Your Toy Story 3 Reviews

I just saw Toy Story 3. It was perfect. I cried so much when[spoil] Andy handed the toys to Bonnie.[/spoil] I couldn’t stop. But the next time, I’m NOT going to spoil so much for myself. :laughing: And I just LOVE the credits, haha, the [spoil]Buzz and Jessie dance part[/spoil] was awesome! Absolutely amazing! 5/5!

Trip 2 today. I liked it the first time, I LOVED it the second. A few more observations:

I was a drippy mess starting with [spoil]Mrs. Davis getting emotional over Andy leaving, hugging him, all the way through the end.[/spoil]

Did anyone else notice the music [spoil]used at some point in the trash conveyor belt sequence - is it just me, or is it the same as (or very near) one of Randy Newman’s music cues from Monsters, Inc. - like, maybe from when Sully thinks Boo’s in the trash compactor?[/spoil]

One of the little girls in the “Butterfly Room” looks like the little girl who watches Carl fly by her window in Up - she has the same hair, at least. (And the little girl in Up [spoil]had the Lotso by her bed! Hmmm…)[/spoil]

Oh, and because I’m slow, it wasn’t until I was reading reviews last night that I got the point of calling them the “Caterpillar” and “Butterfly” rooms.

I just have one more thing to say: My new favorite phrase: [spoil]“Cool and groovy!”[/spoil]

I saw Toy Story 3 today, and after I left the movie theatre, I can safely say that it is now my second favorite Pixar movie of all time (those who know me already know my favorite).

Anyways, I absolutely LOVED this movie. Pixar has done it again. It was brilliant. The story was beyond amazing. The characters that we have come to know and love return in a new adventure that will have you want to watch it again and again.

[spoil]One thing I want to say is my favorite part of the movie was the beginning and the ending. The beginning took us on a journey of young Andy’s imagination as he plays with his toys. It was so epic. I loved the ending because it was like a meaningful bittersweet good-bye (one last play time with Andy) before he left. I didn’t cry, but I came close. And if I came close, than that means it was really good.[/spoil]
Overall, I recomend this movie to anyone. it is easily the best movie of the year.

Just saw it this afternoon. It seems that Pixar is adding more emotion to their movies. I thought the 3D aspect was not that good; like, there was not a lot of 3D scenes.

Also, did anyone spot any secrets In this movie? I spotted the Pizza Planet truck, and the A113 code.

aZnCdn: Spotted a LOT of them. Even [spoil]Boo![/spoil]
Check it here if you mind. :smiley:

Yeah, I noticed that with the music. I recognized the theme. [spoil]I knew I had heard it before, and I thought it was from a Toy Story film, but then I realized it wasn’t in Toy Story or Toy Story 2. It was bugging me for a while until I remembered it. That theme plays in several hallway sequences in Monsters, Inc. and it sounds nearly exactly the same in Toy Story 3. I wonder if that was intentional?[/spoil]

Saw it for the first time today. Had to see it in regular because 3D was sold out. But 3D hurts my eyes, anyway.

BUT, OMFG, that was amazing! This was the first movie this year to make me cry. And I go to the movies every weekend, so that should tell ya something.
But even then, I treasure every Pixar film (who here doesn’t?)

First off, I enjoyed every single second of the film, and my favorite character stayed the same as the last: Jessie. It sort of killed me inside as soon as I saw [spoil]Andy’s dog old - it reminded me of my dog and how eventually she will get old, too. Heck, she’s gonna be 12 this year, tell me that’s not old.[/spoil]

[spoil]However, it kind of bothered me how the toys didn’t really change. And I mean how they thought Andy actually didn’t care about them. I mean, it’s understandable and it just adds onto the conflict of the story, which keeps it going, so that’s good. But I felt they were dragging too much on that in the beginning.[/spoil]

Who else got a heart attack from the creepy giant baby of creepiness?

I loved how they sailed through the inciting incident (forgive the film school geek in me). And the second act. And, of course, the whole theater exploded at El Buzz Lightyear de Español. And thanks to my B- in Spanish class I understood every word. “El vaquero!” Lol.

[spoil]The incinerator part scared me, even though I’m sure all of us knew the Pixarians wouldn’t let their beloved toys burn, hence the deux ex machina (clawww).[/spoil]

And, of course, the ending made me cry. :frowning: :slight_smile: The classic melancholic ending that leaves you with a happy yet wondery feeling.

Toy Story 3 showed me yet another level of Pixar’s emotional storytelling capabilities, and has inspired me to improve the stories I have in mind and round out a better emotional understanding of the beloved characters I have created.

Best movie this year. <3

Saw it last night. It. Was. Amazing. I rarely ever even get choked up in movies, and I knew exactly what was coming and yet I still cried. I was only a bit choked up during [spoil]the incinerator scene, until Buzz just gave Jessie that look. That completely devastated look. That killed me, and that’s where the tears started coming, and there they remained until the end[/spoil]

I also can’t remember the last time I heard my theater laugh so much during a movie. Specific favorites seemed to be [spoil]Mr. Tortilla Head, anything Spanish Buzz said or did (highlights being kissing Woody on the cheek, the first time he saw Jessie, and ‘The cowboy!’), ‘Jessie’s right! This is her fault!’, ‘Besides, now I know about Buzz’s Spanish mode!’ ‘My what mode?’, and the part during the end credits where they thought the letter was written by Barbie, but it was really Ken.[/spoil]

And I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who was slightly creeped out by Big Baby and the monkey. Seriously. Those monkey’s eyes are going to haunt my nightmares.

The part where my theater laughed the most was when [spoil]Barbie (disguised in Ken’s space suit) was walking away from Bookworm, and he saw her high heels, and just sighed.[/spoil]

This, along with the [spoil]Mr. Tortilla Head scene[/spoil], got the most laughs.

I wrote a review this morning after seeing it last night. I’d appreciate any feedback!

It got laughs in my theater as well. Suggestive joke there, much?

Yes, but subtle enough not to be vulgar or inappropriate.

Thanks, wannabechef.

I saw that coming a mile away…[spoil]it’s always the cute and unexpected ones that are the villians…that’s what I always say, haha.[/spoil]

Lotso being [spoil]the villain[/spoil] was the first thing we ever found out about him, when we first got word of his cameo in Up. It was just a rumor of course, but most people believed it.

I felt it was a tad bit obvious, though.


The first 40 minutes were boring.

The other hour was worth a 7/10, I suppose.

This film just lacked that spark the other two had.

I loved the first Toy Story. I liked the second one a lot. For third one, it lost a little something. I don’t know, the first two were so fun and engaging. But for this, it was pretty, well, not. I couldn’t get half the jokes (though the whole theatre was roaring with laughter), and it was just all over the place. But the last act made up big time. I’d give this movie a 7.5/10.

I have to disagree with you there. I mean, I thought that this actually brought back the same spark in the last two movies! I was engaged the whole time to the point that it made me feel like a little girl again glued to the TV screen playing with my Jessie doll.

I think this film was a little more serious than the last two were, though. It dealt with some serious angst, although I thought it brought the humor in at just the right times, so it wasn’t too serious.

To me, this movie was the best of the three of them!