What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

Happy 2011 everyone! I’m enjoying this year already.

I don’t even remember what I was doing at midnight. I remember being up at 11:30, but I also remember going to sleep around then. What an exciting life I lead! In my defense, a lot of my friends aren’t around here anymore, and I’ve never been too crazy about the holiday.

Happy 2011!

Happy New Year!

Quite a bit of things are going on today with me. 2011 is here, I’m continuing my work on some sketches for some new characters I plan to unveil soon, and I’m going to visit my aunt today.

I wonder what’s for supper…

I can’t believe it’s 2011. This is my third decade! I feel old :smiley: I think I’m gonna draw some more later and watch a movie. Yay

I’m wondering what’s for lunch!

Evangeline: Your… third decade? So… you’re thirty years old? :laughing:

little chef

For me, it’s homemade chocolate chip cookies.

…Seriously. Yum.

little_chef: :blush: Hahaha no no I mean like I lived in the 90s, 00s, and now the 10s. :smiley: :smiley:

I know, weird how that works! I’m nearly 19 but this is my third decade. I feel old!

This is my fourth decade. I’ve lived in the 80s, 90s, 00s and now the 10s. I’ve seen an empire fall, another one go into decline, the rise of the information age, the Age of the Geek, the possibility of a President of color go from long shot to sure thing and so much more.

Think about it guys, even those who were born way after I was, we’ve seen more develop in our short time here on Earth than our parents did in the same span when we were their age, and so on and so on the further back you go. There’s something amazing about that. It just makes me, I dunno, feel awesome!

What’s on my mind? Italian soup! I’m excited for dinner.

I wish I could have had at least one article/review posted in Peach magazine. Sigh. Not many people have seen my writing aside from the rare blog reader and my English professors.

I’m angry because I’m starting in the university right away and I don’t want to.

I was reading your blog yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

Sweetness! Speaking of which, I’ll have a new batch of posts ready soon. I go in and out of phases where I don’t post at all, and then there’s a flood of writing I want to do.

I did a post recently criticizing the Inception score, but then I figured zero people would agree with me, so I took it down. :frowning:

Aww. I would’ve love to have read a dissenting opinion the Inception score. I hope you change your mind and repost it.

Whenever I look into something I look for the dissenting opinions first. A lot of times they’re bitter and contrarian. But I love seeing a well-thought out critique where the person doesn’t seem to be having just a knee-jerk reaction to popularity.

Unless I’m wrong and it was just a more critical opinion than a dissenting one. Either way, I hope you repost it.

The problem with my post is that I don’t know that much about the technical mumbo jumbo of scores–I’m a visual artist, not a musician. So I think that weakened what I was trying to say. Basically, my feelings are that the score, at times, cheapens Nolan’s style, which is borderline gritty realism. Inception is a departure from the standard action-packed blockbuster, and its accompanying music should emphasize that. But the score by Hans Zimmer seems like a step backwards, because its context in the movie is too much what I would expect from an action film.

When I listen to the score by itself, I like it. It’s beautiful and haunting. However, the way it’s used in the film is downright distracting when it isn’t even necessary. During moments when I feel like I can take a breather, the music still has a heavy presence. Whyyyyyy!!! It’s like someone’s shouting in my ear, demanding that I feel the building tension and start palpitating, and not in a good way. It’s too overboard, basically. However, like I said, if I listen to clips from the score, I like it. Just not so much in the movie itself. Silence can be golden and deserves a place in every film, even the edge-of-your-seat ones–not to mention one that’s 2.5 hours long.

^ I feel the exact opposite. I love the score by itself, for even more when paired with the movie, because on my opinion, it works perfectly on a narrative level.