You Know Your Addicted to Up When...

I laugh every time I think of the squirrel joke. It isn’t funny at all, and I think that is what makes it funny! :stuck_out_tongue:

My avatar was of Carl for awhile on my OS X account, but I’m not as addicted to UP as I used to be. I really love the movie though, and that’s why I made my video.

With all of it’s more unique moments, including the squirrel joke, it is one of the best films to be addicted to.

And you know your hooked to this film when you can deliver every single line word for word without any shame!

Wow your Grandpa does look kind of like Carl.

My dad just asked me if we could watch it tonight! He hasn’t seen it yet, but I hope he loves it! Who knows, he might even become addicted?

I hope you guys watch that movie! It’s a fun movie to watch with my parents. My dad loved it. My mom even loved it, even though she doesn’t like cartoon movies. she loves Disneyland, but she’s not big into the movies!

Thanks! My parents sometimes don’t like the same Pixar movies as me. For instance, they aren’t huge fans of Ratatouille and it is my second favorite. Then again, my dad loves Monsters, Inc. and that just happens to be my first favorite. Considering both are Pete Docter, there is a good chance he will like it!

My mom watched it with me back in December and she really liked it.

  1. When you have a new appreciation for ballons!
  2. When you start imagining what really goes on in the mind of your dog
  3. When you and your boyfriend want to start writing together their own “Adventure Book” and filling it with pictures and events that happened in their lives together.
  4. When you seriously think you can use your own tool shed as a floating house
  5. When you go around the house talking in Alpha’s squeaky voice
  6. You start mixing up the Boy Scouts with the Wildnerness Explorers
    7)You still get teary eyed after the millionth time watching the film! :slight_smile:

“UP” is really one of my top favorite Pixar films…there is something so pure, so simple, so adventurous…and UP-lifting about it! PIXAR HAS SCORED AGAIN! :slight_smile:

LOL My dad does that all the time, it’s annoying. I have to keep correcting him, and in my head I’m saying “The Wilderness must be explored! Caw! Caw! RAWR!”

When you have listened to the soundtrack at least 15 times straight through and have listened to Married Life almost 200 times and have listened to Upular 975 times and have seen the movie 15 times.

Ha, I’ve done the repeatedly listening of Upular!

when you see a squirrel, and yell “Squirrel!” and then you start acting like Dug. luckily no one was around to see me acting so weirdly… haha.

When my brother and I were in Wisconsin, there were squirrels EVERYWHERE. We kept whispering “Squirrel!” to each other. :slight_smile:

Heehee, that’s funny! I like to yell squirrel at my dog, and he gets all interested.

I literally used to exclaim “SQUIRREL!” like Dug whenever any form of squirrel was seen. (yes, even in Diddy Kong Racing lol) Maybe I should start doing that again. 8D

When your mother makes an Adventure Book for you for your high school graduation out of a brown photo album, with photos from the day you were born to your senior trip. Complete with written note at the end of the book. It is the only thing that makes you cry on graduation day.

When you make squabbling noises and wildly flail your arms in an imitation of Kevin on a regular basis.

When you talk in a Dug voice to your neurotic dog. Who, in fact, is so insecure and follows family members around so frequently that she would actually hide under a porch because she loves said family.

When you go to Edgewater Park, NJ, to visit your friend, and flip out knowing that Michael Giacchino was there (it’s his hometown).

Awww, that’s so sweet! My mom did the same thing only it was just a regular scrapbook.

That’s very sweet as well. It really means so much more knowing how much time it took for them to put those together, doesn’t it?

Yes, I know what you mean! My mom worked on it for around a year.

That is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard. You have a really great mom :smiley:

Aw, thanks, that’s really nice of you to say! I do have a wonderful mom, I’m very grateful for her.

And a year, Ellie? That’s dedication. I’m sure it’s beautiful.