Who has the best avatar?

Very Nice. Makes me think of this.

except it is an avatar.

Or is it?

yes, it is.

I love Pixfan’s new avatar of Mike.

Heh, thanx StarSwordsman:wink:

Funny how he almost has the same exact expression in my sig…8D


You could switch them, have the Avatar say Signature and vice versa, just to confuse people. :laughing:

I did not notice that Pixfan. But nice find. And you are welcome.

It reminds me of those t-shirts that say “shirt” on them…

How do you like my avatar? Created today…

I like it carlfredricksen. He looks kinda bored, but it looks really cute.

It’s probably because Russell just said something ridiculous and all he can do is roll his eyes.

Hmmm, it could be. Either way, I love his facial expression.

carlfredricksen - I like your new avatar. That expression of Mr. Fredricksen’s suits his outward personality completely. :wink:

Rachel - Ha-ha. Cute graphic! I’m trying to remember what that was from. It was featured in a behind-the-scenes video on the Monsters, Inc. DVD, right?

– Mitch

Thanks, Mitch. When I changed my avvie I was like, “Ouch, red!” because compared to the soft palette of my previous Hello, Dolly! avatar it stung the eyes a bit. Ha-ha. Nooo, it’s not from the behind-the-scenes of the Monsters, Inc. DVD. But you’re close. :wink: It’s from “Notes on a Score” on the second disc of WALL•E. This avatar is meant to represent my love of music (the lightbulb is one of the on-air lights for one of the recording studios, Sony, I believe), and the smiley face drawn on the light bulb is just plain cute and funny.

carlfredricksen - Nice avvie! I agree with the others - Carl’s facial expression is hilarious!

Ooh, new avatars!

Rachel - I noticed that was one of your earlier avatars and I remember asking you about it. Nice reference to one of your passions: movie soundtracks.

Pixfan - Mike looked like someone stepped on his foot! Funny expression!

carlfredricksen - I like how Carl is such a cranky old man. He’s always so exasperated by Russell’s enthusiasm. I hope the poor guy lightens up, but I like the expression of him rolling his eyes you caught there! :smiley:

Castoro Chiaro - That’s from one of the retro posters! Awesome wicked cool!

I love violet parr’s avatar.

I think Pixfan’s avvie is amazing. I love Mike Wazowski and I don’t see enough of him here on PixarPlanet. Smart move, Pixfan! :wink:

I changed mine near the beginning of this week. I have been begging my mom to get me this poster, and I think it might be working… :laughing: I absolutely love the colors and the tone of this picture - it’s so warm and tender. <3

little chef

Haha, thanx little_chef_eva09!

Yea, surprisingly he doesn’t get much love around here…8D

I try to stay as varied as possible when it comes to my graphics so every movie get’s equal treatment… :-D)

Your avatar suits you as well, has a nice feel to it. :wink:


actually… might do that