Which Disney Franchise has the worst Fanbase?

Honestly in terms of the ‘bad’ stuff Disney produces, it’s really just a fact that well, there’s a market for it. Enough people actually like or even love the stuff in order for it to be produced.

Popular of course doesn’t mean something is good, nor does unpopular mean it is poor in quality. (Similarly however just because someone likes something popular doesn’t make them a sell out etc.)

I’ll just say this: I LOVED the Spice Girls when I was a kid. I think many females my age or a bit younger/older have a cd of theirs somewhere, to their greatest shame, and it’s hardly deep/great music. Also, having a lot of friends into something can add to the hype a bit, and it’s nice to love something that a lot of other people do sometimes, and can indeed help someone love them more, and even attribute qualities which are over the top as you ‘squee’ with other fans. Fans encourage other fans etc.

So, in ten years they’ll hate it/ be embarrassed they acted that way. Or just visit the odd concert as a part of nostalgia as an adult. (Lol. Like the band Steps, someone I know wants to go to their concert.) I mean there are zealous fans of everything. Pixar fans exist which will disembowel you if you like HTTYD more than most Pixar movies, let alone all. The larger the fandom the more potential for such things to go on, especially with ample encouragement for such behaviour by other fans. Both consciously and subconsciously it can work wonders.

OTT praise I guess is fine as long as you don’t insult people who feel differently. At the same token, I guess it’s best to realise if you insult what they love it’s not always going to be met with happily. I despise Twilight, HSM and all that. Though I guess Twilight fans or HSM are free to argue with me against that if they want. There is of course ways of going too far in that area. Like as someone said before- Lion King fans hating you just because Scar isn’t your favourite villian. Preferences aren’t really an insult, and shouldn’t be taken as such. I mean just because Frollo is someones favourite doesn’t mean they think that anyone who says otherwise is stupid in their own favourite choice of villian/antagonist etc. I will however say I think Twilight is intensely problematic and all. And that I really don’t think HSM is deep or all that great. Even irritating. But like I said, people are free to give me counterpoints or say why they do enjoy it. I just don’t and have things ranging from actual problems to it just not being to my taste.

This too shall pass. Eventually. Things go in and out of fashion with different age groups really.

What I remember most about Buzz Lightyear of Star Command was LGMs talking about a hyper-death ray, which is superior to a death ryay because if you get hit by it, you experience hyper death, wh

Deer don’t marry, so Faline isn’t a princess. And how could you leave Kiara out if you’re going to include Faline? And what about Rapunzel?

Look how old the post is, I tihnk the movie came out after that.

That was definitely before Tangled was released. Besides, Rapunzel is one of my absolute favorite Disney characters, and princesses.

The Lion King has a terrible fanbase. It’s okay to like it, but seriously…does everyone have to say it’s their favorite Disney movie? I mean there are 50 to choose from, there’s no way The Lion King should in any be everyone’s favorite. Even if The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid…and perhaps Aladdin, are the only guaranteed big money-makers for Disney and they all came out from about the same time…I’d rather someone name other things than The Lion King.

Sure, I get that’s it cool that Timon is the idealist and Pumbaa is the pragmatist and Simba is supposed to represent something spiritual (that is, someone who can accept spiritual things, whereas Rafiki is his spiritual guide) and the “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” song is beautiful as well as the opening song, “Circle of Life.”

But then there’s that travesty “Be Prepared,” the worst villian song of all Disney, and also Simba singing that he can’t wait to be king, not realizing that his father has to die in order for him to be king…such a happy song representing something that should make Simba miserable is a nice cnotrast, but still…

But the worst thing about The Lion King is how Scar dies. I don’t care how evil a villian is, none of them deserve that. Not even Maleficent. And anyway, Simba wanted his father to die by the act of wanting to be king…and Scar did it for him. Of course, that in no way diminishes Scar’s act, but still…no villian, and I mean no villian, deserves that.

I disagree that there’s “no way” The Lion King should be everyone’s favorite Disney film. It’s my personal favorite, and I’ve thought about my decision to pick a favorite movie quite a bit. TLK just hits all the right notes with me, and I actually think “Be Prepared” is one of the best villain songs and also that Scar’s death doesn’t bother me.

Any one of those teeny bopper shows that are listed in the polls. Thank goodness they got cancelled.

REally? Mosy people like Be Prepared. It’s seen as one of the best, most of time time only Hellfire beats it.

I really don’t understand your reasoning. How is it okay to like it, but not okay to think it’s one’s favorite? And it is defintely not everyone’s favorite Disney movie.

Most people I know like The Lion King the most. But others like Beauty and the Beast, or Aladdin, ot anything else the most.

Okay, I have to admit, I agree with Lover-of-Fiction. I for this one time totally see what he means. I am so sick of everyone saying TLK is their favorite all the time. I love that movie; it’s my #7 Disney movie. But I hear that it’s so many people’s #1 so often, I can’t stand it. It drives me bats. I would rather more people liked the worst films like Chicken Little and HotR than for 80% of people always say TLK. It’s infuriating. There are plenty of perfectly awesome disney films; everybody doesn’t have to pick that one. Honestly, I liked the movie much better before I knew how popular it was. Now every time I watch it, I get angry at some point about how over rated it is, which causes me to enjoy it much less.

What would you do if everyone said they liked BATB as their favorite?

I would find that ridiculous. It’s not because TLK is not my favorite, it’s because it’s so over rated it drives me crazy.

I still see no reason for it to infuriate you. It doesn’t drive me crazy that you love Beauty and the Beast or Tangled. One, because I love those movies. And Two I have no right to be infuriated by it. Seriously. The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie. So sue me. Sorry to upset you with it.

My thoughts exactly. Should I pick another Disney movie I don’t think is quite as great and change my first pick just to be different? I’ll stick with TLK. I get if it annoys or disappoints people that one choice is the most popular, but don’t take it out on the fans! I’m sure TLK fans still love movies such as BATB quite a bit.

How does this keep coming back to Beauty and the Beast? I thought we were talking about over rated movies. I mean, that one might be over rated. But I don’t know many people who like it very well(most people I know hate it for a couple of reasons I’m not going to even talk on here). I love The Lion King, and I know very few people who don’t. It’s just like The Godfather. Of course I like it. I don’t have the capacity not to like it. I’m just blown away by how incredibly over rated it is.

Really I just think it’s a shame that a lot of fine, or even honestly fantastic(and no, I am not talking about Beauty and the Beast. Please don’t say that again. It’s my favorite, but it’s totally irrelevant to this.) Disney films are over shadowed, often forgotten, due to majorly successful Disney movies like TLK just because they’re not as popular, so nobody talks about them, and they nearly cease to exist.

FINAL DISCLAIMER: I do not dislike/hate/dis The Lion King. I just find the songs really annoying, and fail to see why it over shadows the others. I see that I’m wrong for trying to share my opinion with you guys, but I’ll try to make up for it by trying to stay off the subject of over rated as much as possible from now on. I’m sorry I somehow offended you, I just think it’s over rated. You guys say that about movies I love all the time(Avatar, HtTYD) and I never lash back, because “över rated” is as much of an opinion and just as valid as “best Disney film”. Again, sorry I tried to talk about this here.

Okay guys. let’s end this. If someone hates something in a movie it’s okay. Not everyone is bound to love The Lion King. I also think their are Disney movies over rated and I’m sure you guys think that too. But let’s not try to get all ticked off at each other for it. I disagree wuth Virgnina on it being over rated, but that’s her opinion, not ours, so let’s drop it.

I don’t mind if you think The Lion King is overrated. Please, continue sharing your opinion about that subject as much as you want (I don’t think we actually criticized you for saying that, even). It’s not a problem when you say a movie’s overrated, even if it’s beloved by many people, but (1) try to have a reason to back up that statement if you want others to understand your position (such as disliking the music, as you said), and (2) try not to get angry or upset about it, especially when that negativity is aimed at others. I felt like you were mad at my own personal opinion, but I want to like the movies I like. Again, to clarify, this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with your personal views towards TLK but how annoyed you are with others who think it’s the best film. I promise I would not get angry at someone for thinking a movie is overrated, especially if they can explain why, so that’s not the case here, and I don’t think it is for eje, either.

I hardly think people are going to ignore other Disney movies and only go crazy for TLK, though! Some movies, like The Rescuers Down Under, admittedly don’t have a large fanbase, but other than that people are pretty aware that the movies exist. Look at the threads on here for movies like Hunchback of Notre Dame. They still get recognition. I wish I had some statistics for this, but when I’ve asked people what their favorite Disney movie is, only sometimes was it TLK. I just as often heard other movies, such as BATB and TLM, and even other times less popular ones like The Sword in the Stone and Robin Hood.

The reason I used Beauty and the Beast as an example is because it’s one of the most critically acclaimed Disney movies—I mean, it almost won Best Picture! Personally, it’s in my top 5… maybe #3?

What about Mickey Mouse’s fanbase?