You know what really grinds my gears?

Ah, good strategy. :wink: Hope nothing spoils the movie for ya.

You too. :slight_smile: I will read no reviews until after my birthday, I swear it!

My dog has been annoying me because apparently, he loves my mom and dad more than me. Case-in-point, he bites me.

This is no directed to any of the underage members.

But the fact that the majority of the PP members are kids and not adults is a major turn off about this site. I wish there were more older members here.

Yes, we are a minority. I love everyone here, but it’s easier to relate to members my age.


And it would be grand to know Pixar’s major audiences are adults.

Pixar is getting reaaaaaaaally annoying with the trailers and merch now. Guys, we get it, it’s coming out soon. Just SHUT UP ALREADY! What happened to the subliminal Toy Story trailers they used to do? I didn’t even know Toy Story was out when I was smaller because–I thought it was a weird movie about toys. All three seemed strange, so I didn’t see them…I’d missed out due to their subtle advertising. Now they’re advertising all over, and it’s bothering me. Not that I don’t love them anymore…but geez! :~o

Spirit: I sort of know how you feel. It’s harder to connect with people you have less in common with. In your case, it’s age. For me, it’s usually the opposite. I dislike being with mass amounts of teens, because they’re usually mean to me and make me uncomfortable.

Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way!

I kind of share your sentiments. The younger members here are less matured and more exclusive, although there are exceptions like IV, BDD and JSWeC. Doesn’t mean that I dislike any of the younger members, but I find I can get along better and have a civil discussion with the older ones and not have it turn personal or defensive.

With age, comes wisdom and knowledge. Although, that doesn’t mean you have to ‘grow up’; I can talk about Baudrillard’s theory of subjective reality while still appreciating a Saturday morning cartoon. :slight_smile:

I’m treading adulthood soon…I’m secretly really fun to talk to as well, but I wish there were more teenagers/adults here too. On the topic of Pixar’s advertising addiction, do you think Disney’s got something to do with it, the positions slowly going to their heads and trying to turn them into a clone of Disney, except greedier, more green-eyed and unexpected? It’s like Disney wanted this to happen and let the merge occur, seeing how bad Disney’s legacy was. Sooner or later, the transformation will be complete, and they’ll turn into Pisney Jr. The evidence is already right under our noses: Rio jealousy, when they would usually congratulate a movie that followed their legacy; worthless merchandise for a sequel…and hawking it endlessly, hogging headlines. Soon Lasseter will change Pixar’s motto to Money is King, and there goes 26 years of animation…

For the love of Chrysler, I hope that doesn’t happen! :open_mouth:

I assume you’re being sarcastic? I agree with you that Disney had more of a hand in the poor-taste marketing than Pixar did. Pixar does the movie, Disney plugs it for them (and handles the tons of merchandise). Though I’m not entirely sure if a Pixarian edited the trailer? Or if Disney force Pixar to release a turntable every two days, or that the Pixarians did it of their own volition.

Yes, I am…hopefully not. I adore Lasseter, and I don’t want to see him or his company go down. Like Waternoose, but less evil.

“James, this company has been in my family for three generations. I would do anything to keep it from going under.”

I know I’m one of the annoying teens on here… :stuck_out_tongue:

We were just talking about how Pixar endlessly plugs Cars 2…you might not agree with me, but, what do you think? You’re not annoying…and, even though you’re a huge Cars fan–don’t you think the turntables and whatnot are a little much?

Woah. Hate to go off-topic, and I know that was just a general statement., but thanks, TDIT! :smiley: I thought I was actually one of the more annoying teens here.

Anyhow, swimming in a river and getting scratches from the rocks–not fun.

Huh? I’m not even on that subject anymore…

Usually Pixar isn’t involved in the marketing itself, not even the trailers. So they’re not to blame for those.

And not, money is not king in Pixar, and there’s proof of that.

I really dislike it when people come into my work, like 10 minutes before the winery closes. And then we have to wait for them to finish their wine tasting. And of course it’s always the slow take our time tourists that come 10 minutes before, and take FOREVER. Gaah!

Right now, a classmate of mine is grinding my gears because she asks for my help at the last-minute and expects me to hold her hand for every single assignment.

It’s not so much that I don’t want to help her. My friends actually say I’m “too nice” for a guy and that I am actually too helpful sometimes. A lot of the students in my uni are from mainland China or Hong Kong or Taiwan, and for some reason that eludes me, they choose to study at an Australian university which uses English as its medium of instruction, yet they continue to converse in Mandarin with their (mostly Chinese) friends and don’t make the effort to learn the language.

Believe me, I am not xenophobic. I know how it feels to arrive in a strange land and naturally graviate to people who share your culture and language. I was just like them four years ago. But I stuck to it and adapted. I asked for help only when I really needed it, and even then, I have the courtesy to ask a week or two in advance before the assignment is due, instead of calling the day before and giving the caller a heart-attack by pleading for assistance with a project that needs extensive research and interviews over many weeks.

I have helped this person (and many more of her type) countless times before because I just happen to be the one of the few non-locals who has a strong command of English. While it is going to hurt me to have to do this, I think it’s time for them to learn to stand on their own two feet.

:smiley: I hate boyfriends that call up and say that you called them, when obviously you didn’t.