Who has the best avatar?

WALL•E - Ah. I thought so. Heheh.

I agree. You can’t have Pixar without the lamp. :wink:

– Mitch

I agree with ya lizardgirl. I love Killer123’s avatar as well. Nothing like a classic Pixar character.

Heh, WALL•E great new one! It reminds me of the icon I had for Adium. It’s currently EVE. I’ll get a pic here:



That’s in the dock, by the way. I kinda got the Pixar Planet page open in the background but you get the point. :laughing:

And by the way, I like yours, too, Killer123. I agree with TSS completely. :smiley:

On an unrelated note, 400th post. :-D)
Kinda took me longer than expected, though. I need to visit more often!

LOL, I am now a quarter of the monies towards my mac :smiley:

good for you…

£399.99 for a mac mini, I have just under £100

Ah, you’ll get there. And maybe even get something better than a mac mini. Who knows? :smiley:

Besides, £399.99 is about $500 here. So you’re getting it for $100 cheaper than you would in the US. That’s something to gloat about, I suppose.

Uh, guys, this isn’t a Mac thread. Let’s keep this discussion to who has the best avatar, ok? :wink:

Hey Remy…you changed yours…what is it?

Yeah, I’m curious too, Remy14! Do enlighten us! :slight_smile:

Anyway, here’s my new avatar to celebrate the release of Wall-E on DVD & Blu-Ray and Quantum of Solace! It’s Eve in the James Bond gunbarrel sequence! :smiley:

That’s so cute, thedriveintheatre. EVE makes such a good transition into a James Bond-type character, so much more than WALL•E - must be her cannon arm! It would cool if you could create a GIF version of that avatar and have her shooting at the “screen” but instead of blood you have blue.

I have the BEST avatar here!!! lol
Well, it’s just me anyway =P

Thanks, rachelcakes1985! Don’t forget that Wall-E has that laser between his eyes that cut through steel ([spoil]when he found that plant[/spoil])!

I think I can follow your suggestion and try to make a GIF avatar (I haven’t done an animated one before, in fact this is my first composite one that was not a direct screenshot!) but there’s not any film clips of Eve pointing directly at the camera with her ‘gun’ and framed full-bodied as far as I can recall. Not even in her vignettes (which I prefer than movie footage because it has a simple white background, which gives it that J.B. gunbarrel look). The only ones I’ve seen were the ones where she carries away a cubed Wall-E and her playing baseball with him.

On second thought, there was that shot where [spoil]she was photographed after the garbage airlock sequence, by the Steward Bot who captured VN-GO. But it had that reddish-orange tint of the Steward’s POV…[/spoil]

I don’t know how to do the dripping ‘blue-blood’ effect! Maybe I’ll have to use a program like After Effects or something (which I’m just starting to learn…) :frowning:

But I’m quite satisfied with this one. Maybe I’ll try another animated GIF avatar in the future… but thanks, Rachel, for the great suggestion! If there’s any way you know or teach me to accomplish it, do let me know, as it’s a neat idea! :wink:

That’s an interesting avatar you got there, JhOpZzZz… who’s the character and what anime is she from? What do you think of my avatar? :smiley:

thedriveintheatre - I thought about [spoil]WALL•E’s laser[/spoil], but he only uses that for good, you see. :wink: But EVE shoots at anything that moves. Yeah, I think it would be hard to make a GIF of EVE shooting the camera like James Bond does, but if you could find some way to do it that would be cool. Maybe that reddish-orange tint would work in your favour somehow… I’m not really sure how to make elaborate GIFs, so I can’t help you there. My expertise only extends to basic Photoshop.

I changed my avy, too! Again, with Photoshop. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it suits quite well. ;-p

Ha ha, I really like it WBoon. I guessing after a couple more posts, you’ll do a Piston Cup Champion on right?

lol Thanks, TSS, and yep. It will be difficult to find a suitable Lightning McQueen avatar, but I’m sure TDIT could teach me a few tricks about the Photoshop by then. :wink:

I’ll say you can find a nice shot of Mcqueen and the Piston Cup trophy on the DVD. Capture it, then shrink it.

Yeah, but I don’t have the DVD… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the suggestion anyway, and I’m glad you like my… second, Photoshop creation. :smiley:

Well, if you don’t have the DVD, search on the Internet for some Cars screencaps. You’ll find something.