Evolution and Creation

The big bang kinda intrests me because I have learned from watching a The Incredibles alot that explosions (like the big bang) really do more damage than start life.

WALL-E: I have learned that he was there before the begining of the begining. He was, is and is to come.

must have been pretty bored.

I doubt it. Pretty hard to be bored if you’re god.

eternity in the void, nothing but himself.

None of know what he was doing before time. How could we? All we can do is guess. He could’ve done something but who is to know?

Care to answer my big bang questions WALL-e? :wink:

Call me strange, but I think God may have set up other worlds and other life, too, maybe before us. Go ahead and laugh at that very idea, but I think it’s possible. It has no mention of it in the Bible, but the Bible can be vague about some things, too. Like it says God created the world and all its creatures, but it doesn’t tell every detail just what the creatures were like.
For all we know, maybe the creatures he made back then don’t look like the ones we have today. So, they could have changed.

But isn’t microevolution (change over time within species-ex. sabertooth tiger to regular tiger to other cats) the only form of evolution for-sure proven? Is there a fossil of a dinosaur evolving to a bird? Maybe a dinosaur into a different reptile, but if I dinosaur evolved into a bird, surely we’d be able to find many in-between that change?

Didn’t God create the Angels???

Walle-Does Evolution create Moral Truths??

no, but were people barbaric and killing each other and blatantly raping each other before god load down rules. We all have a sense of what’s right and wrong even when we aren’t religious.

Are you saying we need religion/God to find out our morals?

I ask ye this: Is it good because God commands it? Or does God command because it is good?

To be frank, your question is a bit odd. Evolution is not a religion or a way of life like a religion is. It is an explanation of our origins. It will not tell you how to live your life or give you morals to live by, no, some people are under the impression they need God to tell give them their morals like it is a big task unworthy of them to work out good morals to live by for themselves.

Evolution is an explanation of our origins, not a way of life.

But it does encourage a religion…the idea of Atheism…the belief that there is no God hence no creator to rule the earth.

Atheism isn’t a religion. It’s a lack of religion, or rather a

And although it commonly leads to Atheism, evolution doesn’t say its the only choice. You can believe in both god and Evolution. Its just Evolution and Creationism that are a bit contradictory.

Al-Bob: bawpcwpn has a point. In fact, I know for a fact that some people believe that God started the big bang.

Yep, as far as I know and at this point in time, there wouldn’t be anything stopping Christians from believing that God started the Big Bang (since there isn’t anything to disprove it, but there also isn’t anything to prove it either) and nothing stopping them from believing that Evolution is part of God’s plan and that he set it in motion. A bit contradictory to what it says in the Bible about the animals being made ‘as-is,’ though, but they get to have their cake and eat it too: believing in God, and not seeming behind when it comes to science. I don’t think evolution says anything about there not being a God… it just doesn’t fit with the Bible and the Christian God’s making of the world.

And I’m not part of any fixed religion, but I believe I have a pretty balanced view of right and wrong. In fact, some people who call themselves Christian are some of the most racist, bigotted, homophobic, closed-minded people ever, especially towards people who are not of their faith. As I have said before, since the Bible is so contradictory with certain claims, and because it is such a long book (and vague and very much open to interpretation with some parts) people will pick and choose what they want to abide by, and reading the Bible through their own moral filter anyway. So then what would be the point of having the Bible in the first place if you are going to, naturally, mix your own moral judgement in with it?

Exactly, and calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour!

Everone interprets the bible in their own way, so they must have had moral to start off with.

You don’t go around killing gays, but the bible tells you to.

But bald is a type of hair style there is a connection.

I don’t remember the Bible stating that i must go kill the sinful…

TSS-I don’t know of any who believe in the big bang…Dr. Dobson???

Rachel Cakes-Are you saying that only Christians are that racist and pigheaded??? Are there others??? What denomination is it?? and would you call a human that when everyone creates his or her own moral standards??

Bawpcwpn-Do we need God…No! We can find our own by ourselves but look at what has happened in America when everyone has their own moral standards.
Example-Who here believe that O.J. Simpson was correct?? Would he be innocent since his principles said he could take his stuff back?? Would hitler be right???

The world must find moral principles from an outside source becuase if it is from the human then it always will be different…that is why i choose God’s.

Both…it is what he says and those sayings are being proven today as excellent recommendations…Did the Hebrews know that certain rules were really good suggestions?? NO…so why would we change them into “suggestions” thousands of years after they were laws??

I wouldn’t say in America everyone has their own moral standards. Religion is rife right throughout the USA. In fact, the USA is pretty much a Christian state probably to the distaste of your founding fathers.


So it would be safe to assume that most American’s morals come from a Christian God. Laws have typically based on some “religious” based morals such as murdering is bad, but one can come to that conclusion without religion. If Religion is found to be false in years to come, then that will prove that the morals that you believe come from God, actually just came from a normal human being, probably one with a lot of common sense and archaic beliefs.

I’m a little confused by your response to my question though. It can’t be both. If it is good because God commands it, well what if God said, “Go kill your first born immediately or suffer my wrath!”, well that doesn’t mean killing babies is good. A person who doesn’t base their morals on anything from a religion could tell you that. You would argue that killing babies is wrong too and you know this because you personally have a sense of right and wrong at a basic level, and you don’t need a God to tell you this.
If on the other hand God commands it because it is good, well then that means that the good is far above God, and if God accesses it, well then we can access it too because it is objective.

Just some food for thought.

What is immoral to you, may be moral to me and vice versa.

Example: Say, a woman is raped and she gets pregnant to her rapist. I might say it is her choice to have an abortion because she may not be able to deal with raising, or even giving birth to a baby that did not come from a loving relationship, but from a traumatic experience. But you might say it’s immoral for her to have an abortion, end of story, because that could be classed as murder in your eyes.

The world is not black and white, which is why, even with a ‘moral standard’ (if you could call it that) people will still impress their own morals onto the Bible anyway.

How about most, if not all, scientists?

And if you mean ‘why don’t many Christians who are scientists, or Christians in general, believe in the Big Bang’ that would be because it contradicts with the Bible, so they choose to ignore the evidence.

No, I did not say that. You are again using the A = B, therefore B = A argument. Of course there are other people that are just as racist and pigheaded that are not Christian, but my point was, for a group of people that call themselves ‘moral’ and that rely on book that is supposedly the complete moral code of how to live your life, there sure are a lot of prejudices (and have been prejudices in the past) due to that exact same book.

Not exactly sure what you meant by that last sentence, but if they were racist, homophobic and generally prejudiced, then I would call them immoral, no matter what spiritual beliefs they held. But only immoral in my opinion and compared to my morals.

God’s moral principals that have been written by different people, and where there are many omissions, differing translations, and inconsistencies, and how some parts can be taken literally or figuratively, people are going to come to different conclusions about certain topics anyway. And, like I said, you are going to pick and choose which parts to abide by and which parts to disregard: whether because it would interfere with your life too much, or because those passages are grossly outdated and against the law, not to mention immoral by today’s standards. (Immoral according to most people today, and I know that sentence doesn’t hold much weight especially as there is no clear definition of moral and immoral.)

One thing I’ve been seeing Atheists doing is categorizing “Creationists” as Christians. Not a whole lot of non-Christians know this, but different types if Christianity believe the same things.

I am Episcopalian. I believe in Evolution. I do not believe that the world was created in seven days. That is a thing I like to call metaphor. The Bible isn’t MEANT to be taken literally, (Think Revelations. I would like to see someone take THAT literally)
Adam and Eve (at first I wrote it EVE, lol), the garden of Eden, and the serpant, in my opinion, are symbolizing the original followers of God. They where happy in their little society, all was well, until a seed of rebellion and greed was sprouted and spread. This tore the people apart, and God sent them their separate ways to see what the real world is like.

I love Jesus and I talk to God, but I don’t think he had such a up-close-and-personal relationship with the people back then except for special people like Moses and Joseph.

rachelcakes:and the Bible wasn’t even really written by the disciples. It was handed down, rewritten by priest to priest. We don’t even know if that whole “men are superior” thing was originally in the Bible AT ALL. Remember how the Church took out the Book of Mary because they thought women are below men? God might not have meant it to be that way. Point is, those prejudices may not be God’s view, but one of the many Priest who rewrote the Bible’s view. You can’t say that the Christian religion is racist because of prejudices in the Bible.

Rac_Rules - There are plenty of other “Creationists” that are not Christian, but for the sake of consistency and also because most of what I write is in response to Al-Bob, and also because I was brought up being told that the story of Creation was literal, then that’s what I am talking about when I say Creationsists. Sorry to generalise, but it just makes my points easier to understand.

You’d be surprised at how many Christians do take Noah’s Ark, the story of Adam and Eve and the apple, God making Adam out of dirt, and creating the universe in 7 days, as fact and very literally. Oh, yes, and especially Revelations where it’s thought that the the bodies of the true believers will physically ascend to Heaven.

In regards to all the errors in the Bible: if God has complete control, and had the power to see into the future, why did he let people completely ruin his message? Why not just make a Bible out of dirt, with everything he wanted to say and that was it? Why sit back and let it be tainted humans?

I’m sorry if I implied that Christians are racist, as that was not my point at all. My point was, if Christianity has such high morals, and the Bible is supposed to be the moral code of how to live your life, why are some Christians still so racist and prejudeced? If they read the Bible, and the Bible is moral, and we can all pretty much agree here that being prejuced against someone because the colour of their skin is racist, and therefor immoral, then why are some Christians still racist? I’m more than sure you still have racism in the south of the US.

What I was implying is that of course there are still racists around. Being a Christian doesn’t change their point of view, because if they have racist attitudes to begin with, then they will look at the Bible and find passages to support that view and justify their attitude, but if they are not a racist person, then they will look at the Bible and find passages (such as “love one another”) whilst seeing the racist/homophobic/other outdated way of thinking as, just that, outdated, and not applicable, or moral today.

But this contradicts with what Al-Bob said, that the Bible has one opinion and that is God’s, but I strongly disagree since the Bible is so open to perception and moral impression of the reader that the interpretation and use of it is as varied as there are Christians.

That is like saying God doesn’t exist because there is sin. Can God help it if we put the Bible in book form and rewrite it? Yes, He probably can. But he doesn’t, because, well, I don’t know. :~o

I know this will sound like I’m just adding fluff because I can’t answer you, but we aren’t MEANT to know. We are just humans, and God is almighty. He is working on something we don’t understand. Christians who say that their interpretations are the only way aren’t really Christians, since we don’t know what God wants or means. We are not supposed to, plain and simple. (And frankly, if I know how Armageddon is going to work, I couldn’t really enjoy life).