Who wants The Incredibles 2

I found her whiny and annoying. I don’t like whiny characters, and if someone annoys me, then they just annoy me. :stuck_out_tongue: I guess she’s okay. I just grow tired of her. I liked her a lot more the first few times I saw the movie, I think.

I always prefered Dash to her if I am honest.

I like Bob, Helen, Dash and Jack-Jack better then her. 8D

Me too. I also like Frozone more. Jack-Jack has some cool powers.

Frozone is so cool. :slight_smile:

Yeah, in two ways.

:wink: Yes.

I wonder if he has kids.

I severely doubt it.

He was about the same age as Bob, wasne’t he? Guess he just never had any.

I really doubt he did.

I don’t think he did.

Come to think of it, I would be very weirded out if he did. 8D

I had a dream that there was an arcade game advertising The Incredibles 2. I was pretty psyched, because they also had one of those coin press machines and you could get all the Incredible family (including Jack-Jack) and then one guy I didn’t recognize that kind of looked like Tony. Anyway I was really happy until I woke up and realized it wasn’t real. :laughing:

Seriously? One night I had a dream about there being an Incredibles 2. Only, it was very complex. And, just as I bought my ticket, I woke up. :neutral_face:

Out of all the Pixar movies, this has potential as a sequel.

I feel like I’m being tortured. I LOVE the Toy Story franchise. But really, Cars? MI? Finding Nemo? Sequels for everybody, except the one Pixar movie that really could have a great sequel. Jeez, next they’ll do Up so they have another excuse not to do tThe Incredibles.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Brad Bird just wanted to troll us in not doing a sequel.

I’d love a sequel, we all would. Naturally, I think Violet and Dash should be the main protagonists, having to continue their super work as they grow up. Naturally, the villain should either be Xerek (the guy who was originally going to be the main antagonist of the first movie before the producers favored Syndrome and he got recycled into the comic series) OR someone related to Syndrome, like an unknown sibling, seeking revenge. And it needs a BIG theme, like time or space travel.

My guess is they’ll probably delve into Bronze Age comic subjects dealing with social issue like drug use or gang violence.