What is immoral to you, may be moral to me and vice versa.
Example: Say, a woman is raped and she gets pregnant to her rapist. I might say it is her choice to have an abortion because she may not be able to deal with raising, or even giving birth to a baby that did not come from a loving relationship, but from a traumatic experience. But you might say it’s immoral for her to have an abortion, end of story, because that could be classed as murder in your eyes.
The world is not black and white, which is why, even with a ‘moral standard’ (if you could call it that) people will still impress their own morals onto the Bible anyway.
How about most, if not all, scientists?
And if you mean ‘why don’t many Christians who are scientists, or Christians in general, believe in the Big Bang’ that would be because it contradicts with the Bible, so they choose to ignore the evidence.
No, I did not say that. You are again using the A = B, therefore B = A argument. Of course there are other people that are just as racist and pigheaded that are not Christian, but my point was, for a group of people that call themselves ‘moral’ and that rely on book that is supposedly the complete moral code of how to live your life, there sure are a lot of prejudices (and have been prejudices in the past) due to that exact same book.
Not exactly sure what you meant by that last sentence, but if they were racist, homophobic and generally prejudiced, then I would call them immoral, no matter what spiritual beliefs they held. But only immoral in my opinion and compared to my morals.
God’s moral principals that have been written by different people, and where there are many omissions, differing translations, and inconsistencies, and how some parts can be taken literally or figuratively, people are going to come to different conclusions about certain topics anyway. And, like I said, you are going to pick and choose which parts to abide by and which parts to disregard: whether because it would interfere with your life too much, or because those passages are grossly outdated and against the law, not to mention immoral by today’s standards. (Immoral according to most people today, and I know that sentence doesn’t hold much weight especially as there is no clear definition of moral and immoral.)