Who has the best avatar?

Dude, then that would take confusing to a whole new level.

Rachel - You’re welcome! And, yeah, the stark contrast between your latest avatar and your previous one is felt, but both are equally appealing.

Ah! Of course. I should have known. Thanks for reminding me! :wink:

– Mitch

I like Phileas’s Violet avatar. Cute picture of her.

I agree with TSS, it seems like we got another Violet admirer on the forums! She must be one of the most attractive Pixar females around! Nice one, Phileas. :smiley:

I’m lovin’ BDD’s avatar! The arrow pointing… haha! “He’s a magnificent horse, with the brain of a bird!” The stallion with wings, Pegasus FTW!

Phileas has got a great shot of Vi as an avatar. I like it. :slight_smile:

thedriveintheatre: Thanks! I just wanted to get into the spirit of Hercules, which I’m gonna watch tomorrow. (It’s got quite a few modern references, like Aladdin had, which is what makes it full of funny parts!)
I also like yours. It’s great that you’re advertising your Dark Droid video…(wait, that reminds me…did I comment on your video yet? I think I might have, but I’ll have to make sure! )

BDD - There were Aladdin references in Hercules? :open_mouth: I must watch it again!

I don’t think so, but no worries, take your time to compose your feedback! Thanks for the comments on Hoodwinked Point and CJ7 & Stitch! :smiley:

thedriveintheatre: Oops, I phrased it wrong. I meant like it’s about as funny and full of references as Aladdin also had. But I think there may have been some Aladdin references in there nonetheless :wink: …after all, there was a The Lion King reference in Hercules (Hercules slayed Scar and is wearing his skin in one scene! Just like Zazu once suggested, “He’d make a good throw rug.” XD)

You’re welcome! I really like how creative they are and I think I better check up on the Dark Droid trailer now.

I love violet parr’s avatar.

I also love Phileas’ avatar. Such a great shot of Violet.

– Mitch

Same here mitch.

BDD - Oh no, I read it wrong, you said “…like Aladdin had,” so it’s my bad. Yeah, noticed the Scar ‘cape’ too, that was a great cameo, albeit from the dead! :stuck_out_tongue:

I like violet parr’s avatar too! Is that the font from the Pixar logo?

Phileas’ is also a great screencap. The table argument scene was a good one.

Now that I finally have an avatar for myself I’m going to put it up for discussion:

Personally I like Phileas’ avatar quite a lot. (note to self: must rewatch The Incredibles…)

Halos Nach Tariff - I like your new avatar. It has a nice atmosphere. Might I ask who the character in it is?

– Mitch

It is Balthier from Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings and Final Fantasy Tactics.

He’s a sky pirate, think Han Solo but more awesome and with a better accent!

Here he is as he appears in FF XII:

Halos Nach Tariff - Ah! I see. Awesome. I don’t know how anyone could possibly be cooler than Han Solo, but this other dude is still a neat character.

Thanks for the explanation! :wink:

– Mitch

No problem, the main reason he’s cooler than Han Solo is that his air ship has tinted-pink windows, anyone who can pull that off is instantly cool!

Halos Nach Tariff: dude, sweet Avatar my friend.

What a cool avatar, Halos Nach Teriff!
And I also like violet parr’s.

Nice avy, Halos Nach Tariff. I never really played Final Fantasy XII, mostly because I hate the battle system, but I think I will give it a chance again if I had the possibility.

And I really love bright-dot-dasher’s avy. One of the most beautiful scene in any Disney movie. It makes me feel like making some Disney avatars and signatures :slight_smile:

Halos Nach Tariff - Yeah, but can it go to light speed? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m thinking of changing my avatar to one of red’s graphics. How soon that will happen is anyone’s guess, though, as I’m still quite obsessed with Russell…

Edit: Heh. I love thedriveintheatre’s avatar. Hilarious…

– Mitch