As you may know, Pixar Planet is run on the goodwill, time and effort of a few of the members. Running this site includes domain registration and web hosting, and these cost us money.
As such, we ask if you feel you get something from any of our sites (Pixar Planet Forums, Radio Pixar, Upcoming Pixar), to please donate to us through the link below.
Our current hosting costs are roughly $10USD a month in hosting, plus we have had some issues with podOmatic recently for hosting Radio Pixar and as such we have purchased some more hosting for around $20USD. Even if you can only donate a few dollars, every little bit counts.
Pixar Planet is a not-for-profit site and as such, all donations will be strictly used for running costs.
Legally, however, we do require you to be 18.
In reward, you will be given access to the special Donators Bar forum, where we will run special competitions and prize giveaways to members. You will also proudly display the donators badge under your username and you can choose a special title to go under your username.
Just click this link to donate through PayPal. Once you have donated, please PM me with details of your transaction and also with what you would like your special title to be and I’ll add you to the donators usergroup.
Thank you for your generosity, and we really do appreciate it.
P.S. If anyone is willing to make an icon for the group, I’d be very appreciative of your help, and will add you to the group for your special contribution. Please do make it match the other usergroup icons however.