Wisdom Teeth


Yeh, grrr!

Day Two of Recovery: I’m doing pretty well. My cheeks were warm in the morning because I put

too much ice on them the day before, heheheeee. The bleeding has almost stopped so I can take the stuffings out

very soon, yay! Oh, and my mother made me a really tasty soup… with chicken, beans, mushrooms, and about five

other veggies! :smiley:

I’m spending my time watching an anime called [i]Azumanga

Daioh[/i], which is really cute. I can’t wait to have ice cream later!

I’m getting

mine out in a few days. I wouldn’t care, but everyone I know is acting like it’s the worst thing ever, so now

I’m worried…Curse you, people!

I’m sure once it’s over and done with, it’s worth it- better than having too many teeth

crammed in your mouth!

I had my tonsils out when I was about five, and they just gave me ice cream for an

entire week, which was nice. Ony vanilla, though.

Going through recovery at this very moment, I can honestly say it’s not as bad

as I originally thought it would be. I was asleep through the entire surgery, and took a nap when I came home. As

long as you take your pills afterwards (when needed), then recovery isn’t too bad… although I could go for

some solid food right about now… dangit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I was actually looking

forward to it (!) before everyone started going DEATH PAIN SUFFERING :[.

Just ignore them.

It’ll be fine. You’ve heard it from me, Aggie, and countless people on this page. Just ignore people who even

think of “painful” . . . you’ll be fine!

Thanks…I feel better now. :slight_smile:

My cousin gets his out on his birthday. Poor guy.

I don’t think mine have really even started coming in

yet. I’ve had laughing gas to get a tooth pulled before, although it wasn’t really “pulled” per se,

as it was already loose and just had to be removed to let the adult tooth come in right. I have been put to

sleep several times, though, which I found quite fun. I got high off of whatever they put in my IV… good


Ahh, yes, the laughing gas…Good stuff right there, good stuff. :wink:

I got mine out yesterday. It was pretty cool - they gave me drugs the day before and in the

morning to relax me, then my parents drove me to the oral surgeons’ place. I sat in a chair, and the doctor

trapped something around my right arm. Then they gave me some gas (which made me feel reeeaaal nice), and put a

needle in my arm - I tried to look at it but I could see over the blanket that was on me. The doctor told me that

after that, I wouldn’t feel a thing (which was a lie because they took off the strap thing, which felt like

ripping off ducktape), and then said I would drift off to sleep or something. Next thing I knew, I woke up lieing

in a bed in a different room with a nurse on one of my sides and my parents on the other. They were talking but I

can’t remember about what…A little peice of cotten was stuck to where they put the needle in my arm, held in

place with a sticky strap that for some reason was also attached to my other arm. The nurse asked me somthing

like, “Are you trying to handcuff yourself there?” and took the strap off the other arm. A wheelchair

was next to the bed, and they helped me get into it. I don’t remember much after that, except for getting in the

car and falling asleep. I woke up when I got home, used the bathroom, and went to bed. I ate and woke up once in

a while (I got a milkshake yay) and was downstairs for a lot of the afternoon. My dad also got me a Spider-Man

comic, which was cool.

I’m doing fine now, 'cept everything I eat tastes like blood, and my mouth hurts

a little. But I’m getting pampered pampered pampered, and it’s great!

(Do you know what bloody scrambled

eggs taste like? Not very pretty. At all.)

Grooooss! Haha,

yeh, the blood is annoying in the beginning. Just squeeze your teeth every now and then to stop the bleeding and

in a day or two it should go away.

Just remember to take your painkillers and the rest aint so bad. :smiley: I

can finally eat again, but I still need my painkillers every now and then… :stuck_out_tongue:

I completely forgot this thread was here, and Dash told me I could now post in


My dentist/uncle told me on Wednesday that I have to have all 4 wisdom teeth pulled on Monday.

They’ve been causing the rest of my teeth to shift around.

:shake: I’m so scared because they’ll be

putting me to sleep during the procedure. I’m worried that I’ll never wake up or something. I can stand the

pain as long as I’m alive. Haha.


One of my wisdom teeth were starting to peak. The dentist

told me in a year or two they would have to pullthem out… and that was a year ago. Heh heh.

Aw, it’s okay, PixarVixen! All four of mine just came

out. It’s normal to be scared of the anaesthesia. It happens so quickly, though. One second my surgeon was

asking me what my major was, the next second I was at home on the couch! The worst thing about getting them all

out is that you won’t have a “good side” left to chew on! Stock up on pudding. Mine is still healing

almost a month later, but it only took a week or two before I could eat normally.

However, we think the

oral surgeon cracked one of my other teeth! One of my back molars is now cracked, and I have to have a crown.

But I’m stuck with the cracked tooth for another week because I’m healing so abnormally slowly. I still had

stitches in my gums after three weeks (but that’s very unusual). I hope I don’t scare anyone else. I don’t

think the stuff that happened to me is that common. So just stay away from my surgeon!

Stitches?! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/youwhaaa.gif” alt=“o_0;;” title="You

Whaaa…" /> Did they give you those because of how you are

healing or do they do that with everyone who has wisdom teeth removed?


I think it depends on your particular situation and your particular oral surgeon. I think I

got stitches because my lower teeth hadn’t come in yet. Most are dissolvable and should go away within a week

or so. You may not get stitches. If you do, ask if they’re dissolvable or if you have to come back and get

them removed. The stitches themselves didn’t really hurt, nor did getting them taken out. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry Pix, you’ll be fine. I never felt a thing - even after the surgery was over and

stuff. Yes, usually you do get stitches (it’s better that you do, or you have a very high chance of getting an

infection), but they don’t hurt and all and usually dissolve after a while - sometimes they just come out, too.

I’ll admit that once I stopped taking meds and the swelling went down, it was a bit uncomfortable having them in

there, but again they don’t hurt.

It’s been about two or three weeks since I got mine out, and while my

cheeks are still sensitive and it hurts to open my mouth too wide, I?m doing fine and I’m not dead. Just

remember - don’t go swimming. For a while. You’ll regret it once your mouth starts to bleed again. :wink:


Thanks, guys. I feel better. :slight_smile:

I can’t stomach the fact that I can’t eat

or drink at all the day before the surgery (bad pun, I know).


Yeah, after a

three/four weeks after my surgery the little blighters known as stitched just popped out . . . clear looking and

blood stained, but it was obvious that the blood that stained them was LONG gone. Dissolvable . . . never knew

that was possible until then!

Don’t worry too much Pix . . . it really does fly by (but then again, I was

awake and laughing through the whole thing!)

Well, today was the day I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth

removed. What an adventure.

The first thing I had to do when I arrived was give a sample so the nurses

could determine whether I was pregnant or not. I had absolutely NO worries about that ;-p, but this was a

definite requirement because from what I heard, in the past, a woman WAS pregnant and something happened to the

fetus and there was a lawsuit yada yada yada…

Then I was prepped for surgery. They attached all of

these stickers to me and took my blood pressure. They even gave me an IV to help put me to sleep. I had to

breathe through a tube. I was out within a matter of seconds once the IV was inserted. The next thing I knew, I

was lying in the recovery room with my mouth stuffed and and ice bag/headband around my head. My mom was there

which was very comforting. :slight_smile: I know I’m 22, but it still feels good to have a parent by your side after a

procedure like this.

My entire mouth was numb until I got back home. Once the novacaine started to wear

off, the pain hit me hard and I was mis-er-a-ble. However, as soon as I took my medication, I had almost instant

relief. I have to take 4 different kinds of pills…2 for swelling, 1 for pain, and 1 for prevention of

infection. All but 1 of them are huge! But, it’s not a problem for me to swallow them if I cut them in


So now, here I am back on the computer with a swollen mouth full of stitches, able to talk but not

really well. It’s weird having stitches in my mouth also, but I got use to it very quickly. At least I can

close my jaw all the way now. Heheh.

And thanks for the kind words. I thought about you guys while I was

having this done. You helped take some of the pressure off. hugs

I can’t wait until I can eat right

again! :-D)
