Who has the best avatar?

Abbervail Dream’s is awesome. :sunglasses: I know it’s cliche to say ‘I love Nightmare Before Christmas!’ but … I loved it before it was the cool thing to do. :laughing:

I’m actually quite proud of my own, which took me, meh … ten minutes, not even? Well, for both the avatar and the sig - I’m not that slow. I’m thinking of keeping Winifred Sanderson as an icon for myself, seeing as I had a sudden realization that I resemble her somewhat. xD

I like your avatar FONY. Really good choice for the month of October.

Thanks TSS. :smiley: Samhain/Halloween can’t ever pass me by without Hocus Pocus coming to mind. :laughing:

FONY-- Thanks!~ I’ve loved this movie ever since I was about four years old, haha.

And I loove your sig/av. Such good movies. ^^

Abbervail Dream: I love your avie, too. Lock, Shock and Barrel are so cool :slight_smile:

By the way, I’m going to change my avie today or tomorrow with a TNBC pic my brother made :slight_smile:

WON: Pretty neat Jack Skellington avatar! I think a few people changing their avatars and sigs to Halloween-related ones has snowballed into practically everyone getting into the ghoulish spirit! This reminds me of Gladwell’s ‘Tipping Point’, those who are intellectually-minded may know which book I’m talking about…

I’ve decided to go against the flow for the time being and change to a Mittens sig cos’ I’m in such a Bolt mood now, after the newly released film clips and the revamped official channel (not to mention I’m hard at work at another brand-new Disney trailer mash-up, but this time with a difference! You heard it here first! :wink:). This expression from the trailer is priceless! I’ll revert back to Remy and Emile’s own ‘bolt’ closer to Halloween, and I’ll try to whip up a Wall-E related sig, time permitting. November, here I come!

I really like the switch WON. I believe it is perfect for the Halloween season.

← Yay! More portal references!

Like your new av’ WALL-E ! :smiley:

Join the club Pixar.Rocks. It makes me hungry. :wink:

as I said, it is the cake graphic from portal.

Just changed that chihuahua one was great but it looked odd…and i’m not even going to be ready for halloween this year.

I was thinking about changing my avatar to a Halloween one…probably a nightmare before Christmas one…but then I thought…wait a minute! I don’t celebrate Halloween!

nathan - Neither do I, but I’ll be changing my signature to something to do with Halloween. It’s a good excuse for a change. I wish we did celebrate Halloween here, though…

our Hallowe’en is extremely americanised.

You mean Aussies don’t? :open_mouth: I thought most Western countries celebrate this occasion…

Where’d you get that avatar from, Al-Bob? Or did you draw that yourself?

To Wall-E, [spoil]I’m sorry to say, but somebody cut the cake. I told them to wait for you, but they cut it anyway. There is still some left, though, if you hurry back.[/spoil] And no, I’ve yet to discover the wonder that is Portal. I just Wikied that quote to rib on ya. :laughing:

Nobody has anything to say about my avatar? :confused: Guess I’m the only one looking forward to Bolt. And the saddest part is that it’s to be released in Oz only next year!

That’s what it’s from.

[spoil]You will be baked, and then there will be cake[/spoil]

thedriveintheatre-its david crowder…i got it off his music video.

The video is sweet…they get attacked by squrrels…its really funny.

thedriveintheatre - I noticed your avvie! I just forgot to comment on it, sorry! That kitty cat is cute - black and white cats are the best, so your avatar gets the thumbs-up from me. =)

No, we don’t celebrate Halloween here, at least not to the extent of the Americans. You might find some private Halloween parties or events in the city, where you could dress up though, especially in Sydney.

kool, well as I said our halloween is americanised.