This thread seems perfect. I could write a novel describing every pet peeve I have in full detail, laboriously listing each one as it’s own chapter, but I’ll keep it short and sweet.
-When kids in class randomly ask for gum. Specifically when I make it a point that I don’t buy gum, and never have any.
-On that note, the overall obsession with gum. It’s not so great you have to keep disrupting my learning regimen, is it? I’m not saying anyone who likes gum is bad, it just gets rather disruptive.
-People who think their opinion over rides everyone elses. AKA People who think highly of themselves and lowly of everything else. In the end, all opinions are equal, as they all stem from a human being, and no matter the age or position of the person it is just an opinion, and there is nothing that makes it better or worse than others.
-Loudly played rap music through ear buds. I don’t like the genre, yet I believe everyone has the right to listen to what they want, since we all like different things, and I don’t look at a person any differently dependent on their music choices. However, turning the volume on their handheld music device up so loudly that everyone is forced to listen to it doesn’t sit well with me.
-When it comes to online social networking sites, things like “pc4pc” (picture comment for picture comment), or getting messages all the time sent to every friend on the friend list just saying random two word things like “text me =]]]]]” can also be bothersome. If they at least bothered to make it personalized per person I may bother to answer back.
-Which brings me to texting. Like the aforementioned rap music, I have no problem with the act itself, just the manner in which some people perform it. Constantly being nagged during class about “Cover me, make sure no one sees me texting” and what not gets annoying. At our school, electronic devices are forbidden from being out during the school day. Just the fact that people text during class gets annoying.
Eh, I’ll leave it at that for now. I