Your fav music genre...

Recently I’ve been kinda drawn to the electronic sound. I don’t like electronic music that much itself, but the sound… God, I love the sound. <3 dances to the beat in my head

Besides that I’m not really into a certain “genre”. It’s kinda whatever I’m into or whatever grabs my attention. :slight_smile:

little chef

Right now I’m into grand orchestral pieces for trailer music (so say stuff like “Immediate Music, X-Ray Dog, Two Steps from Hell, or Future World Music” and I’m there!). Most of what ends up on my iTunes is something interesting I hear from a commercial or theatrical trailer.

I also enjoy listening to jazz, blues, chill-out (think Buddha Bar), techno and a little of 90s pop. Big-band swing’s fun to listen to too.

I only like old-school hip-hop and R&B (like Grandmaster Flash and Vanilla Ice, the way it’s supposed to be) and for some reason, anything from Jay-Z. Any other modern-day hip-hop/rap music (like Flo Rida, or some Eminem songs), I despise with a vengeance.

Soundtrack music ain’t bad, depending if I liked the movie or not. Anything by Hans Zimmer, John Powell, Trevor Rabin, David Arnold, Randy Newman or Michael Giachinno is fine by me.

I also love remixes of contemporary music (like “Numb/Encore”, or anything by Moby, or the Pixar ones), but hate remixes of ‘retro’ music (like “Right Round”, “Fergalicious”, or “SOS”).

Unlike my family members and friends, I actually can appreciate country music. I don’t actively seek it out to listen, but it makes great background music. I dislike emo bands and heavy metal music. I like retro rock, but hate modern-day rock.

A good electronic base beat is one of the criteria in determining what contemporary songs I like. So bands like Junior/Senior, Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga or Katy Perry frequently fall under my radar.

I’m a sucker for 70s-80s music, especially if the song has cultural significance. Wah-wah pedals and synthesizer beats for the win, baby! 70s-80s inspired music works, too (as long as it’s not a remix of a song).

I probably talked too much already, If you read this till the end, you can probably compile a music profile on my listening preferences already. :slight_smile:

Power metal. It soars through my veins

Christian rock, Orchestral jazz, Classical. In that order.

I swear I posted here before, but apparently, I didn’t, so I’ll do so now anyway.

The genre I enjoy most is classical. I am about the only one in my whole school who appreciates it, though. I feel so alone. :laughing:

Video game soundtracks shouldn’t be ignored as well! Whilst often boring tunes to accompany a level, some games have just plain BEAUTIFUL soundtracks. Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Galaxy, etc, etc…

I can also appreciate pop, rock, metal, and jazz sometimes.

Film scores. Can’t help it.

Pixar film scores. :slight_smile:

Me, I love disco and hi-nrg, two rather undervalued, even quite maligned genres. A lot of people assume that a fondess for disco would have to be at least partially ironic, or else a “guilty pleasure”, but nope - my love for it as about as sincere as it comes. To me, there is nothing quite like the thrill of getting hold of a hard-to-find 12" on CD or in mp3 format (I don’t own very many of the original vinyls, partly because I don’t have access to a turntable that works, and also because I just like having music I can easily transfer to my mp3 player, through which I do most of my listening anyway).

70s/80s dance may be my biggest musical passion, but I’ve got pretty diverse tastes, and there’s quite a lot of other stuff out there that I also like. These include, but aren’t by any means limited to, jazz (particularly jazz with a European or Latin American flavour), ragtime, new wave, pop (the synthier, the better), techno, electronica, chill-out, classical and easy listening.

I find “rock” a bit of a generic, uninspiring term (though you could say that about any genre, I suppose, since when you start to dig deeper, you find that they all have their own range of sub-genres), but the stuff I lean towards tends to be of the more psychedelic or experimental range.

On the whole, I’m not a huge fan of metal, rap (though I agree with thedriveintheatre that some of the more old-school hip-hop can be quite fun), or of most so-called alternative rock, and Christian rock has no appeal to me.

I like Christian, classical, country, and anything that’s silly (like the Hamster Dance! :laughing: ) Just don’t let rap get in my ears.

For Rap, there’s the GOOD.

There’s the BAD.

And there’s the UGLY.


right now my music is pretty much this song <3

I pretty much can’t listen to anything else without going back to this song xD

I like pretty much anything.Linkin Park,Lady Gaga,Breaking Benjamin,Evanescence,Beyonce,P!nk,Katy Perry,Rihanna,Chris Brown,Justin Bieber,Cascada,Hilary Duff,Lifehouse,Snow Patrol.I like some rap,and jazz,I also like Imogen Heap,and Enya…well you get the idea… ;-p

Have you heard the silly-ness that is 'Ich Bin Ein Gummibar"?

I LOVE classical and jazz. The only rock music I can stand is Real Gone from Cars.

My favourites are Electronic, Indie Dance, House and Rock. :smiley:

I like a little bit of everything, but mostly rock, and classical music like Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. Pretty much the only music I can’t stand is screamo and heavy metal. I’ll listen to rap and hip hop if it has a catchy beat.

Are there any other country fans in these parts? It always seems like people don’t like country too much.

I am an Electronica guy (Owl City ROCKS), and I also like rock (CRUSH 40).

Wow, you’re the first person I’ve ever met who knows about Crush 40 :open_mouth:

ellie-jessie-eve, I like country! I like the videos sometimes too, how they tell a story (usually a sad one though).