You know what really grinds my gears?

The finals tomorrow are grinding my gears…and they haven’t even started yet! I need to pour some “medicine” and go to sleep now.

I’m really glad that we got an interesting discussion about American politics going without any major incident. We need to be matured enough to hold civil debates about current-affair topics without getting personal, it shows maturity and wisdom.

On a lighter note, the “black superhero gets caught syndrome” gave me a mental image of Frozone caught red-handed robbing a jewellery store by Syndrome as a cop.

Yeah, kinda weird, I know.

Samuel L. Jackson!

Right now, the relentless assault of assignments as I approach the end of my final semester in uni is grinding my gears. I want to do fanwork without a guilty conscience, so I want all this to be over soon. But then again, I wish uni life would never end!

I was trying not to get that image, but–it does sound like an awesome plot for the sequel. Frozone: jailed. A crime he tried to commit…under pressure…from Honey…HE GETS CAUGHT! RED HANDED!

Wait, that makes no sense. All mirrors show reflections of oneself.

And yes, I know I have faults. I’m glad I do, it makes me human. Who doesn’t have faults? Both people and nations have faults.

It kinda grinds my gears when people constantly complain and moan about Lightning and Sally’s personality(post RS),and the stuff that goes along with it,I mean come on,last I checked you’re no where near perfect yourself. I’m sure you do stuff that get’s on people’s nerves too… :neutral_face:

Immature members grind my gears.

I mean, I know there are 13 years olds here. But when they’re much older than that, it can’t be excused.

I was very immature when I joined, and still am in many respects, but I’m working on it. :stuck_out_tongue: 8D

Another thing that grinds my gears: Self-rightous people…

Lucky for us there’s no many of them here!

They bother me too :frowning: Arrogance just gets on my nerves

Awww, man!!! Can’t we get along? All this bickering is getting tiring. Can’t we just accept each other for our flaws? We all have them!

I don’t think anyone is being picked out as immature, self-righteous or arrogant now… but we should definitely stop.

Some people at my school grind my gears, in the worst of ways.

Dude, I totally dislike people who are arrogant. And I’m not just talking about religion, race, ethnicity, status, or sexual orientation. i don’t like it when people are ignorant about the kind of music I listen to, and the movies and tv shows that I watch.

I had a friend like that,very annoying… :-\

Yeah,I’m tired of the bickering but,if someone comes at me the wrong way I will defend myself…

I very much dislike arrogant people. I personally have that problem a lot of times, but I’m working on it. Hopefully it will go away with time.

Arrogant people? Are we talking about show-boaters and that kind of thing? If we are: you have no idea how much they “grind my gears”. I don’t think there is any other type of personality that makes me more mad than a class-A show-off. :imp:

You know who grinds my gears right now? A certian annoying member who won’t leave me alone… :-\

Here’s what he sent me:[url:310kozdg][/url:310kozdg]

who is it? I’ll talk to him nicely and ask him to stop. That’s what friends are for!

^ That is very considerate of you. By the way, welcome to Pixar Planet. :slight_smile:

Aww thanks!! quoting Mater “I like you already!” :slight_smile: