You know what really grinds my gears?

Remy14 - Ha! Yeah, see? They’re everywhere… :stuck_out_tongue: (snigger)

– Mtich

Well, for several different reasons I don’t drink alcohol. One is that my face goes red even if I drink a drop of red wine (it’s hereditary), and alcohol in general makes me tired rather than happy and upbeat, and I just plain don’t like the taste of alcohol. Maybe I will have a sip of champagne on occasion, to make a toast, but only if I feel like it.

It really annoys me when I refuse a drink when I’m with other people (especially other people my age who drink to get smashed), and they act as if I am refusing to have a good time simply because I don’t want to drink. Me not drinking has absolutely no bearing on my ability to have fun with them, and in my opinion, if you have to drink till you get absolutely drunk, then you must be a pretty boring person when you’re sober if you have to get drunk in order to have a “good time.”

rachel - Agreed. I always thought that drinking for the sake of getting drunk, and supposedly enjoying yourself in the process, teetered on the edge of ludicrousness. Yes, one or two swigs is acceptable, but keeling over from an overdose of alcohol is not my idea of a pleasant adventure. (heh)

That aside, have you ever tried Stella Artois? I’ll admit right now that I took one small sip of that stuff and I was absolutely hooked. I thought that all beer tasted like window screen after I tried Heineken as a kid, but this stuff (Stella Artois) is parallel to that of… ginger ale. It’s delicious! Of course, I wouldn’t recommend it if any type of alcohol makes you drowsy, but I think that it’s still quite delectable.

But back on-topic…

– Mitch

One thing that annoys me is running out of gasoline for my car a little too quickly.

Mitch- Don’t get me started on Stella…Still trying to forget that rather, ah, eventful New Year’s Eve. :laughing:

Going on the whole drinking theme, I have to say that it annoys me when people get all weird with you if you do drink. And I’m not talking about getting drunk and throwing up everywhere- that’s never good- but I personally know a few teetotal people who enjoy sneering at everyone else even if everyone is perfectly controlled in their drinking. It’s got to work both ways!

And my cat annoys me because she just got fur all over my nice new dress. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Star Swordsman - Ha-ha. Yeah, I’m sure everyone hates that. (snigger)

lizardgirl - Ha! Bad memories, eh? That’s too bad. But you have to admit that it does taste delicious, non? :wink:

– Mitch

What really annoys me is that my twin brother used my car to practice driving. He hasn’t got his license yet, so until he does, I am his taxi driver.

I have many, many things that annoy me, but right off the top of my head:
I hate it when my sister leaves the radio on when she leaves the house, it’s SO annoying!!

TSS: Make sure Num Lock is on (it’s very useful if you know how to use it) and while holding down the Alt key, type on your numpad 0149, and let go of Alt. • Voila! :smiley: Yes, i’ve got WALL•E fever. :laughing: ← someone help me, i’m using this smiley too much!
Mitch: Yeah, i sometimes leave it in the middle of the aisle. There’s really not anyone around when i do it, though…right? o_0 :laughing: And the American flag? Thirteen stars are bad enough, but fifty? <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/youwhaaa.gif” alt=“o_0;;” title="You

Whaaa…" />

Anyone here run into this position?

You’re reading a nice Internet newspaper article, you go to the next page and…EAT ALL YOU WANT AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT!!!


A113: Hey, thanks dude for whowing me, but I find using the dash a lot quicker and easier.

A113: Yeah, I get annoyed too. I mentioned earlier that I get annoyed by pop-up ads. I’ve seen so many pop-up ads from “lose weight” to “find out who’s crushing on you” to “cereal” to “can you pass the dumb test?” to “I can tell your future” to “need tutoring” to “insurance” just to name a few.

You know what grinds my gears!?? I’ll tell you… when people just join a conversation start ignoring what people were talking about before him and start voicing their opinion! I mean that steams me, really I mean who does this!!! I would be caught dead doing that.


You know what I’m sick of this, I’ve had enough. I also hate it when people claim to be perfect when they’re not, as if they can do no wrong, boy I’m glad I’m perfect!

Oh yeah, I also hate it when you’ve already poured your cereal and you don’t have any milk left. Yeesh, that bugs me.

You didn’t use capslock for that, you just held down the shift key. That doesn’t count. :stuck_out_tongue:

… until someone comes around the corner. (snigger)

As for the American Flag: Ahh, I see. Well, it never bothered me. 50 states + 50 stars = celebrate your freedom! Heheh. :wink:

– Mitch

Slamming doors, and actually, most use of excessive physical force. Mechanical things need finesse and love.

I see people walk around my school worshiping the Lord, and I am happy for them because I am a Christain. I don’t find it annoying when it is something I strongly believe.

Pixelated- I have an idea as to what your posts were about, and you shouldn’t be ashamed to have your own opinion on religion. I find it particularly annoying when Jehovah’s Witnesses and the like come knocking on my door, telling me that I’m ‘sinning’, etc. I’m perfectly fine with other people being religious, but the second anyone starts trying to convert me, I get hot-headed about it. It might be because I don’t personally know anyone who’s religious- the area I live in is predominantly atheist (and that’s an understatement)- but I find that getting stuff through the letterbox about how the world’s going to end unless we all turn to God is as annoying as getting stuff about new double glazing or building a new conservatory.

Before anyone takes this to heart, as I said before, religious people don’t bother me. It’s when they start to tell me that what I believe is wrong that’s annoying, and that applies to any religion or faith.

Also, insects in the summer annoy me. I can’t leave my bedroom open for one minute in the evening without some mahoosive moth zooming into my room and landing on the wall above my bed so it can stare at me all night.
