Who has the best avatar?

I like lizardgirl’s new avatar. I have never seen her wear it before.

Thanks, TSS! I was a bit bored this afternoon, so I thought I’d make myself a new avatar.

I really like your new avatar too, lizardgirl! It’s pretty sweet!

I love our new av’ LG but i like your siggy even more ! :wink:

I’m likin’ it.

I thought it was new. I haven’t seen that before. And you are welcome! :wink:

I like lizardgirl’s new avvy. (of course :wink:)

I think your new avvy looks cool, lizardgirl. :wink:

Your avatar is awesome, lizardgirl! Randall looks cuckoo in it, for sure!

Sweet avatar, LizardGirl! Was that an actual Randall quote (it’s been ages since I watched Monsters Inc. Maybe I’ll rent it for Halloween :wink: )

Reminds me of a Joker quote from Dark Knight:

Gambol (mobster): You’re crazy.
Joker: I’m not. No, I’m not.

Thanks guys!

thedriveintheatre- It isn’t, though I wish it was. :laughing: I love Randall to bits, but he does sometimes seem a sandwich or two short of a picnic…

I love CocoMeister’s avatar. It’s so sweet!

lizardgirl: Awww, thank you!!! :slight_smile:

thedriveintheatre: I like your avatar!

I really like Lil-Bandit’s avatar. It’s so adorable, sweet and simple.

holds back Ran from the comment :laughing:

I agree with you there BDD. It is so cute.

New avatar.

hey nice one Walle…is it just color or is it part of a real pic?

justcolour, part of a bigger pic

Well, your new avatar is pretty unique. Pretty cool.

What’s the big pic of?