Your Friend the Rat fan commentary - 9.12.2008

To practice for an upcoming Ratatouille fan commentary, the volunteers will be recording a Your Friend the Rat commentary on September 12, 2008, 6:30 PM Eastern Time.

This thread is for the participants to stay updated on the progress of others.

Things you’ll need:

  1. A Skype account
  2. A method for watching the short
  3. A 15-minute space in your schedule
  4. A computer microphone
  5. Working computer

Please tell us how ready you are, and when the time comes, we’ll be expecting you. :smiley: Have fun!

lizardgirl: Ready!
Mitch: Ready!
qxgnxamy: Ready!
rachelcakes1985: Ready!
The Star Swordsman: Ready!

I have great news !! Would it be a problem adding someone to the commentary ? :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

YAY! can join! Nice to have you aboard!

  1. Yes !
  2. Working on it…
  3. Yes !
  4. Working on it…But i’ll have it…
  5. Yes !

Like A113

I guess 40% Maybe a lil’ more…

I think I’ll be able to participate to the Your Friend the Rat commentary.

The thing is, I don’t think I’ll have anything to say about it. So, if I do it, that will be to see if everything is okay (skype and all that stuff) for the Ratatouille commentary (for which I’ll have some things to say).

Thanks ! Always a pleasure… :wink: If you’re all right with that time, then welcome! By the way, that’s 60%, since you have 3 of 5 items ready. :sunglasses:

A reminder to everyone: If you’re intending to participaite in the Ratatouille commentary, we’re going to need you to participate in the Your Friend the Rat commentary, since this is a way to practice using our technology and our scheduling.

posts combined by PV

September 12, eh? I’m pretty sure that I’ll be able to attend the session, as long as it’s in the afternoon. Hmm. Let me answer the “statistical questionnaire” for a second…

  1. Not yet, but I’m a workin’ on it…
  2. Yes!
  3. Yes!
  4. Yes! (I may need some assistance setting it up though, and that all depends on whether or not the thing still works… snigger)
  5. Yeppity, yeppity, yep!

It appears as if I’m 60%-80% ready. All I really need is the Skype account, and possibly some assistance with the microphone. Other than that, I’m good!

If all goes well, I look forward to participating in the commentary. :smiley:

– Mitch

Mitch: It should be easy to plug in the microphone; just look for the pink hole in the computer. :laughing: This would be 4:30 PM in California, by the way. :wink: I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to say about Your Friend the Rat…or anything else. 8D

A113 - Ha-ha! Yeah, the installation process sounds simplistic enough. :laughing:

By the by, Is there any particular brand/type of computer microphone that you would recommend?

Oh yes, 4:30 PM PDT/PST will fit into my schedule perfectly.

I’m a little nervous about attending this “practice session” actually, but I’m sure I’ll get into the swing of things soon enough. I have no idea as to what types of comments I’ll put forth; however, I’ll do my best! Heheh. :wink:

Thanks for taking the time to figure all of this out and set everything up for us, by the way! I didn’t think that a (Pixar Planet) fan commentary would ever be possible…

– Mitch

  1. Not done yet but that shouldn’t be a problem. I guess it will take me 5 minutes.
  2. Done.
  3. Done.
  4. I do have a microphone, the only question being : does it still work ? That’s my biggest concern at this point.
  5. Done.

Other than that, I guess I’ll have to practice my English seriously :smiley:

I’m 100% ready.

A113 and rachel - I think that when we do the YFTR commentary it’ll be 9:00 AM Saturday in South Australia. Just so you know.

Mitch: You’re most welcome. :slight_smile: :neutral_face: :astonished: My hands never sweat…!
Archibald: Awesome. Can’t wait!

Well, here are my respnses.

  1. Yes
  2. Not yet
  3. Maybe
  4. No, but I found a good subsitute
  5. It all depends what you mean by working.

A computer that runs well, and would most likely be able to handle everything we’re planning. :wink:

Occassionally, my computer would just randomly shut off due to over working I guess.

  1. A Skype account - YES
  2. A method for watching the short - YES
  3. A 15-minute space in your schedule - YES
  4. A computer microphone - SORT OF (One on the headphones is broken on my headphones, but my sister has a good quality set that I have to ask her if I can borrow.)
  5. Working computer - YES

Just to double check, according to the World Time Clock, if it is 7:30pm Eastern time (in the US) on Friday 12th September, here’s a link that lets you know all the times around the world at that time. Make sure to look at this list and see if your time matches up. (At least I hope that link is correct…) You guys in the US still have daylight saving going on now, don’t you?

I’ve PM’ed qxgnxamy my Skype screename, and my guess is that once everyone has done so, he will PM the list of our screenames to all those involved so we can add each other to our contacts? You will have to let me know how the conference is going to work so I know how to be added to the discussion.

Honestly, I think 15 mins is too short of time even to do the short film. It may seem like a lot of time, but it will be good to introduce ourselves to each other beforehand to warm things up, make sure the technical side of things is running correctly, and to also discuss what we are going to say, and maybe go over some rules…? I think we should give our selves an hour, then at least if we finish early, it’s no problem.

I’m really excited for this, but also a bit nervous. I’ve been conversing with you guys for well over a year now, but never “on the phone” so to speak. But I’m sure I’ll be ok, and if you guys are as friendly and funny in person as you come across on this forum, we should have a grand time. Heh.

Thanks A113 and qxgnxamy (and anyone else involved), for organising this, too. I’ve always known that us members on Pixar Planet would be more than capable of doing something to demonstrate out Pixar fandom on this scale, if we were given the opportunity. Hopefully this will prove me right. =)

Yes, I’ll PM the list to everyone involved once everyone has sent me their Skype names.

I agree that we should spend more time on this first session. But if we’re going to spend more time we’ll have to meet a little bit earlier (to give The Star Swordsman time to get to his class).

Well, let me think about this Peter. My class starts a 6:00 PM. It takes me 45 minutes to get there because the traffic there will be very, very frustrating. And it takes me a totaly of 30 minutes to eat dinner. So if you take 75 minutes off before my class starts, That would mean as soon as the commentary is done, I have gotta jet out of there and start eating.

Or you could eat your dinner while doing the commentary, TSS. :laughing:

I don’t mind starting an hour earlier (8am Saturday, my time.)