You know what really grinds my gears?

yep… :angry:

Another thing that grinds my gears…

Alec Baldwin knows what the problem with the bailout bill is…Alec Baldwin???

Wha…??? :confused:

ya…he was on some show in the last week saying stuff that even glenn beck was agreeing with…it was fantastic…

People who in my theatre class have heavy influence on people in my class to do drugs.

really…that has to be tough…drugs will ruin anyones life no matter how bright it looks.

I’m really ground by the fact that I have to go to the army next year! It’s compulsory for all Singapore men who reached the age of 18! Gah! :angry:

WBoon: You have to? No matter what? I can see how that can be hard.

What frustrates me right now it that I spent hours searching the net to download this song for a music video, and at first, when I got it, I thought, “At last! Now I can move on.” And it really seemed like the search was over, because the song was officially on my computer for days, even months.
But now, for some reason the song will no longer play on my computer, and I don’t even remember where I downloaded it! :angry:
Sigh. Gotta start all over with the searching now.

Wow, that must be really frustrating, WBoon! What about those of you that want to college or university? You really have no choice at all?

I get annoyed by the fact that every time I buy a new pair of shoes, in the process of wearing them in, I get at least half a dozen blisters on my feet.

when people look at a person and instantly agree with him without looking at his friends…

When people make fun of the Gifted and Talented kids just because we’re smart. I mean, they act like just because we are in the GT we are snobby and nerdy.

That’s a bit vague…

TSS: One of my friends thinks smoking is cool becuae Obama’s a smoker.

TS2: I say this because I care. Warn your friend that smoking is NOT cool because:

  1. It gives you bad breath
  2. It’s gross- it turns your fingernails yellow and your teeth brown. It’s not healthy.
  3. People think it makes you less tense. A test showed that it actually makes you more tense.
  4. What about other people around you? When you smoke, non-smokers around you will still breathe in the same poison.
  5. Many people seen happy advertising cigarettes died later on.
  6. Every cigarette you take weakens your heart, destroys your lungs, and shortens your life.

Your friend must be very young and impressionable.

Oui. He is.

Fine i’ll be more specific…

It grinds my gears when Obama fans chant, march in boot camp gear shouting “Alpha Omega”, and have little kids sing glorious songs about him.

Ough!!! its like Hitler all over… :open_mouth:

Communism, Carbon Taxes, U.N. increase, More Government Control, and glorious songs written for him…

It’s driving me MAD!!!

I don’t think America is awake at all…WAKE UP AMERICA AND SEE WHO THIS GUY REALLY IS!!!

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest…phew…

lizardgirl: I am allowed to apply for a two years absence from the army to pursue my studies. Then, it’s straight to the grind for me. :frowning: It’s tough, I heard many people died there… No kidding.

is your country communistical??

That is like “unfair” as Obama would say :laughing:

Nah, Singapore is not, it’s democratic. America has respected our way of laws and restrictions and we have done the same for their views of freedom, though.

Wow…but they force you to take military time??

I don’t think that’s democratic…