Who has the best avatar?

thedriveintheatre - Didn’t recognise you at first with your new EVE avvie. Even when she’s being defensive, she still looks cute, I must say.

nathan: More Colours, It’s part of my desktop.

I like the blends of colors, WALL-E!

Even though Halloween’s over, I just can’t seem to let go of my Coraline avvie just yet.

I just made a shrunken down version of my pencil drawing of WALL•E as my avatar. I don’t think it turned out too well.

Well, I like how you decided to make a change. I think it suits you well.

PPP: PM me the full size one, and I’ll make it better.

Rachel: Thanks for noticing! :smiley: Totally agree on you with that one. I loved that shot, she looks so menacing with the barrel pointed at Wall-E, and yet looks like an angel from heaven (albeit one with a very dangerous firearm) just by the way the light filters through the dust cloud. The cinematographer/directory of photography must have been brilliant. And it fits the Halloween mood (although it’s kinda over).

I like your drawing, PPP. Do you do sketches of Wall-E and the other characters? I’m interested to see your fan art, if you have any. I don’t think your avatar is too bad looking.

And that’s a pretty unorthodox avatar, WALL-E. You got a link to the original wallpaper? Looks cool to me though. :wink:

Check out Martin’s new avvie, guys! It’s the BURN•E logo (I think.) Really cool!

thedriveintheatre - An angel from Heaven… never thought of that, that’s very insightful. She sure is the right colour for it. =) And you better stop going on about EVE otherwise you’re going to turn me into a fangirl. Heh.

PPP - I think your WALL•E drawing avatar is quite cute.

I saw martins new avatar. I like it. It is pretty sweet.

Yeah, it’s pretty sweet, indeed.

And, I love yours, thedriveintheatre! It’s a great picture and pose of EVE! :smiley:

FULL SIZE: xs433.xs.to/xs433/08452/1225272961955434.jpg

Wow, that wallpaper is really… mesmerizing. ;-o

I agree. It looks real rainbowy! :wink:

Martin: BURN-E FTW!

Remy14: Thank you :smiley:! Yours looks abstract like Wall-E’s. Any significance? Did you make that yourself or it was from a wallpaper too?

Wall-E: For some reason, those colourful diagonal streaks remind me of this movie’s poster.

I’ve gone and changed mine again, perhaps it’ll be permanent.

That’s actually me in the picture. Be glad you can’t see my eyes - I scare even myself. :laughing:

And that is my beloved handheld-not-gynormous-like-my-other crystal ball

I actually thought that might have been you in that avatar there, FONY. That’s very nice.

Thanks Rachel :smiley:

LOL it does!

FONY: I think the new avatar of yourself looks really beautiful. I love the change.

I like it too. Reveals a little of her face, but not too much. Wonder what’s the deal with the crystal ball… :slight_smile:

So what do you think of my new EVE-tar, FONY? (Or anyone else,besides those who already commented) :smiley: