Who has the best avatar?

I already commented… but I shall comment again!

I like how it shows the more defensive side of EVE. The nice blur really makes the avatar just all that much better! It’s a good one you’ve got there, thedriveintheatre!

I like your new avatar, FONY. Very mysterious! :smiley:

And yours too, thedriveintheatre. It’s a really nice angle of EVE and, as Remy14 said, the blur adds something to it.

i may get a new one.

Interesting new avatar, FONY. Nice yet mysterious shot of yourself. :slight_smile:

I really like Spark’s simple avatar - it’s the plant logo from WALL•E.

Thanks for noticing, lizardgirl, Remy14. I also liked the blur effect, gives Eve that ‘otherworldly look’, and I think this is from Wall-E’s POV (as she also looked hazy when [spoil]she was trying to ask Wall-E about the plant in the Captain’s bridge[/spoil]). It’s a very epic shot, and the accompanying music of Eve’s theme is beautiful in that scene.

Spark: Plaaant! :smiley: Simple and pretty. I like it.

I really like Pixfan’s new November themed Avatar.

Thanx StarSwordsman…trying to get in the mood…:wink:

Liking everyone else’s avatar changes as well…:-D)


I like how Dash’s head is a bit blurred to go with the fast-moving theme of that kid. So that avatar is related to Thanksgiving, Pixfan? =)

Heh. thanx rachelcakes, and yea the whole ‘stuffing your face full of food’ part of Thanksgiving at least…8D

Working on a new sig to go with it…:wink:


You are welcome Pixfan. I can’t wait to see the siggy.

Pixfan - I agree: Cool avatar, dude! :wink:

– Mitch

Yeah, I like Pixfan’s avvie too. I don’t celebrate thanksgiving, but I don’t mind having roast turkey for dinner…

And I noticed TS2’s new poh-tay-toe-rized look…nice to see a Toy Story themed avatar for a change…

EDIT What the heck? Seems like he’s changed it again to Crickee from Mulan. Maybe he’s trying on a few… :wink:

changed mine.

WALL-E: That’s a nice and sharp red beam there. Is that supposed to be a robot eye?

Haha, I like TS2’s one at the moment. Crikee looks so cute when he’s endlessly writing.

Nice one, WALL·E
Auto’s eye

I like it WALL-E. Keep it.

WALL-E - Neat avatar. Is that supposed to be HAL’s or AUTO’s eye?

– Mitch

Both, but It is HAL’s Eye.

I’m liking your new avatar too, WALL-E. There’s something so scary about it despite it being so simple…:laughing:

And I love killler123’s avatar, too! It’s like it ‘is’ Pixar, if you see what I mean. :smiley: