach and didn’t care whether we passed or failed or were trying our hardest or needed help, and he kind of had fun with it too :open_mouth: . The second one seemed good at first, but then she turned out to be lazy and confusing and giving very half-baked explanations on how to work problems. A majority of my teachers are difficult to work with, but we love the good ones, so just thought I’d say I know how you feel. :slight_smile:

When are the winners for the PPA going to be shown? Hopefully I do not sound so pushy. :blush:

lol PixarTeo! Don’t worry I’m just as eager to know! :smiley:

I watched Psycho.